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Old 09-10-2003, 05:19 PM
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Casting yor pearls before swine was a term Jesus used when it was time to back off and shut your mouth because it was obvious you were getting nowhere.
Jesus required it of his followers to take the good news of the Gospel to all men. Unfortuneately we are just men and don't always come off right or have our hearts in the right place. Jesus however did and to judge Him by people that can't possible represent Him as he does himself isn't fair. The only real way is to have a close and personal relationship with Him. And only then can you really know what he is about.
Now I'm finished, thanks Ken
Old 09-10-2003, 05:46 PM
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I have a bridge for sale, it's convenient to downtown New York City if anyone is interested....
Old 09-10-2003, 06:17 PM
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How very appropriate that yapping dog symbol is.
Old 09-10-2003, 08:12 PM
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I thought you would appreciate that.

I was also correct.

I love you even if you antagonise me, brother...


Last edited by Greywolf; 09-10-2003 at 08:16 PM.
Old 09-13-2003, 09:52 AM
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Here are some questions:

If you go to church on sunday morning, sunday night, and even wednessday night does that make you a Christian?

If you pray 2 hours a day and read the Bible 2 hours a day, does that make you a Christian?

Let's say you live a really good life. You are an all around nice person, and you help out when someone needs it. You don't do anything wrong according to the Bible, but you have never asked Christ into your life and lived for him... will you go to Heaven?

When did God first come into play? How long has he actually been around?

If you are married on Earth, and you and your spouse are killed in a car accident, will you go to Heaven as a couple? (Of course this question is based on the fact that you are actually going to Heaven.)

Where is hell?

Where is heaven?

Is Satan and his demons actually real?

Now then, I'm not asking these questions because I need to know the answers. I'm asking these questions simply to know what you think.

Also: In response to Big Daddy Velvet --

Actually I didn't pay to get in. It was totally free. So I guess that throws your ticket idea out the window. Also, he talks just like you and me. He spoke no different than my Pastor at home. He is a preacher not a hypnotist. No one was "under his influence" because he had absolutely no power. God had the power, not him. He's merely a tool in God's work. Sorry, but I never got duped BDV. Here's why. Benny Hinn isn't the only person out there who can pray for someone, and the person gets healed from it. My father is a preacher, and he too has prayed for the sick, and the sick were sick no more. More than once too. Is that because my dad has some supernatural power? No, but God sure does. I remeber one day, my sister was at home watching Benny Hinn on TV. She had been sick for about 2 days. Benny Hinn always seems to pray for people watching on TV. My sister was healed from being sick the moment his prayer ended. I'm not telling you these accounts to BS you. It's reality...100% reality. The Bible says that 'by his stripes we are healed.'

My friend, that is true. God bless you sir.

Last edited by true4.2; 09-13-2003 at 10:03 AM.
Old 09-13-2003, 03:12 PM
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Hey- I don't think Jehovah's Witnesses are the closest to the first Christians... (in fact I dissagree with them entirely...) I think the church closest to the earliest Christians is this church..... (the on I go to)...
Old 09-13-2003, 09:51 PM
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It doesn't matter what YOU as an individual thinks, conspires, or theorizes to be the truth, because there is only one. The truth is, some 2000 years ago a man named Jesus Christ was sent from Heaven, God's only begotten son, who was rejected, scoffed at, undermined and then nailed to a rugged tree known as the cross to pay YOUR sin debt. Jesus was the ultimate sacrifice for you and I. He was 100% man, yet 100% God. Three days after dying on the cross he arose from the dead, and later ascended to Heaven leaving this saying: If I go I will come again to receive you unto myself, for where I am ye may be also. He will come again, folks. Believe this. Jesus is the only salvation you, as a human, have. John 3:16 says "For God so loved the world he gave his only begotten Son, That whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life". All you have to do is believe. It sounds easy, huh? It is that easy.

The Bible was not written hundreds of years after Jesus, but was written since the beginning of time. The Bible, however, was TRANSLATED in 1611 by King James for you and I to read and follow. The KJV Bible: King James version (not some NKJV,NTV,RNTV, MIC, KEY,MOU,SE) is the one and only God inspired Bible for you and I. All other versions are compromises! The NTV removes all references to homosexuals as well as the Blood of Jesus! Other versions remove the aforementioned plus many other things such as the virgin birth. Steer clear of this misleading literature.
Who are we to judge whether or not all prophecies in the Bible have come true or passed? Especially someone who has only read a few chapters. Please! If an individual studied and meticulously read every word of the Bible, it will never fully be understood while on this Earth. How dare an individual declare such ignorance as to know God's full intentions and thoughts!

Once a person hears or reads the true plan of salvation the holy spirit deals with them. It is their choice to accept or decline the free offer of salvation. All it takes is acceptance and faith. Accept Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord of your life and have faith that he is. Go find yourself a good Bible teaching, God worshipping church and you may experience the goodness of God in his house. A lot of things may seem confusing now as a lost man or woman, boy or girl, but once you accept Jesus Christ as your Savior, the Holy Spirit guides you and helps you to understand things like you have never understood before. Trust me, I know. I accpeted Jesus Christ as my Savior and Lord of my life almost 9 years ago and I have seen the works of God in my life over and over.

For those of you who believe Christianity is dead, it is not. However, it is hard to find a true Christian in many places you go. I live in North Carolina, also know as the Bible Belt. There are more God called preachers called from NC than any other state. I thank God for letting me grow up in this area so that I may hear the truth and experience God's goodness daily.
If you don't agree with what I've said, fine. But hear this: Jesus Christ loves and cared enough for YOU to die on an old rugged cross; whether you love him or not.

Sin will take you farther than you want to go, keep you longer than you want stay, and cost you more than you're willing to pay. I urge you to give Jesus Christ a chance. He is the ultimate cure for everything in your life.
Old 09-14-2003, 08:52 AM
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MIC,KEY,MOU,SE <----Good one
Old 09-14-2003, 09:36 AM
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Well said
Old 09-14-2003, 10:16 AM
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Excuse me, I'm going to throw up now.
Old 09-14-2003, 10:28 AM
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Originally posted by Jarlaxle:

Haven't read much Old Testament, have we?
only about 90% of

Here's your problem, you base your idea of the Bible on the old testiment. People sacrificed goats, bulls, sheep, birds, etc. to God in the old testiment as atonement for their sins. If they failed to do so, or if they messed up really bad, then God would have ultimate judgment on them. They would either be cast of of their tribe or or the other. That's before Jesus died for us. When Jesus died, he was the ultimate sacrifice for our sins. (ie: he took the worlds sin upon himself and died, defeated death, hell, and the grave and went to heaven) That's the change Jarlaxle. So when you call God immature, you really aren't saying anything. I don't know many immature people that would unselfishly die in my place. Do you?

If you don't, I have news for ya, he knows you. (because he created you)

Old 09-14-2003, 10:28 AM
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So what about the above questions?

Last edited by true4.2; 09-14-2003 at 10:34 AM.
Old 09-15-2003, 07:33 PM
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I believe in Christ and know where I am going when I die. Enough said for me.

Sherlock (wo Watson as he is an inanimate object that cannot make a decision)
Old 09-15-2003, 08:57 PM
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hey you holy rollers....what do you suppose the good book has been trying to tell you???? it gets repeated over and over thy neighbor. which means...dont kill him, dont take his woman,dont steal from him and be NICE. it is the law in ever religion. you guys that go to church [to be seen] on sunday morn. get into the gin at midday and start kicking the wife and the dog just make me sick. just be nice you and that's all you need. all the posturing aint gonna get you anywhere. just what exactly being on your knees is going to bring huh? just be nice and put your cottin'g picken dogmas aside and you'll be on the road to perfection and not holding back your evolving..... something your creator wanted you to do.
Old 09-16-2003, 07:37 AM
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hey you holy rollers....what do you suppose the good book has been trying to tell you???? it gets repeated over and over thy neighbor. which means...dont kill him, dont take his woman,dont steal from him and be NICE. it is the law in ever religion. you guys that go to church [to be seen] on sunday morn. get into the gin at midday and start kicking the wife and the dog just make me sick. just be nice you and that's all you need. all the posturing aint gonna get you anywhere. just what exactly being on your knees is going to bring huh? just be nice and put your cottin'g picken dogmas aside and you'll be on the road to perfection and not holding back your evolving..... something your creator wanted you to do.
So you're saying that by living a good life, you'll go to Heaven? The Bible says absolutely nowhere that you'll go to Heaven by living a just life. The only way to Heaven is through accepting Jesus as your saviour and letting him live in you. Through that, you live for him. It's like the "good book" says, Jesus died so that we could live.

Correct me if I'm way off here yavapai, but are you really suggesting that if you live an honest life without God, you'll go to Heaven? Read Romans

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