Conversation Between Dubbs19s and Jigger2020
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3
  1. Jigger2020
    03-26-2012 03:58 PM - permalink
    Thx for the info Dubbs,, I'll see you at Timmys, Gerry
  2. Dubbs19s
    03-26-2012 12:17 PM - permalink
    i'm down in ferris....i'm sure you have seen my excursion driving around.

    I see you have a mustang too.

    I dont know if you are interested, but the local 4x4 club i belong too meets at tim hortons on McKeown thursday nights around 8
  3. Jigger2020
    03-26-2012 08:19 AM - permalink
    Great to see you're from the Bay too, I live on High Street, Gerry

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