Conversation Between 230thdratsab and 52 Merc
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4
  1. 52 Merc
    03-12-2014 07:36 PM - permalink
    I do still have one. It's taking up space in my shop. I don't know any more about it now than I did before, other than it wasn't running and may have internal damage. What would you like to know? Did you want to come look at it and take it home?
  2. 230thdratsab
    03-12-2014 06:35 AM - permalink
    Good morning 52 Merc. You & I talked year before last about your 254 ci motor. You told me it had a flaw of some sort? Thanks.
  3. 52 Merc
    11-08-2012 09:39 PM - permalink
    Unless you were local and could come look at the one I have left personally and see if it would fit your needs, I wouldn't sell it to you. I'm not sure if anything is wrong with it, but there could be and I'd want you to inspect it for yourself before going forward with a purchase. That's why I've been parting them out. One block was for sure junk, the 'good' engine has oil in the water jackets. But thanks for asking.
  4. 230thdratsab
    11-06-2012 04:29 AM - permalink
    Morning '52 Merc. Any notion what $$ you'd need for the 254ci motor you have?

    Thanks for your time, Douglas

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