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RBrendel 12-29-2002 08:07 PM

Pres. AL SHARPTON !?!? Now THAT is a joke..

BrianA 01-03-2003 10:33 PM

Pres. AL SHARPTON !?!? Now THAT is a joke..
[updated:LAST EDITED ON 03-Jan-03 AT 11:35 PM (EST)]Reported in the news:

NEW YORK, Jan. 3 — The Rev. Al Sharpton announced Friday that he will form a presidential exploratory committee, saying he is probably more qualified than any other Democrat seeking the White House. “I am running for president to finally put the issues concerning most Americans onto the front burner,” the 48-year-old civil rights activist said in a statement.
“I’m qualified, probably more qualified than any other person who is expected to be on the Democratic ticket for 2004, because I actually have a following and I speak for the people,” said Sharpton, who has never held public office.

end quote.

Somebody tell me this is either:
a) a really bad joke.
b) a really bad dream.

My OPINION - this guy is not qualified to be president of Romper Room, let alone the U.S.

What a buffoon.

Brian A

TheWiz427 01-03-2003 10:37 PM

Pres. AL SHARPTON !?!? Now THAT is a joke..
Geeesh.....The Democrats are bringing out all the clowns! Who's next Hillary?

Wiz :-X03

[|"Wiz's Place"]

DailyDriver 01-04-2003 03:03 AM

Pres. AL SHARPTON !?!? Now THAT is a joke..
The Democratic party seems to be falling all over themselves. Now everybody wants to be president except Al Gore. How many is it up to now? It will be interesting to sit back and watch the primaries as all of those vieing for the Democratic party nomination start spouting off about how they are more qualified than their opponet.

A nightly news comentary might sound something like this.

"Candidate A, who remains silent on the drugs for seniors proposal, who says he's better qualified than candidate B, who by the way voted for the home security bill, and because candidate C and his education proposal is much like candidate D, who thought President Bush stole the election and who is a good friend of Senator Clinton, who is against candidate A for his position on the same issues as candidate B, also with his lack of support for durgs for seniors, who is more qualified than canditate C who says he is more qualified than candidate E and his support of the war in Iraq which he is against, who by the way also voted for the tax cut that candidate C was against, who is also a supporter of Bill Clinton, which candidate A is distancing himself from which makes candidate E look bad because candidate F, who by the way voted against the Home security Bill, receives the endorsment from Bill Clinton which makes all the other candidates look like non contenders, which is not true because candidate G...":-X23

1997RangerXLT 01-04-2003 04:48 AM

Pres. AL SHARPTON !?!? Now THAT is a joke..
I bet Dubya is shaking in his boots now:-X14

What a circus event this will be. If Sharpton wins will that Baldwin loudmouth move back from Canada and go on Hollywood Squares?

I remember when he said he would move to Canada if Bush won.

4x4x4x4 01-04-2003 05:57 PM

Pres. AL SHARPTON !?!? Now THAT is a joke..
It's not only a joke,but a sick one at that.

As far as I'm concerned,he is just as qualified as any other democratic party hopeful.:-roll

Fishin Technician 01-04-2003 06:03 PM

Pres. AL SHARPTON !?!? Now THAT is a joke..
Sharpton's running mate jessie jackass ..........definitley something terminal would happen to that team........

mgazak 01-04-2003 06:21 PM

Pres. AL SHARPTON !?!? Now THAT is a joke..
People like Sharpton and Jackson are a disgrace to the black race. I wish black people would rise up against them as they are only hurting their cause. :-X19

Fishin Technician 01-04-2003 06:41 PM

Pres. AL SHARPTON !?!? Now THAT is a joke..
agreed 100%

BuiltToughF250 01-04-2003 07:04 PM

Pres. AL SHARPTON !?!? Now THAT is a joke..

i bet Sharpton would get alot of votes from us "white folk" since he made the claim that "only white people can be racist" ( he did say that right? )

im very proud that Gore wont even waste his time in 0-4. after the shenannagins that went on in 2000 i would have just crawled inside a whole and died if i were gore.

i strongly believe that if Sharpton or Hillary ever did run for presidency, i would definantly leave my house to go vote.

oops i left something out... AGAINST THEM.

id bet fidel castro might be better for the american people as a president compaired to any "affermitive Blacktion" activists.

not trying to raise any pulses here so dont get mad at me. if you are mad at me id suggest you pull your lip over your head and swallow cause i dont care.


superrangerman2002 01-04-2003 08:08 PM

Pres. AL SHARPTON !?!? Now THAT is a joke..
Hey how about Tom Daschel....

He's from my home state of S.D., And I can't even stand him....

Who's next, Oprah (sp?)?

hitecdan 01-04-2003 08:36 PM

Pres. AL SHARPTON !?!? Now THAT is a joke..
Ultra rich liberal democrats running for prez and all claiming to be in touch with the common man, HA! Compared to all the other bozos, old Al is better qualified. At least he's in touch with the common man down in his hood. All the rest are in touch with their money.

It's easy to be a liberal, when your rich.

Ultramagdan 01-04-2003 08:45 PM

Pres. AL SHARPTON !?!? Now THAT is a joke..
[updated:LAST EDITED ON 04-Jan-03 AT 10:01 PM (EST)]>It's easy to be a liberal, when your rich.

That is one hellva a statement. Very correct. I would add that being rich can make you a liberal. You get a guilty conscience about how easy you have it and then expect everyone else to give up their hard earned cash (especially when you are attacked for being "lucky").

Well said.

truckfreak69 01-04-2003 11:34 PM

Pres. AL SHARPTON !?!? Now THAT is a joke..
So basically what we're saying if Bush won't even have to try to stay in office lol. Doesn't bother me I think he's doing alright. At least he seems honest. I understand everyone has their own agenda, but what he says seems to be pretty believable. he doesn't promise much like others.

BuiltToughF250 01-04-2003 11:42 PM

Pres. AL SHARPTON !?!? Now THAT is a joke..

i strongly believe that the only person who should be the next president ( after he serves a second term ) should be Mayor Guliane <--- cant spell his name

you know, NY cities mayor on Sept. 11th. he handled the situation very well.

i think Bush is doing great as Mr. President and should get a second term. even if he is a crook he at least knows how to cover his tracks !!


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