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BigMattXXL 05-23-2003 02:46 AM

Feel-politics and illegal immigrants
I was skimming the Capital, our local newspaper (Annapolis, MD). It seems that "immigrant advocate groups" are blasting Governor Ehrlich for shooting down a bill that would grant in-state tuition to illegal immigrants and their children (or something along those lines). Am I the only person who thinks this is beyond stupid? I mean, seriously - let's analyze this. Illegal Immigrants. Immigrants who are not legal, and shouldn't be here.

Why don't they quit worrying about making college accessible to illegal immigrants and focus on making it cheaper for me, a tax-paying AMERICAN CITIZEN with a social security number?

I can understand why someone would do anything to make it to the US, but as far as I'm concerned, you're a guest. You don't come into my home and tell me where to put my furniture or what color to paint my walls. As a guest, you can make suggestions and requests, but you don't call the shots. If your request/suggestion to pay lower tuition got shot down, don't get all bent out of shape. Call me racist, fascist, whatever, butif you don't like it, then I'm sure you can figure out a way to sneak back into wherever you came from.

Why don't I have any special interest groups fighting for me?

Sorry to rant, but this is really starting to get me whipped up into a froth.


1997RangerXLT 05-23-2003 05:52 AM

Feel-politics and illegal immigrants
There are complaints here that the laws are too tough for illegal aliens to get drivers licenses. w/o a hassle.

Of course, I am 100% American, Red, White & Blue and I think they should have slammed the borders right after I got in.

fatdaddy 05-23-2003 07:07 AM

Feel-politics and illegal immigrants
I agree with you matt. the illegal alien situation is complex . mexicans have always filtered back and forth acreoss the border between texas and mexico. they are Good people , clean , and most are very hard working. And, i don't think they take any jobs away from citizens as they usually work on the jobs that most folks aren't interested in doing. fd:D :-X04 Oo.

94van 05-23-2003 07:36 AM

Feel-politics and illegal immigrants
I have yet to understand why politicians, who are supposedly educated, and many are lawyers, cannot grasp the definitation of the word "Illegal".

The illegals are sucking dry the funds from programs needed for our own citizens. They get free medical, their kids automatically become citizens when born, thus they can get more benefits for free. The politicians are trying to get lower tuitions for aliens, yet our citizens have to pay a premium to attend college. They are trying to get laws passed so illegals can get a driver's license. This is total BS!

The borders need to be sealed. The National Guard needs to be used on the Southern border. The politicians are against any more law enforcement at the border. They are looking out for their political future by letting these illegal border crossings to continue, thus reaping the hispanic voters.

I don't know how, but the politicians have to be put on notice that this crap has to stop.

WXboy 05-23-2003 08:07 AM

Feel-politics and illegal immigrants
Yeah...aren't we Americans intelligent? We are letting illegal foreigners come into our country by foot, boat, plane, whatever means it takes to get here. And then we give them free healthcare, free education, free everything. And then they steal and rape our women and committ crimes. And the whole time all of this is going on, WE hard-working American citizens are funding all of it with our tax dollars.

Prejudice and intelligence are two different things...and in this case the intelligent thing to do would be to build another Ark like Noah did and ship them all back out to sea and close the borders off. And while we're at it we'll quit buying trucks and cars from Japan too. And it would be amazing how much stronger and safer our nation would be. Freedom is what our country is based on...but there comes some point where you have to draw the line.

bigdmizer 05-23-2003 08:49 AM

Feel-politics and illegal immigrants
If your sitting at home one day and a pipe breaks and starts leaking water all over the place,and at the same time the phone rings. It's your neighbor (whom is a good friend) and his sink is leaking water all over his kitchen. Who are you going to help first, yourself or your neighbor? You fix your own dam pipes first otherwise the infrastructure of your home will be ruined.
Everyone see where I'm going with this?
America needs to take care of itself and it's citizens first. The tax money our politicians send over seas could help solve alot of the domestic problems here at home......Illegal immigrants/borders, security, education subsidies, farmers, crime, etc......
America has a huge deficit problem, and it all comes down to common sense. You don't take out a loan to pay off your bills then give the money away charity. Strengthen our country first then when we get our act together help others.

fatdaddy 05-23-2003 09:19 AM

Feel-politics and illegal immigrants
Touche!!!.I couldn't agree More. We're jumping thru our rearends too rebuild iraq and leaving alot of our own bridges here in the usa unsafe that needed to be rebuilt and\or atleast inspected. fd:eek: :-X04

Waxy 05-23-2003 09:56 AM

Feel-politics and illegal immigrants
94 Van hit the nail on the head IMHO, look up the meaning of the word "illegal". After that, the rest is irrelevent.

PC or not, I'm not stopping at "illegal" immigrants, I'm going all the way. I don't care if you're landed immigrant, (green card?)why should I subsidize your education? No one offered to pay my massive university bills. If I go to Mexico and decide I want to go to a university there, no one's gonna line up to pay for it, and they sure as heck aren't going to feel sorry for me if I can't afford it.

The American (Canadian) dream is to have the FREEDOM to achieve your goals, not THE RIGHT to have them handed to you.


BigMattXXL 05-23-2003 10:40 AM

Feel-politics and illegal immigrants
I'm glad I'm not alone on this one. Maybe I should start my own special interest group to fight for my so-called "rights"?


AlabamaBronco 05-23-2003 10:46 AM

Feel-politics and illegal immigrants
Matt, if you did that you would surely be considered a racist! Most American males cannot say what is truely on their minds because we are the cause of all the problems in the world. All we are supposed to do is shut up and follow orders.

jamesmonty 05-23-2003 10:52 AM

Feel-politics and illegal immigrants
Rights? Are you kidding your an American you have no rights (just kidding). It seems like that sometimes. We feed millions of people each year over seas, yet we have children starving on or street in America everyday. We rebuild other countries while in in some cities in America we don't even have decent school buildings for our kids to go to, let alone decent teachers. Maybee we need to get some more imagrents in our schools so they will spend more money on them. And don't even get me started on taxes, junk car laws, emissions, etc.........:-X09

racinghoss 05-23-2003 11:07 AM

Feel-politics and illegal immigrants
When I was in the Marines in Southern California I was on duty patrolling the border watching for illegals. I think they might have stopped that now. It never did any good anyway.

I agree with the illegal immigrant thing. Except for thier children. Thier children are no different than yours or mine. They are born in our country, grow up in our country, work in our country, live thier whole lives in our country, and many die defending our country -- point is, it is thier country too. Thier parents should have never been here to begin with (although they were just trying to do the best that they could for thier children-who can blame them for that), but thier children are U.S. citizens same as you and me. Just teach them to speak English!!!

I live in the midwest (corn belt), therefore I know many farmers and what thier plights are. U.S. farmers produce much more grain than Americans can eat (surplus), therefore the Govt buys it from the farmers, which makes the farmers happy. But the Govt is stuck with all this grain, so they "trade" it. Most of it goes to Japan, which cannot grow enough for itself. In return they ship cars over here. The only way to stop it would be to stop shipping grain to Japan. Japan would go hungry, but more importantly, U.S. farmers would go broke. So if we completely boycot Japanese products, we may be putting our farmers on a road to bankruptcy.

Also, I served with several immigrants (green card holders) in the USMC. They were as willing to die for our country as anyone else, some did. They were trying to earn thier citizenship, and IMHO they deserved it.

Lastly, as the world's most powerful nation we cannot just let the world go to hell around us, or we will not be the worlds most powerful nation for long. We need stong trade partners, sometimes we have to help them out--hopefully it will turn out to be a good investment, but I'm sure that sometimes is doesn't. We are re-building Iraq because we cannot just go over there, blow everything up and then leave. Remember the justification Bush used for the war -- To free the Iraqi people from Hussein. If we do not put it back together Hussein will just walk in a take over again because there will be nothing in place to stop him. The people will prolly want him back because they need leadership, even if it is bad leadership.

I am against illegal aliens also, as I am against alot of the stupid things that come out of Washington, but I think that we need to look at the big picture before we start handing out judgements. We can't have everything. Maybe you should just be thankful that you have the opportunity to attend college at all. Many countries do not. Some that can go to college do not have a choice in what they study. Maybe you could have been forced to join the military for a few years. My point is, it could be alot worse.

I joined the military to defend the right to do just what we are doing, and many other rights as well. I did not join to defend a people that look only at themselves and not everyone. If Washington, Adams, Franklin and our other forefathers were looking only at themselves America would not be what it is today.

just my $.02

CowboyBilly9Mile 05-23-2003 12:26 PM

Feel-politics and illegal immigrants
As if the tuition thing is not bad enough, here in WA we give illegals free prenatal care. What an insult to those of us that pay the bill for this too, and the fact that our two wacko senators have the gall to claim it actually SAVES us money by giving them this. The good news is that the budget is tight around here and you can only imagine the sparks flying when dropping the freebie for the ILLEGALS was put on the table.

As for the people that call you a racist/bigot/Aryan/neo-natzi/redneck etc etc, well, they are clearly the racist since they are supporting certain programs etc that help only a select portion of people (illegal or otherwise) rather than programs that are for anyone. I've haven't yet had to do it, but if I'm called one of the above names by one of these softy, whining bedwetters, then you can bet that the above is about what they are gonna hear from this kid. Of course, if I had my way we would not have any of this crap and our tax dollars would do things that were of benefit to all citizens.

Matt, you're not the only one who has had it with this crap, I see more and more people like us that are no longer keeping our mouths shut about it. Just be careful at work is all; backstabbers are everywhere. Have a few comebacks for the typical rhetoric that the supports of these preferential programs are bound to throw at you, then you can make them sweat awhile. They have been using "name-calling" for years to get their word out, now it's time to give them a dose of their own toxic waste.

62uni 05-23-2003 12:41 PM

Feel-politics and illegal immigrants
I find it amazing that so many white male Americans whine and carry on about this or that group having 'special' status and unfair advantages and advocates for their positions, and 95% of the polititians are white males. Poor, poor under-represented good old boys, sheesh. Borrowing one from Hightower, seems as if you all think you hit a triple, when you where born on third base. Who on this board isn't from immigrant roots?

bigdmizer 05-23-2003 01:13 PM

Feel-politics and illegal immigrants
It's not about representation, the complaint is about the undeniable socialist trend that seems to be sweeping through the state goverments of this country. The resentment arises when honest hard working tax payers have to pay more taxes and get less in return in order to support non-tax paying free loaders. The illegals may work hard(not arguing about that) but they don't pay any taxes. Then to give them benefits that the tax payers are not entitled to (because we can pay for them ourselves after the goverment takes half our pay check). This growing trend breeds resentment. The same kind of resentment that lead our founding fathers to revolt. Yes I come from immigrant roots, but my fore fathers learned the language, did not have anything given to them, and did not ask to receive special treatment in order to get ahead. If you can pay for it out of money you have earned yourself then your entitled to it. This is America built on Democratic ideals not socialism.

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