Conversation Between Down Under 77 C/C and jbell110
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2
  1. jbell110
    01-09-2012 04:34 AM - permalink
    Yeah, I think it came from bronco bits, the guy I got it from got it from the auctions.
    They must have sent stuff there when they closed down. Yes leaving it LHD for now,
    just fixing everything so I can get it rego'ed, always more stuff than you think !!
    Where did you get your CC?
    cheers Jeff
  2. Down Under 77 C/C
    01-09-2012 03:00 AM - permalink
    Hi jbell, nice truck, did you get it from bronco bits, if it's the same one , had my eye on it. What motor has it got? Are you going to leave it LHD? Fill me in! Hope all is well.

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