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67nukeford 06-15-2012 10:29 AM

Yeah, especially if your brain is running a little slow

Fuha 06-15-2012 10:32 AM

I have actually stay out of them until I make the rounds of the chapters.. If the chapters are hopping like they are this morning I Dont deal with them

KingBigJoe 06-15-2012 01:23 PM

NASCAR is at Michigan. Those cup cars are flying around that track in under 36 seconds (or 200+ MPH). Something tells me that the track record for cup qualifying will be shattered by 8 MPH.

X_Hemi_Guy 06-15-2012 01:38 PM

They expected phenomenal speeds with the new surface...just like at Pocono last week...

It is rare to repave speedways...and two of them back to back...WOW!

Jigger2020 06-15-2012 01:41 PM

Good afternoon guys, one more bus run in about 10 & I'm done, its nice and warm up here too....:)

KingBigJoe 06-15-2012 02:03 PM

Originally Posted by X_Hemi_Guy (Post 11956683)
They expected phenomenal speeds with the new surface...just like at Pocono last week...

It is rare to repave speedways...and two of them back to back...WOW!

I know that. But, laps in the mid to upper 35 seconds... I wasn't expecting that at all. :D

X_Hemi_Guy 06-15-2012 05:20 PM

Evening Indiana and all of our IN friends!!!

Yeah Joe...I think everyone is a little surprised by the speeds...although I've watched IRL cars fly and I mean FLY around the banked Michigan speedway...well above 220's...amazing to watch for sure!

Well another work week is behind us...

I've got a pretty busy weekend though...stuff to do around the house!

I've got to change the rear brakes on the Excursion, rotate the tires and change the oil...I'll do that tomorrow morning before it gets too hot around here!

Then I've got some tasks to do inside the air conditioned house!

Have a great night/weekend everyone!


Jigger2020 06-15-2012 06:12 PM

Thats one thing about being away all week huh Joe, you dont get anything done around the house.....

X_Hemi_Guy 06-15-2012 07:06 PM

I am so far behind it isn't even funny!

Thankfully we're under drought the grass is all brown and not growing and doesn't need mowing!...LOL

Jigger2020 06-15-2012 07:18 PM

This week I cut the grass at home then I cut 3 more campsites down here, oh well

X_Hemi_Guy 06-15-2012 07:21 PM

Yeah...we're under an open burning ban too...they are talking about completely banning all fireworks too since it is so dry!

Tonight on the news they showed a pretty good patch of grass next to the interstate that started on fire from a discarded cigarette...everything is tinder dry!!!

Jigger2020 06-15-2012 07:55 PM

Why do morons have to throe cigs out the window....

X_Hemi_Guy 06-15-2012 08:22 PM

I never understood that either...but I follow people all the time and see them come flying out the window onto the road...why that isn't littering in their mind is beyond me...

KOESTNER 06-15-2012 09:00 PM

Good evening Indiana Ford fans! Have a terrific Saturday and a special Fathers Day.

X_Hemi_Guy 06-15-2012 09:01 PM

Howdy Rick!!!

Jigger2020 06-15-2012 09:11 PM

I dont get it Joe, some ppl have no respect for the environment...

KOESTNER 06-15-2012 09:11 PM

Hi Joe! Whats happening?

Jigger2020 06-15-2012 09:12 PM

Hey Rick, same to you

KOESTNER 06-15-2012 09:14 PM

Originally Posted by GIGGER (Post 11957853)
I dont get it Joe, some ppl have no respect for the environment...

Is that why we drive big eco friendly trucks?}>

Jigger2020 06-15-2012 09:37 PM

I'm not talkin about that, I'm talkin about littering & live cig butts, ya we all drive trucks so what, I cant pull my 5er with a prius, come on now get real

67gt351 06-16-2012 06:07 AM

Good Saturday morning Indiana :)

Good morning Joe and Wag :)

X_Hemi_Guy 06-16-2012 06:24 AM

MORNING Indiana and all of our IN friends!

I hope everyone is doing well today!

It's going to be HOT today...94° they say!!!

I'll be headed out to start the work on the Ex before it gets too hot out there...

Thankfully the garage faces west and the sun doesn't hit that part of the house until after I've got plenty of time to get done what I need to do...well unless I run into problems...but we won't talk about that...hehe...

After that I'll get the upstairs 2 bathrooms put back together...but I'l have to install 3 J-boxes for the new lights since there is NO J-box behind any of the lights...the old lights were all enclosed in a metal box...and the electrician's used that as the J-box...oh well...I'll get it done!

Have a great day everyone...I'll check in later.


X_Hemi_Guy 06-16-2012 06:27 AM

Originally Posted by KOESTNER (Post 11957864)
Is that why we drive big eco friendly trucks?}>

Originally Posted by GIGGER (Post 11957950)
I'm not talkin about that, I'm talkin about littering & live cig butts, ya we all drive trucks so what, I cant pull my 5er with a prius, come on now get real

Yeah...we were talking about how a road side fire started here in Indiana yesterday due to someone flicking a cigarette out the window as they were driving on the interstate.

We are almost 7" of rain BEHIND normal this year already and we haven't even hit our hottest and driest months of the year yet!

Everything is so dry any spark at all will set off a blaze!

I'm not sure why many smokers feel the road is their ashtray.

How many times have you been in a parking lot and noticed a pile of butts and ashes laying in the parking lot from someone emptying their ashtray on the ground? is more common than you think...I mean you use an ash tray in your vehicle and then just dump the butts in a parking lot on the ground?

I smoke cigars...when I'm done I don't just throw it in my yard...I extinguish it and put it in the trash...

BIGKEN 06-16-2012 06:37 AM

Good morning Indiana...Happy Weekend!!!

Jigger2020 06-16-2012 08:07 AM

Good morning guys, another great day in store, enjoy your Saturday, I will....:)

X_Hemi_Guy 06-16-2012 10:19 AM


Brakes = DONE
Tires = ROTATED and pressure adjusted

On to the next items on my was a productive morning!

KingBigJoe 06-16-2012 02:06 PM

Originally Posted by KingBigJoe (Post 11956735)
I know that. But, laps in the mid to upper 35 seconds... I wasn't expecting that at all. :D

Man, the cup qualifying was the most epic I've ever watched. The pole speed... 203 MPH ! Amazing ! :-jammin }>

KOESTNER 06-16-2012 06:36 PM

Originally Posted by X_Hemi_Guy (Post 11958719)
Yeah...we were talking about how a road side fire started here in Indiana yesterday due to someone flicking a cigarette out the window as they were driving on the interstate.

We are almost 7" of rain BEHIND normal this year already and we haven't even hit our hottest and driest months of the year yet!

Everything is so dry any spark at all will set off a blaze!

I'm not sure why many smokers feel the road is their ashtray.

How many times have you been in a parking lot and noticed a pile of butts and ashes laying in the parking lot from someone emptying their ashtray on the ground? is more common than you think...I mean you use an ash tray in your vehicle and then just dump the butts in a parking lot on the ground?

I smoke cigars...when I'm done I don't just throw it in my yard...I extinguish it and put it in the trash...

Joe, I will agree with you and Gerry on the disgusting habit that some have along with the improper disposal. I didn't mean to hijack the thread and give Gerry a PMS moment. Have a great Fathers Day guys.

X_Hemi_Guy 06-16-2012 07:01 PM

WOW...what a day...I'm just now sitting down at the puter...

I got a LOT done but I still haven't had ONE DRINK YET!!!...

I'm going to have to change that right quick!!!...LOL

I posted up in the Excursion forum my rear brake job with pictures and a tutorial...figured maybe that will help someone out...who knows...

Talk to everyone tomorrow I guess!


Jigger2020 06-16-2012 10:15 PM

Good evening guys, what a great hot day we had up here, life is good.....Ger

67gt351 06-17-2012 06:02 AM


Good morning All!:)

BIGKEN 06-17-2012 06:58 AM

Happy Fathers Day Indiana!!!

X_Hemi_Guy 06-17-2012 07:04 AM

Good morning Indiana and all of our IN friends!

I hope all the dad's out there enjoy their day!

I've got a big london broil to grill that means we'll be getting some rain...ha-ha...we actually NEED a LOT of rain as we're almost 7" BEHIND on our rain this year and it is very dry around here...we did get some small drops of attempted rain yesterday afternoon that petered out very quickly...

I did get all my Excursion maintenance items taken care of that was good!

I also got the new bathroom lights installed and most of the accessories installed...I ran into a few problems that slowed me down I have a couple of items to take care of today.

I also have to fabricate a table support for our RV...there is a flip up table in the bunk area of the camper...well for the life of us we cannot find it...all it is is a piece of 3/4" conduit pipe crushed on the ends and bent at a 45° angle...thankfully a friend of mine has the same he gave me the dimensions to make it up to...I'll head out into the garage in a little bit and cut the pipe and then clamp it in the vise to crush the ends and then bend away...I called Jayco but they were having a hard time understanding what I I went to Home Depot and got a 5' piece of conduit for $3...I only need 18" of it...I'll bend it up and then head to the camper to make sure it fits since we'll be leaving on our trip in a few weeks...

Have a great day everyone.


X_Hemi_Guy 06-17-2012 07:05 AM

Morning Dennis and Ken!

Hope you guys have a great day today!


Jigger2020 06-17-2012 07:57 AM

Good morning everyone & Happy Fathers Day to all the Dads out there....:)

I took my Mother to a cenetaph grand opening near here, interlocking bricks were laid to raise $ & my Dads name is engraved on 2 of them, he was a WW2 Vet, its great to see, Ger

Jigger2020 06-17-2012 07:59 AM

I do that all the time Joe, if I need something I make it, glad it worked out

X_Hemi_Guy 06-17-2012 07:59 AM

THANKS have a great day as well buddy!

That's cool on the bricks...THANKS certainly go to your dad for his service!!! did your mom like to see the bricks in his honor?

X_Hemi_Guy 06-17-2012 08:00 AM

Originally Posted by GIGGER (Post 11961704)
I do that all the time Joe, if I need something I make it, glad it worked out

I can't even imagine how much Jayco would have wanted for the pipe anyway...!!!

Jigger2020 06-17-2012 08:04 AM

My Mother was very happy I drove her there, and so was I, we both were happy & sadenned to see the paving stones there, such a great memorial...

X_Hemi_Guy 06-17-2012 08:53 AM

It is a sad but proud moment to be think about the person makes us happy...but to think about why we are seeing their name makes us miss them and sad...mixed emotions for sure... should be very proud of your dad for what he served for!...we all owe a great debt to those that have served and are serving today...!!!

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