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2000Expy 03-25-2003 12:16 PM

USA - The Arrogant Empire?
I have never seen so much glorification of a negative attitude towards America, as I have seen in the past year. It makes me want to puke. You talk as though there a so many countries that are far better than we are. Nothing ever happens like it is supposed to in America; it's all a conspiracy by greedy individuals, who care nothing for other people or their country. Instead of always looking for the worst within our borders, why don't you look at other countries and see if you want to live there. If you think that is the place to go, then educate us stupid Americans (who thinks it great here) what we are missing out on. Please, tell me about these other great countries where people have equal or greater liberty than we do. I'm all eyes and ears. And give me detail, not generalities. I don't want an Econ 101 lesson, I want to know in practical, everyday terms how I would be freer, healthier and better off....and why. And I wanna hear all this from you too, Mr Fatdaddy-I-know-better.

Carlene 03-25-2003 12:26 PM

USA - The Arrogant Empire?
Alright Guys - - - Its time to cool it.

If you haven't done so already, please read the message Webmaster posted at the top of the forum. If you have read it, read it again. Here's a link.

georgedavila 03-25-2003 01:15 PM

USA - The Arrogant Empire?
The title of the thread is USA - The Arrogant Empire? My brief description of problems our economy is experiencing was directed toward the statement that we're merely in a slump, and that the war against Iraq, a third tier nation without the ability to directly attack us, is not in our best financial interests. Perhaps some are not feeling any pressure with our current economic situation, but I can assure you a majority on the general level are in loss of jobs, the highest personal and business bankruptcy filings since the depression, reduced or wiped out retirement investments, a third of the country without medical insurance, investment capital drying up and state governments desperate for increased taxation to balance budgets because their revenues have dropped. To me, when our government attacks a nation the caliber of Iraq, without provocation other than paranoid maybes while ignoring our domestic issues, that's pretty arrogant. And not being concerned about what's happening to our fellow Americans in this country while pursuing such a war would be construed as arrogant and self-important.

President Bush just requested $75 billion from Congress as a 'down payment' for the war on Iraq. That doesn't include expenses to date, total cost of the war or any estimate of rebuilding Iraq's infrastructure. As a contrast, the 1991 Gulf War cost a total of $61 billion, with the US paying $7 billion of that. You don't need econ 101 to understand those numbers, we're on our own without any allies of substance. $75 billion is almost four times our foreign aid budget used to help countries.

2000Expy 03-25-2003 02:05 PM

USA - The Arrogant Empire?
With all due respect, then you should have never allowed a thread entitled "The Arrogant Empire" in the first place. But since it is here, I will address things as I see them. I didn't start this thread, but I'm not going to continue to sit by while these do-gooder, know-it-alls insult our president, our troops, our country and out way of life. If it weren't for the "CAPITAL LOSSES", George (Mr Economy), all these other countries would be slums right now. So be grateful, that other countries are able to assume useful roles that the Americans and Europeans are passing on. I am not an economist, but I happen to believe that this whole business is following the natural order of things. Why don't you start up a machine shop, so that at least we'll have one place left in the US where milling machines and lathes exist? That way when China is building our M1 tanks and automobiles, we'll have a second source should they no longer like us. Thank you.

NRAJOE 03-25-2003 02:06 PM

USA - The Arrogant Empire?
Anyone still even replying to this crappy thread?????:-huh

Mil1ion 03-25-2003 02:34 PM

USA - The Arrogant Empire?
2000 Expy,

I sent you a private message that asked a question.
I am still waiting a reply.

The concern we have at this time is the personal attacks vs a sound opinion on the topic.
Please view and respond to my question that I sent you rather than directing commentary to anyone on here.


LHGrizzly 03-25-2003 03:36 PM

USA - The Arrogant Empire?
I just wanted to make one point. The following quote is not totally accurate.

"President Bush just requested $75 billion from Congress as a 'down payment' for the war on Iraq. That doesn't include expenses to date, total cost of the war or any estimate of rebuilding Iraq's infrastructure." --georgedavila--

Sec. Rumsfeld gave a live press conference today (Tues.) about the request for $75 billion. This money is to cover the war on terror for this fiscal year, starting Oct. 2002. The money is for military action, salaries for troops, rebuilding Iraq, CIA, FBI, Pentagon, and any money for countries that allowed us to use their resources during the campaign.

When asked if this is the cost of the war, he replied that it was for the war on terror, including Iraq, for the past and forseen future. He very clearly stated that with no idea how long the war would be, it is "unknowable" how much it will cost. Leaving open the option for more funding. Have a good one boys.

fatdaddy 03-25-2003 05:27 PM

USA - The Arrogant Empire?
There is ABSOLUTELY nothing amatter with this thread. The great thing about MAD people is that they usually tell the truth. All the muscles in their neck standout , they stand on their toes, they wave their arms, shake their fist(s) and generally make alot of noise. kinda like a redneck , country preacher with a speech impediment...Thave your thelf your headded fer hell shure enuth......fd :-X04 :-X01 :eek: :-D :-tap Oo. Oo. Oo. :-X05 :-X05

Mil1ion 03-25-2003 05:28 PM

USA - The Arrogant Empire?
Hey Griz.

I heard it was 75 Billion to cover the war on terrorism for only 6 months of spending.

georgedavila 03-25-2003 06:01 PM

USA - The Arrogant Empire?
Reuters removed their headline of 'Down Payment'. As Mil1ion says, through 9/30/03. Check some of the cash to proposed allies. If you can't make friends, buy them.

Mil1ion 03-25-2003 06:19 PM

USA - The Arrogant Empire?

It even makes people spell words wrong ,like A....Lot. :)

This topic is fine, it is the *personal attacks* that are wrong on here.

fatdaddy 03-25-2003 06:51 PM

USA - The Arrogant Empire?
yeth, oh..yeth....i hope thum' body gets me a dictionary for my Birphday.....then i'll know how to spethell tho'eth big multi-syllabic words that make us sound like we're intelligent and just maybe all our nuerons(sp) are firing per the correct sequence. Life is so much fun when it happens sequentially rather than concurrently......fd :-X05 :-X02 :-tap :-X05 :-X01 :eek:

Lemineur 03-26-2003 01:38 AM

USA - The Arrogant Empire?
Hi mil1ion

This topic is fine, it is the *personal attacks* that are wrong on here.

Right man,...sounds sometime like if people cannot express different opinion... a different opinion IS NO ATTACK to somebody or to rhe President or to the Country...what's hell the way some people are thinking about ?

Have a nice day...and pray for all those are yet dead in both camp.


georgedavila 03-26-2003 01:49 PM

USA - The Arrogant Empire?
I've noticed that the rhetoric out of Washingon in the past few days has changed from 'protecting our constitution and security' to 'freeing the Iraqi People'. Attacking a sovereign nation because we don't like their form of government without an ongoing, organized civil war in that country to overthrow its own government certainly seems to fit the title of this thread.

Lemineur 03-29-2003 01:28 AM

USA - The Arrogant Empire?
To Fatdady & georgedavila,

"...6 days became 6 month..." at least !
What do you think about that? Do you imagine other Arabian countries sending mans to Iracq, in secret ?


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