Pat Harvey's Ford Truck Collection is Now One with Nature

Spooky or just plain sad? This amazing Ford truck graveyard is sure to give you mixed emotions!

By Brett Foote - November 1, 2017
Pat Harvey's Ford Truck Graveyard
Retirement Row
Persistence in Rot
Other People's Junk
Junkyard, or Art?

1. Pat Harvey's Ford Truck Graveyard

Out in the wilderness near Crawfordville, Florida, you won't find much outside of some pretty coastal scenery. But if you look hard enough through a massive oak tree and plenty of tall grass, you might just spot one of the more impressive Ford truck graveyards in existence. The Harvey family farm, once home to growing food and livestock, is now nothing other than the final resting place for a number of old trucks.

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2. Retirement Row

The trucks, once owned by Pat Harvey's father, are all lined up in chronological order today. Each one of the trucks, dating from the early 1900s to the 1970s, served their working lives here on the farm. After their useful life was up, each donated parts to keep other equipment running. Today, the field just off the coastal highway has become a popular destination and stopping point for passing photographers.

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3. Persistence in Rot

Over the years, a number of outside influences have threatened to eliminate the spectacle of rotting trucks. Vandals have wrecked havoc on the rides, and the city even has an ordinance prohibiting junk cars on people's property. And yet, Harvey refuses to move them. Or do away with any of these precious personal memories.

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4. Other People's Junk

You see, other folks might see these trucks as nothing more than junk. We enthusiasts undoubtedly see them as potential restoration projects or parts. But Harvey sees them as what they were - important pieces of his life. The 1959 Ford he took his driver's test in is here. So is the 1941 pickup that was the first vehicle he remembers ever riding in. And the station wagon he used to take his dates out in.

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5. Junkyard, or Art?

It's no surprise that so many people see the row of junked out trucks as nothing but pure art. Living art, at that. Those that visit often note how the trucks have changed in appearance over time, as rust and the elements take their toll. But Harvey loves each and every one of them for the special role they have played in his life. He inherited the land and the trucks from his father, and now intends to pass it all to his son. You know, when he heads to the big junkyard in the sky.

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