Conversation Between Volvo92906 and Trojan8975
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2
  1. Volvo92906
    06-11-2011 10:38 PM - permalink
    Do you have a photobucket or anything like that? Its easier if you use a photo posting site and use the links they give you to post pictures. You can also use a social networking site and get the URL from the picture and use this site How Do I Add Pictures to My Posted Messages? - and under the first paragraph bullet 2 you will see the HTML to use. Its sorta hard to explain that is why I didnt speak up before. It is the "< img src" one. Thats what I use.

    Under the "file location and name" is where you put the pictures URL.
  2. Trojan8975
    06-11-2011 09:26 PM - permalink
    I have picture of the cab mounts, but idk how to put them into the post. I have basic membership. Can you help?

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