Conversation Between ktgovols and F1 48 Ford
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3
  1. ktgovols
    06-14-2016 09:59 AM - permalink

    I'll gladly pay for shipping if you'd part with it. Can I pay you via PayPal? I just need your email and how much shipping is. It can come the cheapest way. I'm in Chattanooga, TN


    Keith Taylor
  2. ktgovols
    06-05-2016 07:07 PM - permalink
    Thank you Dean.

    Can I send it to you via PayPal? If you will email me at, I'll send you all my information

    Thanks so much.

  3. F1 48 Ford
    06-04-2016 07:37 PM - permalink
    I have one. You can have it for the cost of shipping. Dean Neubauer

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