Conversation Between LxMan1 and rougeriver
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3
  1. rougeriver
    01-08-2015 06:11 PM - permalink
    Yes. The thread was viewable on the mobile version, so I was able to edit my post and delete the problem. I asked for help before I thought of how to fix it myself. Thanks!

  2. LxMan1
    01-07-2015 09:57 PM - permalink
    So I am guessing that you got it straightened out?
  3. rougeriver
    01-05-2015 03:13 PM - permalink
    Edit: I corrected the issue. Sorry.
    It appears I've broken a thread - "need advice on painting?" - by posting a YouTube playlist link in my reply. I would be grateful if you could delete my post so the thread will be restored.


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