Conversation Between rob8210 and 77F100stepside
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3
  1. rob8210
    01-27-2018 06:44 AM - permalink
    If you are in need of some parts I have a few extra kicking around . A couple of like new carbs and a lot of little things, egr, carb spacers , plugs, etc. I have an ad on Kijiji Belleville with some of my stuff. Have fun!!!
  2. 77F100stepside
    01-26-2018 12:47 PM - permalink
    I'm in Amherstburg. Down near Windsor.
  3. rob8210
    01-25-2018 08:26 PM - permalink
    Hey 77F100, where in Ontario are you? I am in Brighton

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