Conversation Between Just Strokin and lmbbuilders
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3
  1. lmbbuilders
    03-13-2016 01:33 PM - permalink
    thanks, I appreciate it
  2. Just Strokin
    03-11-2016 04:59 PM - permalink
    I sent an email with Ford Truck Enthusiasts as the subject...
  3. lmbbuilders
    03-10-2016 09:44 PM - permalink
    hi, I was reading a few forums and noticed you posted some wiring diagrams for other members. Im in need of some help, I have a 2005 f2520 6.0 diesel with electronic climate control and when my a/c comes on it throws several codes and disables my gas pedal. I know im loosing my 5v reference, but not sure where. I have replaced my compressor, alternator, batteries, low pressure switch, accumulator,oriface tube and disconnected several 5 v reference sensors and all gives me the same results. I know if I disconnect my low pressure switch my defrost and heater works fine, but this is not engaging my compressor. could you email some diagrams to help me troubleshoot? my email address is either way, thanks in advance...hope to hear back from you.

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