Conversation Between bruno2 and ArdWrknTrk
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3
  1. ArdWrknTrk
    10-31-2013 07:55 AM - permalink
    If you take (or met ) your wife to the strip club, these are the heads for you!

    If you like it when small children cower, these heads are for you!

    Have you ever set yourself on fire? These are the heads for you!
  2. bruno2
    08-19-2012 07:07 AM - permalink
    You bet Jim, some things are harder to come by if you dont know the right people. The advice and experience you share with us is extremely helpful. I have been trying to get my old house ready to rent out. It is eating my lunch trying to pay 2 mortgages and utilities. The sooner I get this thing rented the better off I will be. Then I can get back to my truck stuff.
  3. ArdWrknTrk
    08-18-2012 08:19 PM - permalink
    Thank you Bruno!
    Haven't seen you much lately.

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