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BobbyL 04-06-2003 08:43 PM

Got to reading the redneck post and thinking....
Ya know before i joined the military and saw the world I was the biggest redneck on planet earth. I didn't like people of color, drove a huge truck, listened to country music, hunted, fished, worked on my truck, etc. I'm not sure what I am now. I can't seem to put myself in any stereotype. I'm not racist anymore (I think for the better), I still drive a truck. Now my truck is a half ton 2 wheel drive. I ordered a drop kit for it. 4 inches in the front and 6 in the back. After I put in the new tranny I will order 20 inch rims for it and drop it. I listen to alternative rock, Eminem, and metal. I prefer hot rodding to four wheeling. I still wear cowboy hats, wranglers, ropers and western shirts though. I sort of traveled around, met different people and took what appealed to me most. I'm planning on buying a old Ford 3/4 ton and leaving it stock suspension as a work vehicle. Put this mental image in your head. You see a guy driving a lowered F-150 on 20's with Godsmack blasting. Then he gets out and he's wearing a Stetson, Justin ropers, and loose fitting Wranglers with a western shirt. What stereotype do I fit? Am I unique or weird or what? I think of myself as multicultural. Sort of a ambassador between the west coast hot rodding scene and the rural Oklahoma bigger tires not rims scene. Are the rest of you "multicultural" or do you fit neatly into a stereotype?

Mil1ion 04-06-2003 08:49 PM

Got to reading the redneck post and thinking....
"Urban Ploughboy"

No offence intended.

This is what I refer people to here in Alberta.

FordRancher 04-06-2003 11:45 PM

Got to reading the redneck post and thinking....
I wouldn't know how to classify you. I guess it depends on your definition of a redneck. Is there a difference between a redneck and a hick? I'd say I'm a hick probably. I don't really fit the profile of a rancher though either. I guess it depends on what you think of when you hear the word rancher. I don't own a cowboy hat and don't wear western shirts and don't even have a nice pair of boots to wear to town, just my work boots. When I clean up I prefer to wear a t-shirt or pullover shirt unless it's really fancy then a button up shirt or my suit. I like to ride a horse, but don't very often because it is much more time consuming than using a 4-wheeler. I can go get something done with my 4-wheeler within the time it would take to get the horse in and saddled and ride out to the pasture. And when I can put 20 miles a day on my 4-wheeler no problem, I wouldn't be able to get half as much done on a horse. I don't consider myself a cowboy, I leave that to the people who rodeo to claim that title. It's all in how you perceive things and how other's see it. It sounds to me like your time in the military allowed others to rub off on you, and you probably rubbed off on them. That's good because it helped you to understand the world better and not be closed minded.

83bigbroncoguy 04-06-2003 11:45 PM

Got to reading the redneck post and thinking....
I know what you mean...I'm more of a skater/punk than anything, which kind of makes me stand out here in Tennessee(my white(NOT blonde, but white) hair doesn't help much...). It's funny how much differently people look at me when I get out of the Bronco and when I get out of my Maxima, which is lowered 1.5" with black 18" racing rims. When I get out of the Max, people look at me like they're thinking, "That's about what I expected...stupid teenage punks." When I get out of the Bronco, they just kind of look at me dumbfounded. I get some really funny looks when I crawl out from underneath either vehicle after working on it.

big_daddy_velvet 04-07-2003 01:01 AM

Got to reading the redneck post and thinking....
I am glad somebody my age left the military more open-minded than when they went in...kudos to you.
I think guys that dress in nice looking western wear look sharp. It's a statement of looking good, not necessarily looking a certain way. I can't stand trashy rednecks, though. The ignorant, undereducated guys that fly confederate flags and spit chew on the rug, and get into fights all the time, they make the rest of the "cowboy" style fellas look bad. And you know what, the sharp dressed "redneck" usually has a hot lady on his arm, so something can be said to that I guess...
I wear baggy clothes and sneakers, and wouldn't be caught in public without a black baseball cap. That's my style. Most of the clientele in my business are the country music listenin', truck drivin', chew spittin' type...but we get along despite our differences.
I am ranting aimlessly. I need to go to bed!

FarmForward 04-07-2003 06:57 AM

Got to reading the redneck post and thinking....
I tend to think when I'm working on the farm that I fit into what you'd think of when you think "Farmer". I drive a truck that has'nt been washed for years, and is full of 5 gallon buckets and spilled corn. I wear seed corn baseball hats and lace-up work boots with my jeans and flannel shirts. When cold weather time comes I have an old chore coat that's been patched over the patches, and those yellow chore gloves with the red band around the wrists. And always, ALWAYS, carry a pair of pliers in a leather sheath on my belt.

But then again, when I'm not in full farmer getup, then I don't think you could guess. I have a black Chrysler Sebring coupe, and although I still would be in jeans and boots, so would 95% of the other guys you'd run into. When I dress up, it's in Wrangler jeans, Tony Lama boots, button down Western shirts, and depending on where I'm going, a black Resistol cowboy hat. I even have a pair of "go to town" eyeglasses. I suppose there are a few hints there, but like I said, 95% of the guys you'd see in this area would look the same way.

tsheriff 04-07-2003 12:15 PM

Got to reading the redneck post and thinking....
Redneck, hillbilly, hick, hatseed, call me what you will i'm proud to showoff my lifestyle. I grew up in smaller suburb town but all my friends live out in the country. I've been adopted into the life. We all drive trucks and USE THEM FOR THEIR INTENDED PURPOSE. I went to technical school for drafting but my real education has come from the life of hard knocks. If i go out i usually wear jeans and teeshirt, with my Double H cowboy boots. if we are going to a country bar i wear my hat. If not im wearing my Fox hat. I chew but don't spit on the carpet, thats disrespectule. I fly a confederate flag to concerts but mostly with an american flag right next to it. Im an AMERICAN REDNECK. im proud of my country and our freedom and everything that this country went through to get were it is to day. Also for the soilders that got us here.

Now i wish i could say that i'm not racist but i am a little. I know, and am friends with some blacks but their are some out there that do not deserve the privilage of walking on this earth. I bust my a** every day for what i got. Why shoud i have to help pay for their welfare. I'd scrub toilets all day before i ever acept welfare. So why can't these deadbeat people get out and work. There are so may people out there that just suck this country for all its worth and give nothing in return. I had a friend loose a job at a golf course because and entire family of mexicans who didn't even speak English started getting paid half what he made. hey let him go because they didn't want to pay him. Another thing, if you want to come to this country to make a better life for yourself and family, more power to you. But, you live by our rulles and speak our language. You came here remember?

I know im gona catch some flack for this but i had to vent.

big1 04-07-2003 12:23 PM

Got to reading the redneck post and thinking....
It all come's down to one true fact:


and damn proud of it!!!

fordtruck87 04-07-2003 04:23 PM

Got to reading the redneck post and thinking....
if i seen some one get outta a dropped truck on dubs in cowboy gettup. i'd probly fall outta my truck laughin

BobbyL 04-07-2003 05:04 PM

Got to reading the redneck post and thinking....

Originally posted by fordtruck87
if i seen some one get outta a dropped truck on dubs in cowboy gettup. i'd probly fall outta my truck laughin
You'd probably crap your pants when I started talking. I say things like dude, bro, like, totally, and all kinds of slang. But I say it with a southern drawl. Example "Yo dude, your sled is like totally off the motherf*****g hook. I'm totally digging it bro." Translated I just said "Hey nice truck." I get a lot of stares when I go buy parts from all the guys that knew me before I joined the Guard.

drummerman 04-07-2003 06:38 PM

Got to reading the redneck post and thinking....

Originally posted by 83bigbroncoguy
I know what you mean...I'm more of a skater/punk than anything, which kind of makes me stand out here in Tennessee(my white(NOT blonde, but white) hair doesn't help much...). It's funny how much differently people look at me when I get out of the Bronco and when I get out of my Maxima, which is lowered 1.5" with black 18" racing rims. When I get out of the Max, people look at me like they're thinking, "That's about what I expected...stupid teenage punks." When I get out of the Bronco, they just kind of look at me dumbfounded. I get some really funny looks when I crawl out from underneath either vehicle after working on it.

Howdy neighbor! :)

MW95F250 04-07-2003 10:01 PM

Got to reading the redneck post and thinking....
Well, I am proud to be a redneck, I have the 3rd National Battle Flag (Confederate Flag, for the uneducated) hanging in the shop, I'm proud of my heritage, I'm proud of my country, I'm glad to be an American, and yes, I do agree that foreigners should learn our language instead of us learning theirs. Now, with that being said, I love Country Music, I love Redneck girls and I love a good time, and I work hard to help cover what I have (small landscaping operation, small engine repair, and a little hauling, remember I'm 17). I try to be respectful to others as long as they are the same to me. I try to help out others, too, because you never know when you might need them to help you. I also try to do the best that I can so I can have a good reputation. Brings to mind a quote: "I will not put my name on a plow that does not have the best of me in it."--John Deere.

Jimmy Dean 04-08-2003 07:56 PM

Got to reading the redneck post and thinking....
Well, I am in the military, have been for three years. I am from the south all my life Texas and Louisiana. I was raised in the suburbs during the school year, and on a lake or swamp in the summer. I now live in Arkansas. I will always own a truck before a car, and yes, I do own a car, it is my 3rd in two years, and a new truck, looking for a bigger one. I will raise or lower a truck just as quickly, just depends on my purpose with it. I will wear wranglers and a stetson and justins most of the time, but on occasion, I will look like any real punk you have ever see, or any hard me, I have been through just about every phase possible except the rap crap. Granted I would rather own land, and lots of it before I will live in an apartment, but I live with two roomates in the 'country suburbs' one of them is from milwakee and listens only to hard rock and some punk. When I open my truck door you might here George Straight or you might hear The Get Up Kids, or even Disturbed or some such. What am I? Good quistion, I can tell you I am a 20 year old guy who is balding and going through mid-life crisis a bit too early, my gal finds it funny though. I consider my self more a less an Urban Cowboy/Coonass.

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