Conversation Between Adam R and boatstand
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3
  1. Adam R
    08-25-2017 12:33 AM - permalink
    It's a short read and if nothing else, it gives you some things to think about. I really can't fault anything I've read or heard from Dave and I listen to his podcasts daily. They are entertaining and provide sound advice for a variety of people going through a whole variety of financial challenges. The bottom line is that avoiding debt and saving/investing for the future is a really good idea. When you don't owe anybody anything, it gives you freedom to do other things that are important to you. Anyway, dust of that book and let me know what you think after reading it. Adam
  2. boatstand
    08-24-2017 10:32 AM - permalink
    Thanks for your input Adam. Funny thing you mention Dave Ramsey; when I moved out on my own my parents bought me his book. Unfortunately its been sitting on my shelf ever since, however it seems like a good time to crack it open. I appreciate your perspective on things.
  3. Adam R
    08-24-2017 10:08 AM - permalink
    If I could go back and do one thing sooner in life, I would have taken Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University course when I was I my 20's. I'm only 45, but I wish I'd found his principle's about 20 years ago. I would have avoided a few dumb financial moves and reached my personal financial goals/milestones about 10 years sooner.

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