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Vampiro 02-09-2002 06:02 PM

Tom Cruise puts the Dis' on Amerca

alanscott 07-03-2002 04:17 AM

Tom Cruise puts the Dis' on Amerca,2933,56676,00.html

Looks like the Baldwin family adopted Cruise.

HotWhlz85 07-03-2002 07:41 AM

Tom Cruise puts the Dis' on Amerca
Maybe he should have been so thoughtful of his kids when he decided to shack up with that actress. Most likely he doesn't have that much say-so about where they're raised anyway. I always did think Nicole was the brains and class of that duo. Just a typical knee jerk reaction from a jerk with way too much money. By the way, did Mr. Baldwin ever become a Canadian citizen? Last I heard he's still
(dis)gracing us with his presence. Alan, your quote is right on when it comes to these Hollywood liberals.


brienobrien 07-03-2002 01:29 PM

Tom Cruise puts the Dis' on Amerca
Since when are any of these "Hollywood Types" an expert on anything but maybe "acting", and I use that term very loosely. I'd like to see them tackle Shakespeare, Miller, Williams, or O'Neil, live on stage. Most tend to fall into the catagory of "entertainers" rather than actors. The real actors that possess sophistication keep their mouths shut and their opinions to themselves. Yet, somehow Americans, and other people, give these "entertainers" credibility in areas of expertise in which they have no knowledge or training. They run at the mouth whenever a camera is pointed in their face and spew out psycho babble to anyone who will listen. Cripes, no wonder our youth become confused. They require role models other than these psuedo intellectual self appointed sages. Yet Hollywood keeps churning out these air heads and consumers keep buying their lines.
When will it ever change?:-huh F-3 Brien

HotWhlz85 07-03-2002 02:12 PM

Tom Cruise puts the Dis' on Amerca
Yet, somehow Americans,
>and other people, give these "entertainers" credibility in
>areas of expertise in which they have no knowledge or

Excellent point Brien. It's not what they know but who they are. They could be complete idiots (I think that's redundant...calling these Hollywood types idiots) but still the media fawns over every utterance. What makes this drivel newsworthy is beyond me. What about the millions of Americans that DONT believe like he does? Who's writing that story?

I do read every day and frankly was surprised to find this story there given their conservative style. At the very least I would expect Bill O'Reilly to have something to say in rebuttal.

And they wonder why the average "Joe America" hates tv, movies, and the media. If they didn't continually rehash pc idiocy, racism this or that, and the latest scandels they wouldn't have a lot to report. Maybe then the national "hate factor" would drop. If nothing else, at least maybe my blood pressure would.


TheWiz427 07-03-2002 02:42 PM

Tom Cruise puts the Dis' on Amerca
>I always did think Nicole was the brains and class
>of that duo. Just a typical knee jerk reaction from a jerk
>with way too much money. By the way, did Mr. Baldwin ever
>become a Canadian citizen? Last I heard he's still
>(dis)gracing us with his presence.

IMO Nicole is just as much a nitwit as Tom is, heck i'm still waiting for Barbra Striesand to leave the country like she said she would if Bush was elected.As for Baldwin most likely canada does'nt want him either.


An Equal Opportunity Truck Lover!

BrianA 07-03-2002 02:43 PM

Tom Cruise puts the Dis' on Amerca
Cruise's comments speak for theselves. I know name calling is frowned upon by those of us who value our forums so I'll just whisper it softly...... 'idiot'

I am left to wonder, does his comment say more about HIM or about US? By "us", I mean Americans at-large. After all, WE are responsible for him being rich and in a position to have such buffonery make the press. I agree 100% with brien. Cruise, and many others of his ilk, are entertainers. Which means; WE pay his salary by paying to see his movies. I confess, I like some of his movies - who doesn't like Top Gun? Rain Man was a good flick as well. What happens to so many of the entertainment world people ??? They entertain. We pay. Then they think THEY are in a position to whine about scat such as this !?!?! Pack your bags Mr. Cruise, and please don't let the door hit you on the way out.
And while I am on the subject, If I live to be 300 years old, I will NEVER understand all the fuss over the "Red Carpet" and the Oscar thing, and who is wearing what. Think about it!!! Thousands, Millions (!?!?!) of people watching to see who is wearing what. UNBELIVEABLE !! People going bonkers just to SEE an entertainer !!

:-X14 :-X14 :-X14

Brian A

briefly 07-03-2002 06:02 PM

Tom Cruise puts the Dis' on Amerca
I worry about my children too, all parents do, it's our job.
I do not try to lessen my apprehension by running away, I work to improve that which I can and to protect them from that which I cannot.

Mr. Cruise is surely sending the wrong message to his kids because you can never run far enough to escape those things he claims to fear. Better to teach them those values which Americans hold dear: Courage, honesty, tolerance, kindness, and compassion and pray their generation continues to improve our already Great Nation.

I do applaud Cruise's position on the corrupt business practices being uncovered in the USA recently. My hope is that he puts his money where his mouth is and stops accepting US $'s from nasty corporate giants like Columbia Pictures (Sony), Paramount Pictures (Viacom), or Universal Pictures (Vivendi).

Yeah, right.:-X10


HotWhlz85 07-03-2002 08:54 PM

Tom Cruise puts the Dis' on Amerca
> I worry about my children too, all parents do, it's our
> I do not try to lessen my apprehension by running away, I
>work to improve that which I can and to protect them from
>that which I cannot.
> Mr. Cruise is surely sending the wrong message to his kids
>because you can never run far enough to escape those things
>he claims to fear. Better to teach them those values which
>Americans hold dear: Courage, honesty, tolerance, kindness,
>and compassion and pray their generation continues to
>improve our already Great Nation.

Good points all sir.....well said.
And welcome to FTE.


briefly 07-03-2002 09:24 PM

Tom Cruise puts the Dis' on Amerca
[updated:LAST EDITED ON 03-Jul-02 AT 10:27 PM (EST)]:-) Thanks for the words and the welcome Ron. The more I make my way around this site, the more I dig it. :-X03

Keep on burnin' them deceased dinosaurs

dontown :-X06

Chuck 6083 07-04-2002 08:32 PM

Tom Cruise puts the Dis' on Amerca
>Since when are any of these "Hollywood Types" an expert on
>anything but maybe "acting", and I use that term very
>loosely. I'd like to see them tackle Shakespeare, Miller,
>Williams, or O'Neil, live on stage. Most tend to fall into
>the catagory of "entertainers" rather than actors. The real
>actors that possess sophistication keep their mouths shut
>and their opinions to themselves. Yet, somehow Americans,
>and other people, give these "entertainers" credibility in
>areas of expertise in which they have no knowledge or
>training. They run at the mouth whenever a camera is pointed
>in their face and spew out psycho babble to anyone who will
>listen. Cripes, no wonder our youth become confused. They
>require role models other than these psuedo intellectual
>self appointed sages. Yet Hollywood keeps churning out
>these air heads and consumers keep buying their lines.
>When will it ever change?:-huh F-3 Brien

Very well said. I concur wholeheartedly. And to paraphrase my loquacious (sp) southern compadre Brian A, to Mr. Cruise: "don't let the door knob hit you, where the good Lord split you."


icelander 07-05-2002 07:04 PM

Tom Cruise puts the Dis' on Amerca
who cares? does anybody with half a brain take these people or what they say seriously? on second thought....i guess thats the problem. these folks are all talk and no action. the only "action" they know is done in front of a camera. they, along with pro athleats(if i spelled it wrong..sue me) all live in a COMPLEATLY different world than most of us do. if tommy boy wants to send his kids to the land down under, thats fine with me, thats two less people like him in OUR country. one could only hope that the baldwins WOULD leave the country! though i wouldnt wish them on our friends to the north OR the south for that matter! id send them to greenland but thats too close where my family lives. i guess we're stuck with all these (loudly) IDIOTS cuz they know there are so many half-brains in this country who really do care what they wear on oscar night.

rebocardo 07-05-2002 07:39 PM

Tom Cruise puts the Dis' on Amerca
Tom Cruise could be worse, he could be like Woody Allen, who thinks there is nothing wrong in marrying his adopted/step-daughter (when she turned 18?)because she is not a "blood" relative. I refuse to watch or buy any movie or cartoon with him in it. Disgusting troll.

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