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3Mike6 01-15-2009 09:20 PM

Some times, a man has just had enough
If you've been to my place, you know I have (between me and Mom) 6 acres that butts up against the city limits, all along our property line are "city" homes..just an estimate but there must be 15 or so homes that thier back yard fence, is against my pastures.

So, we get the crap, folks tossing things over the fence, everything from a-z, so yesterday as I made my daily pass I found some brown-striped underwear (mens), plus the usual...and I went ballistic.

I decided to walk the whole property line and toss anything I found over to the closest yard.

Well, seems one "good neighbor" thought it was real convienent to toss his/her pine tree trimmings one my side of the fence..after picking up a bunch of crap, and my mind just getting more in a frenzy, this prick caught the trifecta.

Oh..did I mention he has a pool?

Soo, I start tossing all his clipping back into his yard, just flinging them the best and farthest I can.

Sorta pissed me off, ya know?

I then (after the tossing of the braches) decided this dork needed a talking to, and drove around to his place, guess he was either not home or hiding, so I sorta laid it out for the wife/GF who came to the the door.

Now tonight, I was BBQ'ing some burgers, and the lady pulls in, starts getting all pissy about me tossing the crap back over into thier yard.

Oh well I say. She then goes on to tell me about how it all landed in their pool, along with a bunch of dog-doo.

Look, as the Lord is my witness, I didn''t toss poo over the fence.

"Geesh Lady", I tell her, "no way I picking up poo with my bare hands".

"Yes I tossed the branches back over".

She says "I don't believe you"

I say "such is life, I got burgers to cook".

She starts ranting about how "infantile" I am, so I just go back inside, I come out a few minutes later to flip the burgers, and she start in on me again.

So, I tell her "hey, I have an idea",

..."tomorrow, I'll go down to the Oakdale Police Department and swear out a complaint against you for illegal dumping into my back yard".

She says "fine" and she'll do the same.

I ask her "oh, you think I'll get in troble for tossing your crap back into your yard that you dumped in mine'?

She also went on to tell me I should have had "the courtesy" to talk to them first before throwing things back, I told her she should have given me the coutesy to let me know she was dumping her **** on my property.

She still didn't get it.

She went off bitching and moaning.

My parting words were "If I see one more twig from your place in my field, I'm going to scoop up a load of horse **** and muddy dirt and dump it over the fence".

I'm now patiently sitting here waiting for her hubby to stop by:)

Man, I feel like GOOD!!

fastmover 01-15-2009 10:06 PM

Good for you for sticking up for yourself. I can't stand it when people litter, and that is what they did to your yard.

I have a medium and a large dog. If you need more "ammo", I can give you a big bag to take back with you this weekend. :-X10

Nighteyez 01-15-2009 11:29 PM

She was blond right? :)

3Mike6 01-16-2009 02:01 AM

Originally Posted by fastmover (Post 7015545)
Good for you for sticking up for yourself. I can't stand it when people litter, and that is what they did to your yard.

I have a medium and a large dog. If you need more "ammo", I can give you a big bag to take back with you this weekend. :-X10

Honestly, I did not toss poop over the fence...I was out with my 7YO walking the property line and tossing things over, but NO WAY I'd pick up poop in my bare hand, heck, I didn't even see any.

Now truth be told, if she sme back and rants again, a little dog-mess in her back yard will be the least of her worries...but I'll wait till summertime when they are enjoying the pool before I drop my load:)

3Mike6 01-16-2009 02:03 AM

Originally Posted by Nighteyez (Post 7015774)
She was blond right? :)

Damned Jim,

Yes she is, or appears that way. Might be a dye-job, I dunno. :-bigparty

Bart8109 01-16-2009 02:23 AM

Thing is she knows she threw things over her fence to your place, and yet she's indignant. We're like children with very short term memory, and we think we can affect global warming. One wonders. Good for you Mike. Probably would have done the same.

Nighteyez 01-16-2009 02:26 AM

Makes no sense to me why some people would even think that throwing their trash in a neighbor's yard is ok. And then to get mad at the other person for throwing it back? What a joke.

Sparky83 01-16-2009 02:32 AM

lol i loved that... i swear i wish people would think before they speak sometimes...we got a lady in my neighborhood just like that... id definitely report them for illegal dumping... after all it is your property they dumped it on... if ya see it again.. id grab a camera and take pics before ya toss it back for when ya report it...

DROOPY209 01-16-2009 04:49 AM

That sucks Mike. I hate stupid neighbors that are like that. Where does she get the idea that it's ok to illegally dump on your property? I remember when I was a teenager my neighbors would call the cops on me saying that I was riding my shifer kart on the street when all I was doing was mowing my front lawn when the sun went down. It sounded like a go-kart, but I was mowing the lawn.

Isn't there a fine of like $1,000 for illegal dumping? I see signs around here on the country roads where people dump broken washing machines and crap.

joe f350 01-16-2009 10:07 AM

give my the word i will drive my truck right in to there live room
or get a pit bull and train it to jump on the fence whe some on get close u have 6 acres ur owen little ohv park u lucky basterd

Bart8109 01-16-2009 10:22 AM

Mike, if you have Joe drive a truck into the neighbors, let us all know about it so we can come and watch. Maybe even a BBQ, heck I'll spring for beer.

But Joe, don't drive your Ford, use a chevy pickup. Lot's of those that need to be taken off the road. If fact, you're practically doing a public service.

Maybe we do this after the Swap meet at the end of the month.
Swap meet, BBQ, house smashing and Chevy truck destruction day. Start the day slowly and finish with a bang or kaboom :)

joe f350 01-16-2009 10:31 AM

i have a 99 gmc junker

3Mike6 01-16-2009 12:43 PM

I don't driving a truck through the front door is such a good idea;)

Bart8109 01-16-2009 12:49 PM

Of course it's not a good idea, but that doesn't have to stop us from having a good time ;)

joe f350 01-16-2009 03:38 PM

its not good its great hey i have bunch of stuff u can throw over her fence and i can rev my strait piped 6.9 in her back yard it steats off car alarms lol if she a wants will give war:-X01:-X01:-X01:-X01

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