Conversation Between Surge08 and plumber01
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6
  1. plumber01
    07-01-2010 03:36 PM - permalink
    Congratulations on the TOTM, Buddy
  2. Surge08
    05-22-2010 11:52 PM - permalink
    Yeah been busy trying to make extra cash sorry about that, how have you been?
  3. plumber01
    05-22-2010 12:37 PM - permalink
    Haven't said HI in a while, Hope all is well with ya.
  4. Surge08
    04-19-2010 10:23 AM - permalink
    Yes but yours can win trophy's plus I like the tuckaway spare
  5. plumber01
    04-19-2010 07:23 AM - permalink
    Darn Nice truck!! You get more use out of yours than mine does. Mine just sits around go-rage.
  6. Surge08
    04-19-2010 12:10 AM - permalink
    Mine made it in this week, still love your truck better then mine.

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