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jniolon 12-19-2014 03:16 PM

Christmas epistle 2014
Well… it's that time of year again….. my favorite time of year… Especially the gathering of friends and family… the good food and in most cases everyone's nice loving attitude. There is no way I'd ever think that I'm on this life journey alone and I especially reminded this time of year of all the people that have been through my life this past year and made a difference… some bad… but the majority in a positive way. I truly do recognize just how blessed I am.

But sometimes it’s something that is lost in the all the activities and the responsibility of everyday life until another year has gone by. For me, Christmas above all is about the ultimate blessing: the birth of Jesus. He is the one that who gave the most so we can have the best. It’s also about faith and hope. It’s about giving and sharing and laughing with the ones we love most.

And so, this time of year I'm trying take a few minutes to reflect on the blessing I've received … whether deserved or not..

First and foremost, I’m thankful for my sweet wife Peggy. We’ve been married for almost 50 years now, and I still wonder how the heck I got so lucky. We’re both far from perfect, but we’ve shared good times and bad… hard times and the easy life. She’s stood beside me through it all and I hope I've been as supportive of her as she has with me..

Every time I see my son or daughter, I see how truly awesome they are. There are smart and kind and loving and caring and I think a blessing to all of their friends. Sometimes I wonder how they turned out so well, but they’re proof that I’ve had a part in doing something right in my life. That and their mothers strong influence.

I’m thankful for my health. Not everyone can say the same, but I’ve got two arms and two legs and I feel incredibly lucky for that. I'm vertical most mornings and if I do what my doctor suggests… should continue being that way.

I’m thankful for my country. The U.S.A. is far from perfect, but I still believe it’s the best place in the world. Even with all it's warts and scars there isn't a better show than you'll find elsewhere.

I've had good luck this year and have found opportunities to share in my good fortune and help some folks that really needed it. That is one joy that means a lot to me. The best feeling you can have is being able to help someone in need and stay unknown to them.

This is the part I repeat each year… but I always mean every word….

I've thought about my goals for the coming year and they are much the same as last year with renewed enthusiasm.

First on my list is to take care of my family… both close and extended. They really are all you have you can claim …I need to treat them better. I hope you do the same.. if they are broken or bent… Mend whatever fences are damaged.

Second….I'm always looking for opportunities to help friends when needed. Today more than ever there are far too many people really suffering and pride keeps them from asking for help. I hope God shows them to me. We've all said ‘let me know if I can help” but never gave it another thought. But this year when I say it, I'll make sure they know my offer is sincere and follow through. One of the hardest things I’ve had to learn is to accept help. Pride is my enemy here. I’ve learned your real friends want to help when you need it.

I'm trying to pray more and for more people… both friend and stranger. My pastor points out often that the need for prayer is greater than ever. I’ve seen what miracles come from prayer, both in my family and others. One of them calls me “Granddaddy”. Sadly today, hardship is a way of life for many people now. I know I can’t always help them physically or financially but I can pray like crazy for them. The oldtimers on FTE will tell you that prayers work… They did a heck of a job on my grandson !

One big thing for me this year is trying to keep a positive attitude… this is a hard one. There is no way around it… sometimes life just dumps a bucket full of on you… it happens to everyone and when that happens I tend to let myself get in a negative state of mind and it reflects in what I’m doing (or not doing) poorly ! … But…I've tried to find something positive to concentrate on and pretty soon that bucket full doesn't smell unbearably and it truly makes me feel better physically and mentally.

This is an easy one Smile. Hell, it ain’t hard and it helps. It can help other people too when they see YOU smile on a crappy day. AND it will drive the people that are trying to get to you crazy. I’m smiling more.

Those that love me and some that don't have convinced to I need to take better care of myself physically. I'm trying to wean myself of junk food and don’t give enough thought to diet and exercise. I need to change that if I plan on living long enough to finish my truck ! That’s my incentive ! I fuss at family and friends about smoking or drinking but don’t fuss at myself enough… time to change.

This is an important one Make those people that mean the most to me know they mean the most to me. Not by buying them big gifts but by loving them beyond measure and making sure that they know that you do…

That’s about it… but it’s really a lot and I need a lot of work on some areas… maybe you do too ??

Every year I end my epistle with the same thing… a request for my friends

I want each of you to do something for me this year.

Enjoy your Christmas completely.
Gather together with family and friends and have an excellent time.
Do something foolish or funny, act like a kid… remember how ???
Kiss an ugly cousin and tell them you love them and how great they are looking. Hug every child in your family and tell them you love them.
Walk up to a total stranger and say Merry Christmas.
Do everything you can possibly do to make this Christmas special…for your family and everyone around you.
BE the spirit of Christmas this year . You can never know the one person who really needed to hear you say those words or needed that hug. It happens… it happened to me more than once and I had no idea.

Hopefully, you’ll be totally exhausted from it. You won’t regret being tired.. it will give you the best Christmas ever. I promise.

I’ve said this in the past and it suits me to say it again…there are lots of new folks that haven’t been subjected to my blather yet.

My Christmas and New Years wish for all of my FTE family…

I hope that you and your families are in good health and spirits.
I hope that you are close to all of them and share good times often.
I hope if that isn’t the case and it's your fault that you fix it …. Soon. And even if it's not your fault… fix it…. SOON.
I hope that you can't begin to count all your friends.
I hope that you have a God that you believe in and TALK TO.
I hope he listens to you and answers your questions and prayers.
I hope you thank your friends for being your friend and tell them how much it means to you just to have them in your life.
I hope you'll share these Christmas wishes and thoughts with every one you encounter, both friend and foe, loved one and stranger.
Be politically incorrect and wish EVERYONE Merry Christmas!!

Remember who’s birthday it is !!!!!

I hope you'll drop a dollar or two in the Salvation Army Bucket… make that bell ringer feel useful.
Perform random acts of kindness to strangers…
I hope you'll send a Christmas Card with a check in it to the local mission or to Toys for Tots, or pick up a gift for an Angel Tree child.
I hope you’ll pray for our service men and women who won’t be home this Christmas.

I hope everyone here at FTE has a wonderful Christmas week. Be safe in your travels, be sincere in your expression of friendship and abundant in your love for those around you… especially the little ones. Show them the way to celebrate these special days. Teach them it ain't about the x-box or the I-phone…and prove it by how you act.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all my friends and family at Ford Truck Enthusiasts.


49f3dls 12-19-2014 03:54 PM

Well said and Back at you for all the good fortune and blessings in the new year. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all of FTE.

Jolly Roger Joe 12-19-2014 04:08 PM

I love reading your annual "blather".

And you make good points. Well, except for the "Kiss an ugly cousin and tell them you love them and how great they are looking." ;)

Merry Christmas!

Steve Bennett 12-19-2014 05:26 PM

Good to hear from you John. I also look forward to this write-up every year. You certainly are a Master of the printed word. Maybe 2015 will be the year we finally cross paths again. I know you are very Pro-Veteran so I'd like to let you know that my WWII Veteran Father is still kicking, just not quite as high! He and my Mother celebrated their 70th Anniversary in November. He turns 92 the day after Christmas. God Bless our military and thank a veteran every chance you get. And remember, Jesus is the Reason for the Season. Merry Christmas all!! Steve

Lakotas53 12-19-2014 05:43 PM

Really good read John and wise words. My hope and wish for all my FTE friends is that they have a MERRY CHRISTMAS and a safe and HAPPY NEW YEAR!

bigwin56f100 12-19-2014 06:21 PM

FANTASTIC! Everything John said is spot on. Merry Christmas All!

abe 12-19-2014 10:11 PM

Amen and Merry Christmas.

bobbytnm 12-20-2014 11:16 AM

I've been looking for ward to your annual "epistle". Once again, I've started the holiday season being cantankerous and grumpy and in general probably not very pleasant to be around. You annual 'blather" works wonders on me and helps me step back, give myself a good mental slap, and get back into the positive flow of things.
Thank you my friend!

All the best to you and yours

4tl8ford 12-20-2014 11:45 AM

Thank you once again John
Your sermons over the years have made me think about important stuff and change some of my behavior, lots of people like that one.
Others here and a few other place has introduced to a bunch of electronic friends that have helped me going forward and that have chewed my butt when I needed it

A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to All

sere0501 12-20-2014 12:02 PM

Truer words have never been spoken! Thanks John, and Merry Christmas to you and yours.

Wayne Waldrep 12-26-2014 10:35 AM

I haven't been on much lately but I've been waiting on this post!!! For some reason it took me forever to find it this year. That's what happens when you don't monitor the board every day and have a feel for what's been posted. I must do better. Thanks for the post John....I'm going to read it I was so happy I found it i had to post first. Hope you had a great Christmas sir!!:)

Jolly Roger Joe 12-26-2014 10:59 AM

And the Similar Threads function works perfectly with this one. It lists your Epistles all the way back to 2009. :)

dennisb56 12-27-2014 09:03 AM

Great Holiday post as usual Jon, missed it before Christmas, glad I saw it today.
Hope everyone had a great Christmas.

Hurry up spring!!

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