Conversation Between 77&79F250 and Harrier
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5
  1. 77&79F250
    03-01-2021 08:57 AM - permalink
    Here is a link to out monthly chat ad BS thread. March is up and running.

  2. 77&79F250
    09-07-2020 12:33 AM - permalink
    Here is the Missouri chapter September chat and BS thread link:

  3. 77&79F250
    12-06-2017 07:09 PM - permalink
    "I don't get to the Missouri chapter forum much"...? And why not, we are small friendly group and all Ford minded. Stop on by and intro yourself. "I usually stay on the 48-56 group"...that is ok by us, a Ford is a Ford is a Ford and we have a few that have some old iron also.
  4. Harrier
    12-06-2017 01:10 PM - permalink
    Hey Rich,
    I haven't been to that show. Of course this summer was the first time I have had my truck on a trip. I need to do that this summer.
    I put my pin on that map several years ago. I don't get to the Missouri chapter forum much. I usually stay on the 48-56 group.
    I will let you know the next time I plan on heading down. I don't get down there as often as I would like or should.
  5. 77&79F250
    12-05-2017 02:41 PM - permalink
    Here is a great way to locate fellow FTE members.

    And make sure to stop by the monthly chat BS thread. Dec is here.

    Ever come to the summer time Bolivar square car show? I have been there a few times with my blue 79. I live just outside of next time you are visiting your folks, let me know thru FTE.


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