Review: Turtle Wax Ice

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Review: Turtle Wax Ice
The good folks at Turtle Wax sent me a package with their new product, Turtle Wax® Ice.

The boss liked nothing more than to see that package show up before promptly dropping some heavy hints that his truck sure could use a good wash and wax.

Taking the hint rather than taking my pink slip I set off to try out the new Turtle Wax Ice Product. Now anytime you use any new product you are a bit leery, coupled with the fact that I was using this on the boss’s brand new Roush Truck — well I was expecting some big things from this product, well let me say, this product delivers.

While the pictures may not completely detail the shine and ease of putting the product on I can certainly attest to the fact Turtle Wax has come a long way. We all remember the early days of the round Turtle Wax tins with the cakey wax that was impossible to remove from those hard to get spots.

I applied it as soon as the vehicle was washed and slightly damp and I was very impressed I also like the fact that any overspray could be easily wiped off with no sign of greasy residue. There was no streakiness that usually comes with many wax products.

I used a cotton cloth and even on colors such as deep black this product really stands up to the test and is worth its weight in gold. Plus the boss’s truck is all shiny so I get to keep my job for another day.

Jason Boland
Review: Turtle Wax Ice

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