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Annihilator 03-22-2005 05:23 PM

Best Heavy Metal/Hard Rock songs and bands
I was born in 84 but grew up listening to all this stuff and still for the most part stay in it. Anyone who doesn't like it or thinks it's stupid can lick the sweat off of my air guitar playing fingers Ha ha!
I will just name a couple that come to mind...
Band Song Album
Tesla Almost all of them Mechanical Resonance
Motley Crue Most of them Almost all of their albums

Annihilator 03-22-2005 05:26 PM

That post didn't come out the way it was supposed too!
Band- Tesla/ album- Mechanical Resonance/ Song (s) almost all of them
Band- Motley Crue/ album-almost all of them/ Song (s) out of all their albums, there were good songs on every one I have listed to

m1garand1 03-22-2005 05:32 PM

How about:

Exodus/ Tempo of the Damned
Metallica/ Kill 'Em All, Ride the Lightning, Master of Puppets
Iron Maiden

fordfan302 03-22-2005 05:47 PM

I wouldnt really consider motley crue as metal, but they could be classified as a Hair Band:-X10

But metal bands that i like are...
Black Sabbath, Iron Maiden, Kreator, Megadeth, Judas Priest, Motorhead, Metallica, Pantera, Slayer, Testament, The Cult, Black Label Society, Morbid Angel....Now thats METAL

Annihilator 03-22-2005 05:50 PM

Right on Brutha!
Megadeth- Peace Sells but Who's Buying/ So Far... So Good... So What!/ Rust In Peace/ Countdown To Extinction/ Youthanasia/ Cryptic Writings/ maybe 1 or 2 songs off of Risk, same with The World Needs A Hero/ The System has failed has some pretty descent tunes in my opnion.

Most of the Metallica albums, Love Kill 'Em All/ Ride The Lightning/ Master of Puppets/ And Justice For All.../ the "Black" album/ some songs off of Load and Reload/ Garage Inc./ not a big fan of St. Anger though, highly overated in my opnion. I honestly think that Anthrax's album "We've Come For You All" was a lot better.

Do you remeber the BulletBoys?

Annihilator 03-22-2005 05:52 PM

I know but the Crue are just that, a band that has or is still kind of standing the test of time and I don't care who you are, songs like Wildside and Dr. Feelgood are kick-a$$ partyin tunes.

Chris_ce 03-22-2005 05:58 PM

In no order.
Megadeth/Countdown To Extinction
Motley Crue/Decade
The top hair band of all time/VH1/Poison

Still Listen to The Cult, Hanio Rocks,Metallica, Danzig, Warrant, And a bunch more.

If you like this stuff you really need to get sirius.

My most hated band of all time. Quensryche, Mr Big, Micheal Bolten. Yes he done heavy metal for a while.
Edit I heard a song off of Risk at the mall one day on their radio system.
If Megadeth put Risk out as their first album it would have made it real big in the 80's.

Annihilator 03-22-2005 05:59 PM

I woudn't exactly condiser The Cult as a metal band though either as they are more hard rock, they do have some great songs though. Wild Hearted Son, Sun King, Fire Woman...

Annihilator 03-22-2005 06:03 PM

I think I will get Sirius sometime in my 73 and I am looking at buying a Ford Probe GT but that is a little off subject.

Annihilator 03-22-2005 06:05 PM

Huh, I really like the Queensryche stuff I have listened to. I love songs like Jet-City Woman, Eyes of a Stranger, Spreading the Disease, The Bridge really reminds me of my relationship with my biological father

LaredoF350 03-22-2005 06:06 PM

I think 'She sells Sanctuary' is the Cult's best song.

Annihilator 03-22-2005 06:13 PM

Anyone heard of the band Trouble?

Annihilator 03-22-2005 06:36 PM

I like one of the new Monster Magnet songs, I think it is called Hotel Baby.

Chris_ce 03-22-2005 06:36 PM

A little tid bit of info.
Dave Mustaine started out with Metallica but was kicked out of the band because he partied to much and he punched James Hatfeild in the nose.
Dave is also a black belt. It would be pretty cool to see Dave Mustaine and David Lee Roth duke it out.

Smaug 03-22-2005 06:37 PM

Dio, Dokken, Savatage, Fastway, Judas Priest, Metallica

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