Conversation Between 55f100tx and plumber01
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3
  1. plumber01
    12-12-2011 05:13 PM - permalink
    Haven't seen you in the Texas Chapter in a while, I hope all is well, we are planning a GTG in Houston to work on trucks or install mods for those that need something put on. Any how don't be a stranger around the chapter
  2. plumber01
    06-17-2010 06:44 PM - permalink
    I did the same thing, we all have. To post a message for some one you have to be on their page, hence you would click on my avatar(the black truck picture) and it would bring you to my page, then you just type a message then click "POST MESSAGE" and viola. To take a look at the TEXAS CHAPTER, roll your mouse over the "FORUMS" towards the top of the page(under the FTE banner) and go to CHAPTERS(You can also see different functions and places to go also) then scroll down to TEXAS and check it out, But to make it easy I'll post a link here for ya

    Texas Chapter - Ford Truck Enthusiasts Forums TEXAS CHAPTER MAIN PAGE TO JOIN THE TEXAS CHAPTER

    Alot of nice people here and good conversation
  3. plumber01
    06-02-2010 08:57 PM - permalink
    Thought I would stop in and invite you to the TEXAS CHAPTER, Have a good one!!

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