BOLT Locks’ Ingenious Way to Protect Your Stuff on Your Ford

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BOLT Lock Ford Side Cut_ Family

When you wander around a trade show like the NTEA Work Truck Show in Indianapolis, you see some pretty cool stuff. Some of the stuff you see is specific to one industry, such as electrical work. Others are great products that everyone can use, but often comes with a steep price. However, there is one company that sells something that will make all of your lives easier, and the price is damn-near free. We all have stuff we lock up on our trucks, and BOLT Locks has a great way to do it.

BOLT Locks NTEA Work Truck Show_2

BOLT offers various types of locks to protect your tools and items on your truck. You can get a regular padlock for your tool box. You can lock up your trailer hitch. BOLT offers all sorts of different lock options. That’s not why their idea is cool. Their idea is cool because you don’t need any additional keys to make it all work.

Instead of having a bunch of keys on your key ring to protect your stuff, you just use your ignition key. Virtually every truck built in the last 20 years is supported, including the new key design on the 2015 F-150 (obviously not the push-button start, though).

BOLT Locks NTEA Work Truck Show_1

When you get the lock and set it up, it “learns” the ignition key, and all the little nuances of it. After that, the only way to unlock the lock is with that key. And based on the design of this mechanism, I was informed it’s even more difficult to pick than a normal lock, protecting you even more.

They even provide locks to OEMs, so you might already be using a BOLT lock. But if you’re tired of all the keys you have to carry around for work, you should check them out (and they didn’t pay me to say any of this!).

What do you think? Let us know over in the forums!

Chad Kirchner is a regular contributor to Corvette Forum and Ford Truck Enthusiasts, among other auto sites.

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