Conversation Between rb48f6 and Flat48
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2
  1. rb48f6
    10-14-2009 11:00 AM - permalink
    I tried responding to your note on looking for widow maker replacements with a lot of info, not sure it took. And it would not take all of the response or allow the addition of a file pic in the message??? I did go on a quest for replacements, did have luck after 2 years and a lot of searching. What state, area are you in? and what size are you looking for. I still look and will send you a note if I come across anything.
  2. Flat48
    10-10-2009 11:19 PM - permalink
    Have you had to deal with changing the widow makers? I need a new set of wheel for my F-4. Not easy to find for dually so far...

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