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the dumbest way youve hurt yourself??

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Old 08-26-2003, 10:46 PM
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the dumbest way youve hurt yourself??

So there I was riding my bike with my brother on his. I was 7 at the time, we were riding in the back hills of where I lived at the time. We get to the last hill before we get back onto the main roads. My bro made it safely down the hill. So here comes my turn. I head down the hill, I swear I didnt see anything before I went down but at the last second I saw this very ominous rock, hehe. Well my front tire hits the rock and I decide to see what asphalt tastes like. None-the-less it dont taste good, infact it liked what I tasted like and wanted to keep 8 of my front teeth. I remember right before the rock and then getting up and riding down the road to my mommy. I think I was knoced out for a 10-15 seconds. But who knows.
Old 08-26-2003, 10:58 PM
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the dumbest way youve hurt yourself??

Well not truck or garage related, but broke my elbow snowboarding on vacation 2 years ago...
Still bothers me once in a while, and elbow does not completly straighten

I'll stick to cars trucks, sled, etc. Stuff with motors takes care of me
Old 08-26-2003, 10:58 PM
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the dumbest way youve hurt yourself??

This is a long story. My buddy needed me to come pull him out of a ditch, but I could not find a chain (turns out HE had it at his house). so i had to get the next best thing and find a rope. My mom started getting mad cause she said she had just seen the guys truck 5 minutes ago at another buddies house, and we got into it. Well I get steamed and go lookin for that rope, and find one attached to an old swing I had made (2'x3' of 3/4 inch plywood-weighs about 5 pounds), and it was sitting on a shelf in a storage shed. I got to pullin on one end of the rope, and my mom came out yellin at me to leave the swing alone, and I got madder at her and mad at the rope cause the other side was stuck on something. I yanked it and finally the attachment point on the other side that i wasnt pulling on broke and the whole swing came flying at my head. Next thing I remember, I was washing the blood out of my hair and off my face. It had hit me square in the temple, and I had a concussion, but i still went to pull my buddy out of the ditch, but was angry, so i was going down the muddy road WAAAY too fast, and ended up getting stuck myself and had to walk about 3 miles to where they were,concussion and all, but then out of nowhere, my dad shows up in his f-550 work truck and we go pull the kid out. They were in some girls jeep, and we ripped the bumper off getting them out. Then off to get me out. Still had to go to soccer practice the next day too....
Old 08-26-2003, 11:14 PM
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the dumbest way youve hurt yourself??

Mine was about when I was about 7. I was ridin my bike down the street (residential). I heard a noise and turned my head to see what it was. I was tryin to find where the noise was coming from instead of looking where I was going. I ran right into a parked truck. I was going fast enough to fly over the bars and did a faceplant into the windshield. Heres the kicker, it turned out to be a full size Ford Bronco I ran into. I was bruised and able to move around. I remember hopping off the hood and getting back on my bike and headed for home. I looked back to see what I hit and the image of the Ford oval gleaming on that front grill is still clear in my mind.

Last edited by jrs_big_ford_f150; 08-26-2003 at 11:38 PM.
Old 08-26-2003, 11:34 PM
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the dumbest way youve hurt yourself??

Nothing like the classic tales of bicycle accidents!
Old 08-26-2003, 11:42 PM
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the dumbest way youve hurt yourself??

I was about 7ish myself on my bicycle accident... just "tuned up" my bike all by myself, and was really proud! Lubed the chain, adjusted the brakes, aired the tires, and anything else I could figure out how to do. I decided that my performance machine needed a high-speed trial run, and pedaled my heart out. A power-stop seemed in order, and I wanted to see if my front brake, which had given me problems before, was working right. Well, you guessed it -- the braked worked very well. Too well, in fact. The force from brakes applied to the front wheel only was enough to make me flip end-over-end, still holding onto the bike through most of the summersault. I got lucky and landed on the grass -- got back up on my bike, dusted myself off, and decided I would use the rear brakes more often in the future.
Old 08-26-2003, 11:49 PM
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the dumbest way youve hurt yourself??

Then there's the time I walked into the emergency room and said to the nurse at the desk, "Hello. I cut myself in the leg earlier today with a chainsaw, and want to get a tetanus shot, please." Scared here even more when I told her I didn't need a doctor to look at the leg -- it had already been taken care of.

Long sotry short, I was trying to cut the stump of the tree as close to the ground as I could get. My knee was in the wrong place, and I wound up taking a nice gouge just above the right knee. Both my parents are doctors, and my sister just finished operating on live rats in college, so the whole family was involved in patching me back together, stitches and all. I just had to go to the hospital that night for the tetanus shot since I didn't have time with my busy work schedule to do it during the day at a regular doctor's office!
Old 08-26-2003, 11:51 PM
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the dumbest way youve hurt yourself??

Well back in high school my frineds and I used to ride our mountain bikes around college campuses or downtown DC (or anywhere) trying to jump and what not. (actually I still do this blew out a tube tonight) but anyways I was riding at GMU one day and I was coming up to a small set of stairs about 5 or 6 steps. and I was gonna jump the whole set but I realized I was coming up at a messed up angle and the sidewalk dropped away funny on the bottom of the set so my mind decided not to jump but my body had already begun. I got tossed in to some sort of contorted flat spin and kind of bounced off the side walk on the bottom of the stairs. Scrapped the hell out of my left arm and I still have the scar. Also blew the hydraulic line off my front brake so I rode the rest of the afternoon bleeding and with only one brake. And the best part was that night was prom so I was trying real hard not to bleed on my tux. And there are countless more time that I have wrecked hard on my bike...If you are not wrecking you are not trying hard enough.
Old 08-27-2003, 01:17 AM
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the dumbest way youve hurt yourself??

Well, it's not something that happened to me but I friend that came along with me one time snowmobiling. He is kind of lacking up stairs but is a good guy, when his snowmobile died he decided to check to see how much gas was left in the tank with his lighter........ He ended up spending several days in the hospital for his burns and temporary blindness...
Old 08-27-2003, 01:17 AM
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the dumbest way youve hurt yourself??

Way too many ways. My most recent was rolling an 82' Toyota pickup while messing around with my cousin, my hand is still in a cast from that.
Old 08-27-2003, 01:57 AM
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the dumbest way youve hurt yourself??

My battery is dead, so I'll just push the truck out of the driveway (backwards) while turning the wheel, and the driver's side door open. Yes, I did, and yes I did'nt keep up well enough with the truck, and yes I was hit from behind with the door, and yes I ran myself over. Still hurts when I get up in the morning.
Old 08-27-2003, 08:45 AM
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the dumbest way youve hurt yourself??

This is the first time I have ever admitted in public the dumbest thing I have ever done (which resulted in injury to me) When I was about 12 years my mom bought the first disposable butane lighter I had ever seen. ( It was a "Cricket") After torching several items I got curious about what butane smelled like. I figured out how to release the fuel without igniting the flame. After carefully lining up the lighter to my nostril I let fly with the sparking wheel and shot a two inch flame up my nose...Everything smelled burned for the next few days! I have never had any desire to play with fire ever again!
Old 08-27-2003, 08:59 AM
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the dumbest way youve hurt yourself??

that's pretty good shakespeare... can't say I've heard of that one before...

My worst injury has nothing to do with my truck or bike or any of that... it has to do with a vacuum cleaner and bare feet. Yeah, the rug attachment doesn't like toes much. Got the rug stuck, decided to fix it without shutting off the vacuum, and the damn thing sucked my toe right up. I broke my toe with a vacuum. You figure that one out.
Old 08-27-2003, 09:25 AM
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the dumbest way youve hurt yourself??

A long, long time ago when I was much dumber than I am now, I was ridding my Yamaha 350 down Lee Road in Orlando, FL doing about 45 MPH. Traffic was pretty brisk, it was raining and I had a one piece silver zip up rain suit on. I got to thinking what would happen if someone slammed on the front brakes with it this wet and slick. I didn't consciously do it, but I guess my sub-conscious was even more curious, cause the next thing I knew, I was sliding down the road with my bike next to me. I actually passed a car and the look on the passenger as I slid by and he looked down at me and I looked up at him was priceless.

Eventually I slowed down and sort of drifted over and stopped at the curb. I got up, picked the bike up, fired it up and was back on my way without any damage to me or the bike.
Old 08-27-2003, 10:14 AM
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the dumbest way youve hurt yourself??

One day, when I was young and dumb, me and my buddies were riding our quads around and I decided to see if my 250 Suzuki was powerful enough to run over a metal mile marker on the side of the road..............long story short, it wasn't but you would be surprised how far a 15 year old kid can fly without wings!


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