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huskyhauler 10-28-2004 03:39 AM

water skiing at Lake Chino Valley
oh its so good. anyone who's been to chino valley will agree with this one.. its right at home..

2000silverbullet 10-28-2004 10:06 AM

That pic looks similar to some of the jackassery I see down at the dunes (ok, sometimes I might partake in it). Ha ha, that's great, nice work husky.

BTW- I noticed some good mud in those pics. Mud is my kryptonite, I cave when I see it!!!

5.4, interested in a road trip?????

huskyhauler 10-28-2004 12:22 PM

want to know what is really sad. look at the pictures of these Fords. guess what, if you own a ford, you're probably a redneck. enjoy..
every last one of them is a ford. oh well, look at the beast we have created..


2000silverbullet 10-28-2004 03:00 PM

Not sure if you've seen that limo ever but I've seen it a few times. Last place I saw it was at the sandsports show in Cali a couple months ago. It's all pimped out with a plasma tv and a wicked stereo. Oh yeah, there's a chrome hook hangin' off the front winch that weighed about 80lbs, it was huge! Ryan over at SDHQ (mesa) put that thing together about 5 years ago when he was gettin' his business started.

Ya gotta love fords...

ANdrewdrice 10-28-2004 06:33 PM

lake, Ive never seen a lake around here??? jk. its nice to finally have some rain huh?

huskyhauler 10-28-2004 10:04 PM

will take a picture of my backyard for you tommorow andrew. i might even sit in my canoe for you. i have a lake about 3' deep, and 20' across. all from Townsend Construction, which i am in a law suit about. anyone want to take a dip, its only 28' out right now..


ANdrewdrice 10-29-2004 09:14 PM

whats the law suit about?

huskyhauler 10-30-2004 12:37 PM

improper flood water routing. for months they allowed flood water to flow dirrectly on to my property causing damage to both my shop and property. now they have created a pond 8" higher than my property, and water that i never had before is perking out in my front and back yard.

ANdrewdrice 10-30-2004 12:52 PM

ah, that sucks. when we used to have our restaurant, the next door neighbors put up a wooden privacy fence, and sence chino is a big flood plain, whenever it rained it would trap a bunch of water about 1.5 feet deep. wouldnt drain very fast either. big pita if you know what I mean.

huskyhauler 10-31-2004 10:05 PM

whats really cool is you can take a 2x4 8foot long and push it into the ground. it will go down about 7.5' before you hit firm dirt. scarry.. still waiting on a court date.


ShawnZ 10-31-2004 11:51 PM

hmmm.... 20' by how much?... how many trucks do you think could play in there without hitting each other? Oo.

AzBlueWolf 11-01-2004 12:01 AM

gonna need some monster tires to keep water out of the throttle body... 7.5 feet of mud and 3.5 feet of water is 11 feet in my book..since my truck is under 6 feet tall...I'll pass

2000silverbullet 11-01-2004 09:17 AM

Maybe Shawn just wants to play on the edges. ha ha.

Yeah, I think I'll have to pass on that one too, as much as I love mud, I don't carry a snorkel for me or my truck.

ShawnZ 11-01-2004 06:06 PM

I missed that '7.5 feet of soft mud' part :-\ well, let us know when it finaly starts drying up ;-)

5.4AZ4X4 11-01-2004 08:24 PM

Bull crap, I can make it... gimmie directions! Yes 2000SilverMatt I will take a road trip.

My question, is there enough room to get up to speed?? I bet I could hydroplane over it...... Lemme rephrase that, I bet I would try to hydroplane over it!

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