Conversation Between 1975StroppeBaja and acf6
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4
  1. 1975StroppeBaja
    10-16-2012 08:42 PM - permalink
    You're welcome! You deserve 'em after you tackling a job that big.
  2. acf6
    10-16-2012 08:13 PM - permalink
    Thanks for the reps and all the useful writeups you take the time to make!
  3. 1975StroppeBaja
    09-07-2011 03:03 PM - permalink
    I heard that!

    And, thank you for the reps you gave me the other day!
  4. acf6
    09-07-2011 02:49 PM - permalink
    Id rather have an FTE friend use em then sit in the garage haha!
    Thanks for the rep!!

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