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ctubutis 05-20-2013 04:50 PM

Hope you guys near OKC are doing OK
News says you've been getting your share of tornadoes recently and there is extensive damage, I hope you guys escaped all that and are doing OK.....

BIGKEN 05-20-2013 06:09 PM

Good thoughts for all those affected by the tornadoes in OK!!!

78 & 87 Super Cab 05-20-2013 06:36 PM

My heartfelt prayers going out to everyone affected by this terrible tragedy

WADE MMT/PSD 05-20-2013 09:06 PM

Thoughts and prayers Oklahoma.

MikeB 88 05-21-2013 07:50 AM

I certainly am praying all our members/friends in the Moore area are safe.

Carlene 05-21-2013 07:57 AM

My thoughts and prayers are with you, your family and friends.

liftnw8z 05-21-2013 09:43 AM

Good thoughts from the Western PA mountains to all affected by the tornadoes.

sunuvabug 05-21-2013 01:18 PM

Even though we're a distance away, we've read about and seen the devastation that parts of your state have experienced and our thoughts are with you during these challenging times.

~ Bugjr ~ Mid-West Ontario, Canada

jwtimme 05-21-2013 02:23 PM

Prayers go out to the people in Newcastle and Moore

Gary Lewis 05-21-2013 08:03 PM

Yes, prayers for all that were involved. We know plenty of people down that way, but all appear to be ok.

We, here in Skiatook, dodged that bullet but apparently it was a close one. Several of you know that my shop has a storm shelter, and we've given keys to the neighbors so they can use it. We were in Germany (just got back tonight) but the Weather Channel warnings kept waking us up. Then we got a note from the next door neighbor. He and another neighbor both saw a wall cloud with rotation about a mile west of the house, and all of them went to the shelter. Fortunately the tornado didn't come down, but I've seen plenty of pictures of it proving it was there.

FordmanNJ 05-21-2013 10:37 PM

Hey OKC FTE members,

If you guys and gals are able to read this, our thoughts and prayers are with you from New Jersey. We know what it is like when Mother Nature kicks into high gear. Things can be replaced. Good luck and stay safe.

Jersey Strong,

SwOkcOffRoader 05-24-2013 08:56 AM

Thank you all for the thoughts and prayers. My family is alive and well. The tornado came within a quarter mile of our apartment. I really thought my wife and son got hit by it. But by the grace of God it missed them. I didnt know that and was trying to get to them. I followed the tornado in and ended up in a neighborhood and couldnt drive any further. After helping someone get a wall off their storm shelter door i took off running south. i made it a couple blocks and heard a lady yelling on top of what looked like a pile of brick. I climbed up to her and she was screaming get the kids. i then saw 10 or so kids in a line in a hallway in the middle of the rubble. It was Plaza Towers Elementary. A teenage boy started handing me kids. My hat goes off to the first officer on the scene. He arrived within a few minutes and quickly organized all of us into a chain gang to get kids out. We soon figured out some more kids were under the wall. Several of us broke off to find jacks and search the rest of the school. It hit me I still didn't get to my kid. I took off running then got a text from my wife saying they were safe. I dropped to the ground for a minute, collected myself and ran back to the school. Once emergency responders had control I went back towards my truck searching houses and cars for any people I could find. The rest is all over the news of course.

I don't want anyone to think I saved lives or am a hero. I simply followed my instinct and God put me in a place to help, the heros stayed there and busted butt to save those kids. God Bless the teachers that put themselves between their kids and danger. God bless everyone that has pulled together and helped out from around the world.

Yaga1973 05-28-2013 11:27 AM

I'm going to say thank you as well. Like SwOkcOffRoader, we were less than a 1/4 mile North of the tornado on the East side of I-35. We got lucky as we were spared and I'm so glad I was at home working so I was able to make sure my wife and daughter were safe. Unfortunately, because of the insane amounts of traffic present less than 10 minutes after the tornado, I was unable to go help because I couldn't get through.

SwOkcOffRoader 05-28-2013 11:47 AM

That's by my grandmothers house, she lives between the tracks and Moore high on E Main st. Luckily she only got debris at her place. This has been one hellish week. Another big thank you out to the responders and volunteers. I was at the Plaza Towers memorial Saturday. Someone seen how emotional I got and asked if I was there. So I told a group of volunteers my story and showed them where we were pulling kids out. One of them asked how Oklahoma will get back to normal, I told him its all thru good people like them reaching out and helping however they can. That's how we did it in '99. I seen people from all over that afternoon, including some NY Fire Department guys. It's really great seeing all of the outreach.

Gary Lewis 05-31-2013 08:47 PM

Time to update this thread. I've been in and around OK all my life, but I've never seen as many tornados as are popping up (or maybe down) as I've seen this evening. And the guy on TV said the evening is far from over here in the T-town area as the cold front hasn't yet gotten here.

So, Yaga and SwOKC, how are you guys doing? Did the tornado go north of you? Anyone else?

Here the tornados have gone north of us to this point, probably 15 miles for the closest one. But, there's a storm SW of Tulsa and it might drop tornados. So, Bruno & Jstitts, how are things down there?

SwOkcOffRoader 05-31-2013 09:14 PM

Looked like the storm was going north if us, then it took a right turn an ran right over Moore. It figures, I brought my kids home for the first night since the 20th, and we had to take cover an hour after we got here. A small touchdown happened right around the corner. But we are ok here, lots of flooding all over the city.

Gary Lewis 05-31-2013 09:22 PM

That had to have been traumatic for the kids, as well as you. Glad you are safe, but I'll bet your nerves are shot and your patience running thin.

SwOkcOffRoader 05-31-2013 09:31 PM

I'm just glad We were all in one place. On the 20th the tornado went between where my daughter and I were, and where my wife and son were at. I thought the worst for an hour or so.

Yaga1973 06-04-2013 03:53 PM

Friday the 31st was an interesting night. I watched the whole thing develop, watched it move across the OKC Metro area, then head SOUTH, back towards Moore, and then lost power. Rode out the storm, which was just like being in a hurricane (I've been through a Cat 3 hurricane), and was amazed at how long it lasted and how much rain we received. El Reno got lucky as if the tornado out there had kept its course, El Reno wouldn't be here. The tornado was updated by the National Weather Service to an EF5 that was 2 1/2 miles wide and 17 miles long. Can you imagine what would have happened if that rolled through El Reno and then through on to OKC? Oklahoma got lucky Friday night.

Gary Lewis 06-04-2013 04:28 PM

Yes, that was CLOSE. I watched the whole thing on TV as well - Tulsa Chanel 8 dropped all programming for that. But it was too close for 18 people and probably more as several are still missing. I'm glad we have the safe room, and I had it ready - for sure.

carsoncarney 06-14-2013 02:02 PM

To SWOKCOffRoader:

I am from Ford Communications team and would LOVE to talk to you about your 1952 F-1. Would you be available to give me a call? My number is 214.546.2573.

Thanks so much!
Carson Carney
Ford Motor Company

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