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Old 04-30-2012, 05:01 PM
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Questions about my 58 F600

Hi everyone,

I picked up this old workhorse a year ago and have been fixing it up. It has the original 292 Y-Block in it. I mostly use it to haul wood and dirt and it is the best work truck I've ever owned. I just had a few questions so I don't blow this poor truck up.

What Engine oil should I put in it?
What Transmission Oil should I use and should I change it?

I talked to a guy around here who runs a bunch of really old trucks and he recommended I use the delo 400 40w oil. His reasoning is that since the engine has never been rebuilt, if I put a modern variable weight detergent oil in there it will clean out the deposits and make it run worse. He also recommended that I add a quart of oil for every 10 gallons of gas I put in to protect the valves.

Thank you for all the help.

Bonus question - How would I go about replacing the generator with an alternator?
Super Bonus question - What should I do about the breaks because with a full load going down hill everyone had better get out of the way!