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GLR 02-02-2019 08:06 AM

Almost time to become a "Snow Bird", Ger. There is a transmission guy down here who just built a new shop and now has heart problems. So he is thinking about getting out of the business.

I wanted overhead storage but, truss companies couldn't design/make what I wanted. A friend and I designed the trusses on the slab floor (inspired by the G&T's) This was in 1975 before building codes came into effect.

Jigger2020 02-02-2019 08:09 AM

Next yr George, my in-laws are almost 'done' ......... then it will be our time

shame about that tranny guy, good guys are hard to find

GLR 02-02-2019 08:17 AM

Talked to the guy about doing the AOD in my 89 Ford wagon. Was done about 6 years ago and recently lost OD again. He wants $2000 for the job. Guy in NY did the last job for $310 including a new convertor. I took out and installed. I here certain AODE parts can be installed and get an aftermarket shift kit. Might look into that. Meanwhile just drive the wagon without OD.

Jigger2020 02-02-2019 08:35 AM

Thats right, an AOD & AODE are the same guts,
mostly just the valve body is electronic on the E model,

how can the Guy in NY do last job for $310., did you trade him some gin :)
see thats what I mean about good tranny guys disappearing .....

GLR 02-02-2019 09:05 AM

I've know the guy in NY for years. He doesn't replace all the parts if not needed (in his opinion). I do the R and R. Years ago, one of the wagon had issues driving from NY to VA. Ended up with P, R and 2nd gears. Another guy down here wanted $750 for a used one with no guarantee. Another, $1750 to rebuild the one in the car. Couldn't see putting that much money in a $700 car. Drove it back to NY in 2nd gear (took a while). Pulled it out and had the guy up there repair it for $300.

Jigger2020 02-02-2019 09:22 AM

OK gotcha, I know its hard putting that kinda $ into the ole girl but if you like her ........

I agree with 'only replace whats necessary' thats what I do as well

search around for your best deal, as I know you are .......

GLR 02-02-2019 09:31 AM

Hard to believe I bought the wagon at a school auction down here for $300 back in 2002. No rust at all. Haven't touched the engine yet (114000 miles). Keep it here in Virginia to avoid the NY salt. Wouldn't drive it up there in the Winter anyway.

Jigger2020 02-03-2019 08:03 AM

WOW, we got another foot of snow here, if & when it rains, there will be roofs caving in :(

GLR 02-03-2019 09:21 AM

Weather guessers said we will be sending some warm air up there, Gerry.

Jigger2020 02-03-2019 02:58 PM

I hope so buddy, I'll wait here :) ......... I need time to heal between snow events, ugh

we might even have Monday off cus of freezing rain ... I'd rather drive the bus than have all that ice

GLR 02-06-2019 08:48 AM

Good morning Ontario. Hope y'all are staying warm.

Jigger2020 02-06-2019 12:28 PM

Hey George, my feet are cold all winter, poor circulation I guess :(

GLR 02-06-2019 01:44 PM

Gerry, Gerry, Gerry, I thought we told you not to go barefoot in the snow.:-X19

Jigger2020 02-06-2019 05:37 PM

I shoulda knowed better huh, my Mom's not here to teach me anymore :)

GLR 02-06-2019 06:07 PM

As we get older, we find out that our Mom's did know what was best. :-X22

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