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darkmindzz 06-08-2009 05:57 PM

quick answer please. where is the pcv hose
going to seafoam my truck.. can someone tell me where the pcv hose is on my 99 f250 v10

Ballswedge 06-08-2009 06:02 PM

Before you do that, whats the problem with it?

darkmindzz 06-08-2009 06:05 PM

i am going to seafoam it.. just to try to flush some carbon out of it that is robbing my of MPG, throttle response etc.

Ballswedge 06-08-2009 06:17 PM

The PCV is on the passenger side valve cover.

I don't mean to tell you what to do but I'm about 99% sure that will not help you.

darkmindzz 06-08-2009 06:24 PM

i thought i would give it a try still.. can you be more detailed on the hose i should use. there are several hoses on the passengar side.. do you have a pic

Ballswedge 06-08-2009 06:31 PM

Its a valve that it plugged into the valve cover on the passenger side of the engine. If you pull it out of the cover you'll see that it is a pcv valve. It should be the only hose going into the cover. You can then pull the hose off of the pcv valve and use it to administer the seafoam.

darkmindzz 06-08-2009 07:25 PM

ok so just to make sure.. on the passenger side of the truck there is only one hose going into the value .. i pull that end out and into that end of the hose i can pour the seafoam..

aside from seafoam, what you do recommend i do, let me also add that right after the seafoam I am installing new plugs ..anything else i am overlooking.

MikeMcCasland 06-08-2009 07:57 PM

In order to seafoam I would normally pull the cable off the brake booster line, I've never done it through the PCV hose.

1. Seafoam
2. New Plugs
3. New Airfilter
4. Clean MAF
5. Clean Throttle Body
6. New Fuel Filter
7. New PCV Valve
8. Change fluids over to synthetic (Engine/Diffs/Transfer Case/Transmission)

All of the above would assist in restoring previously lost throttle response.

Move over I'm coming 06-09-2009 05:41 AM

You can use any hose that pulls vacume to put Seafoam in your engine.
I use a smaller hose connected to intake manifold & add 3ft. of vacume hose so I can slowly feed the liquid in to engine without having the engine kill because of a major vacume leak. I just pinch off the flow when the engine wants to kill out. I also don't like to race the engine speed with a major vacume leak as I'm old school and afraid of running too lean and I fear burning up a valve during the process.

krewat 06-09-2009 07:26 AM

The two biggest things for throttle response and MPGs on the V10 are cleaning the MAF and changing the fuel filter.

BEFORE you go and pour a solvent into the intake of your somewhat-perfectly-running engine, go and do all the normal tune-up stuff first.

If you're afraid to do the plugs, at least remove the COPs, make sure there's no moisture or dirt in the holes, and check the boots. Then use dielectric grease around the tip of the boot where it meets the plug, the top of the boot where it seals to the COP and then around the seal area where it seals to the head.

Ballswedge 06-09-2009 04:42 PM

I was wondering how you got such a high post count....


krewat 06-09-2009 04:54 PM

Originally Posted by Ballswedge (Post 7592151)
I was wondering how you got such a high post count....


There's something wrong with the system, and it's double posting, but it's only been doing it for a week or so. I didn't get over 20K by double posting :-X14

Ballswedge 06-09-2009 05:51 PM

It was a joke.

krewat 06-09-2009 08:35 PM

Originally Posted by Ballswedge (Post 7592407)
It was a joke.

I know, I know ;)

Move over I'm coming 06-10-2009 03:13 AM

Krewat grew up on FTE. he used to be krewat. Now he is uppercase.

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