Conversation Between mecdac and F250_
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2
  1. F250_
    06-27-2018 08:02 AM - permalink
    Thanks for the reps. I've had a recent rash of similar conversations with my 18yo daughter, and I've about hit my limit on people asking for advice and then arguing against the well-established experience of older adults who actually do know better. My wife and I have decided to offer advice when asked for it and if they want to ignore or argue against it, to just let them be stupid and tell them, "Enjoy your freedom of choice and all that comes with it." It's been quite freeing to just let it go when that happens!
  2. F250_
    02-05-2016 07:53 AM - permalink
    Thanks for the reps. Glad to help wherever I can.

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