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cek181 03-18-2003 02:34 PM

USA - The Arrogant Empire?
people don't like bush for the same reason many people i meet don't like me. he's straight and to the point, doesn't beat around the bush (no pun intended), he doesn't waste time with small talk, he doesn't circumvent issues, he just gets straight to the point, and doesn't care if he offends people while accomplishing his goals. so he doesn't kiss ass to everyone like clinton did and every other politician you see around the world. such a shame. he is a man that has his ***** together. if any of you read USA today, there is a great article in there today about him and the approach he takes with diplomacy, or lack thereof. i greatly admire the way he confidently handles situations, his resolve, and the way he conducts himself. he has said in private that he will do all that he can to protect our country from any attacks or aggression, even if it costs him the next election, and i admire the hell out of something like that. he's willing to take a fall for other people, people who dislike him even. nobody seems to see that quality which he possesses. attacking rumsfeld? rumsfeld is a genius, a fast thinker, and whitty as hell. too bad you people are so sensitive and get offended so easily by sarcasm or tough language. a bunch of soft talking cowards sure as hell didn't build this country and make it great, and a bunch of whiney half assed sheep sure arn't going to keep it together in these tough times we are facing.

expy2000's post should not have been deleted, i agree wholeheartly that what i read in there was in defense of our president, while it may have been a personal attack on BDV, it was both true and funny. if people are allowed to poke fun and personally attack my president, and trash his name and his image, then there is no reason why we can't poke fun at each other. oh wait, some sniveling liberal might take offense and cry...

waxy, im just curious, why are you always meddling in our political affairs and at the center of every political or foreign policy discussion when you aren't even an American? no offense at all, just curious as to why you take such a stand which always seems to be against whatever it is we are doing when your words carry no weight.... although you do make us have to think from time to time:)

Waxy 03-18-2003 02:34 PM

USA - The Arrogant Empire?
LHGRizzly, a couple of points.

1) I would take a President who lives up to his job, and does what he thinks is right for the country, any day over Clinton.
1- Wanting a president who lives up to his job, and does what he thinks is right for the country, has nothing to do with being Republican or Democrat, and certainly nothing to do with Clinton. If anyone suggests otherwise they are ignorant, lying, or distorting facts for their own personal or political gain.

A President's job says nothing about being reelected, his job is to protect the Constitution.
2- A President's (or Prime Minister's) job goes far beyond protecting the consititution. His/her job is to represent, and to guide the country toward, the wishes of the majority that elected him/her. If anyone suggests otherwise they are ignorant, lying, or distorting facts for their own personal gain.

As far as going into Iraq is concerned, I won't argue your statistics on this because I don't know otherwise.

3- You had a well crafted, objective, and intelligent post going until you chose to appeal to emotion rather than rational thought with your last two paragraphs. Anyone can argue (not debate) based on emotion, it doesn't require thought or fact, it also doesn't get much respect, from me anyway. I know that's gonna break your heart.:D


Waxy 03-18-2003 03:16 PM

USA - The Arrogant Empire?

Originally posted by cek181
a bunch of soft talking cowards sure as hell didn't build this country and make it great,
Cowards no, soft talking yes. Teddy Rosevelt's own words were "Walk softly and carry a big stick." Until now, American policy has always been to follow these words. Act decisively, and with force, but not in overt, aggressive ways. Blatant disregard for the opinions and the will of others has not served Bush well. Perhaps if he did use a little tact and kiss some axe he'd have a strong coalition rather than going it alone.

waxy, im just curious, why are you always meddling in our political affairs and at the center of every political or foreign policy discussion when you aren't even an American? no offense at all, just curious as to why you take such a stand which always seems to be against whatever it is we are doing when your words carry no weight.... although you do make us have to think from time to time:)
Because, whether I like it or not, US foreign policy directly affects me, my country, and the world that I live in.

It angers me that Americans in general give no "weight" to the opinions of anyone but Americans. It angers me that Americans view themselves, whether appropriately or not, as being the only country that matters and that is "right". It angers me that but for the small few, Americans are incapable, or unwilling, to see themselves from anything but their own egocentric viewpoint. It angers me that Americans seem to be so polarized by Rep. vs Dem. and Liberal vs. Conservative that it colors every aspect of their actions, and that common sense has taken a back seat, and "compromise" has become a dirty word.

I'm not Anti-American. We couldn't have a better neighbor. There are aspects of your poilicies and culture that really tick me off, just as I'm sure Canadians do things to tick you off. I don't speak out about 99% of what Americans do, and I certainly don't speak out just to be anti-American. I agree with most of what Americans do, and when I do, I speak out in support of it. We just happen to spend a lot of time debating an issue where I happen to not agree with the US.

I express my views on this site for the very reason that they aren't the "typical" American views. If you dismiss them as irrelevent simply because I don't live within the borders of the USA, well, that's your choice.


62uni 03-18-2003 04:10 PM

USA - The Arrogant Empire?
Believe me, Waxy, self styled patriotic real Americans give no weight to the opinions of anyone not on their side, regardless of citizenship. And their side is often nothing more than sloganeering and name calling, parroted from whatever media they are influenced by. At least by voter preference, Americans overwhelmingly can't be botherered. The won't vote contingent is in the majority, in that those that didn't even vote are a larger percentage than whoever does win the vote, even if correctly counted. I applaud your stirring up discussions here, I mainly just like fixing up my old truck, and only check in the political threads now and again for the chuckles, and to pass on some things of interest to my friends. We call it live from the redneck truck site, but only in jest. Still the Limbaughtomy like diatribes on any posting not in total lockstep adualation of a billionairs club administration and its frat boy cheerleader spokespresident is all too predictible and tiresom. I am glad you have the stomach for it.

pbrstreetg 03-18-2003 04:11 PM

USA - The Arrogant Empire?
While I lean towards Icelander's views, this statement is definately untrue:

"People who have not always hate those which have what they desire"

Though we do have a democracy (which in my definition means you get 2 choices, like it or not) every voter's really just making a guess as to the lessor of 2 evils. Those people at the big elephant/donkey rallies (whichever party just won) that are crying and/or beaming with a just found God look on their faces are indeed brainwashed as any cult member ever was.

I voted for Busch on a Florida butterfly ballot in 2000. He was a much better candidate for me than Gore, and anyone else (like Browne or Buccanan) would have been a wasted vote (unfortunately for us all). I'm a US Army veteran(11BC2) well into my thirties, and I'd bet anyone anything that only the two old party choices I mentioned before are getting elected in my lifetime. Of course I support our Chief of Staff, and sometimes that means killing and dying for something I don't completely understand or agree with. However, I reserve the right to say and feel anything I want about my leaders, and that includes when's "appropriate time" to do so.

Also I agree somewhat with Big_Daddy_Velvet. If Busch loses in 2004, I'm not gonna bitch and whine. Just as long as it's not to Hillary or that pseudo-republican soccermom that used to govern New Jersey, which is at least as bad as Kalifornia. Let's not let this happen. Jeb Busch, Florida's governor, is alright in my book though. He eliminated emissions testing in my state, and with a midnight executive order, blocked Earnhardt's autopsy photos from being shown in the papers.

People make fun of England for keeping their figure head kings and queens around. The US of A has royalty too, the super-rich elite and the politicians, and they're NOT figure heads. Isn't it cute to hold onto those old fashion "no one's above the law" and "justice for all" cliches we've all heard since we were kids.

Let's all try to live the good life in peace, and defend the homeland against ALL enemies, foreign AND domestic (the domestic one's are much closer to where I live, and so deserve more of my attention). As far as love it or leave, that's the weak way out. I'd rather stick around and try to change what's messed up even if that means the ulimate sacrifice.

icelander 03-18-2003 04:25 PM

USA - The Arrogant Empire?
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Waxy
[B]Cowards no, soft talking yes. Teddy Rosevelt's own words were "Walk softly and carry a big stick." Until now, American policy has always been to follow these words. Act decisively, and with force, but not in overt, aggressive ways. Blatant disregard for the opinions and the will of others has not served Bush well. Perhaps if he did use a little tact and kiss some axe he'd have a strong coalition rather than going it alone."

First, THIS IS NOT A PRE-EMTIVE STRIKE! i know you didnt say that directly but it seems to me that you were implying it. Second, the "opinions" and "will" of others was taken into account and they UNANIMOUSLY approved Res. 1441. we never had to go to the UN in the first place but we did to "use a little tact" and "kiss a little axe". Lastly, we are not "going it alone". if by going it alone you mean without france and russia then i suppose we are but the list of contributing nations is at 35 and climbing so we are hardly going alone.

"It angers me that Americans in general give no "weight" to the opinions of anyone but Americans. It angers me that Americans view themselves, whether appropriately or not, as being the only country that matters and that is "right". It angers me that but for the small few, Americans are incapable, or unwilling, to see themselves from anything but their own egocentric viewpoint. It angers me that Americans seem to be so polarized by Rep. vs Dem. and Liberal vs. Conservative that it colors every aspect of their actions, and that common sense has taken a back seat, and "compromise" has become a dirty word. "

compromise and apeasement are indeed dirty words. they mean giving in to the other side when you know they are wrong. just like your gov. doesnt want to arrest or track any terrorist groups in your country because they dont want any repricussions from such groups.

"I'm not Anti-American. We couldn't have a better neighbor. There are aspects of your poilicies and culture that really tick me off, just as I'm sure Canadians do things to tick you off. I don't speak out about 99% of what Americans do, and I certainly don't speak out just to be anti-American. I agree with most of what Americans do, and when I do, I speak out in support of it. We just happen to spend a lot of time debating an issue where I happen to not agree with the US. "

whatever. i have YET to see anything in any of your posts that suggests so.

"I express my views on this site for the very reason that they aren't the "typical" American views. If you dismiss them as irrelevent simply because I don't live within the borders of the USA, well, that's your choice."

no, i dismiss them because they are the "typical" "i love america......but" views.

Waxy 03-18-2003 04:47 PM

USA - The Arrogant Empire?
Well icelander, I'm finished replying to your posts or attempting to extend any type of an olive branch to you (which I've done several times in this thread and others). You are clearly fanatical in your views, and know everything there is to know, be it about Iraq or tipping. You respond without actually reading my posts, (based on the fact that you "know" me), you read your own opinions into anything I say, and you attack me personally.

I'll leave you be, and I'd hope that you return the courtesy.


alanscott 03-18-2003 04:52 PM

USA - The Arrogant Empire?

Originally posted by Waxy
Well icelander, I'm finished replying to your posts or attempting to extend any type of an olive branch to you (which I've done several times in this thread and others). You are clearly fanatical in your views, and know everything there is to know, be it about Iraq or tipping. You respond without actually reading my posts, (based on the fact that you "know" me), you read your own opinions into anything I say, and you attack me personally.

I'll leave you be, and I'd hope that you return the courtesy.


From another thread

Originally posted by Waxy
I don't know how much time you spent digging up this crap alanscott, for no other reason than to inflame people, but I'm certainly not going to spend any more time than I already have replying to it.


Nothing much to add here.

icelander 03-18-2003 05:00 PM

USA - The Arrogant Empire?
typical. when the facts ovewhelm you, you quit or resort to the "well, you know everything so i wont argue anymore" sort of childish comment.

youve extended me an olive branch? ok then, imagine im saddam and your the UN or America. get the point? exept the US wont quit or resort childish outs anymore and we'll do this without those who do.

as ive said before, oppose the war all you want but be ready when the other side mounts a campaine against you. apperantly the truth is too much for you to handle. thats sad.

btw, if i was personaly attacking you, under the guidelines and rules of this site wouldnt my posts have been removed or edited?

RBrendel 03-18-2003 05:52 PM

USA - The Arrogant Empire?
warning: my opinion

waxy, i know you are aware that the overwhelming majority of the users on this site are american, you post negative things about our president and about our country's actions and expect to be applauded. maybe your opinions will be appreciated in a canadian or french forum, but not here. president bush happens to be a very smart and moral man, and will lay his reputation on the line to do what's best for the world. he understands that this might cost his second term, but he will walk out with his dignity, and almost certainly respect from future generations that will see the brilliance in his actions that help set the world free of terrorism. i am a texan myself, and have had the privledge of meeting mr. bush. he is a very secure, confident man who pursues the best for his community, not for himself.
heres a little story i made up to explain my reasoning and justification for the presidents actions.

Sandra and Bob had a baby boy who they named Troy. They loved Troy very much and were always there to protect him from every evil and hurt. Sandra and Bob took Troy to the doctor for a routine checkup. The doctor explained to the parents that he needed to give the baby a vaccination that would prevent a deadly illness that might occur in the future, but he also added that the needle would cause the baby great pain and that it was better if they left the room during the procedure so emotions would not interfere. Bob (dad) agreed and supported the doctor's concern with the babies future health, and understood that the pain involved was a small price to pay for Troy's future. Sandra (mom) however, was very sensitive and emotionally attached to her baby. she agreed somewhat at first but suddenly decided that she could not bear to see her baby endure pain when she heard him crying for her in the next room. she knew it was for the best but as the baby's cries became louder she summoned the doctor and asked him to cancel the procedure because Troy was a good boy and did not deserve to be hurt. The doctor tried to explain to sandra that if he did not give the shot, the baby would get very sick and possibly die of a childhood disease. Bob tried to calm his wife and reasure her that it would be ok that the doctor is a very smart man and knows what he is doing. Even though Sandra had no medical training she exclaimed that there was a small chance of Bob getting ill and that they were moving to soon. She became irrational and overwhelmed with emotions that interfered with her thinking which caused her to cry and scream at her husband and the doctor. Bob knew enough to ignore his wifes emotions and while hugging her he put his hand over her eyes and mouth so she would shutup. The doctor performed the injection which sent the baby into crying and tears which halted when the doctor applied pain reliever along with a lolipop which put a smile on the baby's face. Troy was happy and now immune to a future possibility of infection. Troy grew up and lived a very healthy life.

Bob- Americans in support of the war
Sandra- protestor for peace
Doctor- President Bush
Troy- Iraq (not Saddam but the country of Iraq in general)
Injection- military action
Pain reliever and lolipop- medical and food supplies for the people of Iraq during and after the war

Bob's action of ignoring and restraining his wife- THE BULLDOZER haha
;) im just kidding

once you put it in simple terms like this war is a very logical way of solving this.
I'm with Bush all the way

gopfan 03-18-2003 05:56 PM

USA - The Arrogant Empire?
Fat Daddy ... I couldn't agree more! That is one of our Blessed rights as Americans, to freely criticize our government. Although, I believe it needs to be done with some dignity and respect.

horsepuller 03-18-2003 06:03 PM

USA - The Arrogant Empire?
rbrendel, great analogy and I loved your summary at the end!

RBrendel 03-18-2003 06:22 PM

USA - The Arrogant Empire?

Originally posted by Waxy
Well icelander, I'm finished replying to your posts or attempting to extend any type of an olive branch to you (which I've done several times in this thread and others). You are clearly fanatical in your views, and know everything there is to know, be it about Iraq or tipping. You respond without actually reading my posts, (based on the fact that you "know" me), you read your own opinions into anything I say, and you attack me personally.

I'll leave you be, and I'd hope that you return the courtesy.


i dont think hes fanatical in his views, most of us agree with him.
alot of us would appreciate it if you kept your negativity and anti-american feelings to yourself. why dont you change your name to "muhammad waxy" and fight for saddam, share your feelings over there and see what happens. i pee on your olive branch, you can have your own opinions and they should be respected , but like i said not many people are going to agree with you in this particular environment. but this is stupid and i think we should get along, its a truck site. i wonder if that bulldozer was a ford?

edit: you are personally attacking all us, AMERICA IS THE PEOPLE. Roosevelt did say that but he was referring to the business trusts in the US. He was for breaking up trusts that held to much power while he ignored the trusts that actually benifited the economy. thats why he said walk softly with a big stick, he would examine the trusts and ignore the benificial ones while he would break the dangerous trusts apart. kind of weird you were saying that because i was reading over that chapter in my ap us history book as i read your post. actually, he was like Bush, he didnt screw around, got to the point, if Ted was still president u better believe Iraq would have been gone by now.

cek181 03-18-2003 09:11 PM

USA - The Arrogant Empire?
im glad there's men like rbrendel and icelander out there with me. it goes to show the country hasn't entirely gone to hell yet.

the time for debating the iraq issue and president bush and his decisions is over for the time being. right now, we all need to be united, the more united we are, the quicker and easier it will be for our military and our leaders to get done what they have to get done and come home safe. your not going to change what is happening in the world by anything you say or protest, you can only hurt the situation! and yes, that goes for canadians too. your support will also help. if your not with us, your against us.

if you're an american and want to speak out against our president and our government then by all means you don't deserve to live in this country. too many men have sacrified blood sweat and tears for America and what it stands for. you people who protest have life way too easy and good, your living in a comfort zone and you've probably never been out of it. you probably have never given thanks for the simple things you have in your life and your probably not grateful for all the freedoms you enjoy. if you don't agree with what our government is doing, then elect someone differnt the next time around, or move somewhere else where you feel that you'll get what you want. i guarantee you'll come crawling back to america.

all protesting does is tear apart our country from the inside. maybe people need to learn a little humbleness and humility. when i see signs like the one alan scott posted that mention enlisted soldiers shooting their officers, that just makes me sick. it shows people have no respect for authority- that is why we have protests. the ones waving the banners and marching are the ones who can't respect their own parents, the law, or fellow man. i see first hand examples every day. i see people who aren't even american citizens protesting our military. my god it frustrates me to no end. then you have people from canada openly criticizing our government and our president. have you nothing better to do or talk about? we need to be as united as we can at a time like this, and all some people want to do is divide us into factions. a house divided cannot stand. that's why we lost vietnam.

with each and every day that bush loses popularity in our country, he becomes more of a person that i look to for guidance and a role model. maybe our society has become so morally crooked that indecent men are found to be more favorable than good honest men. its sad. im glad dubya is there to lead us. maybe the mistaken and the ignorant will catch on soon enough and learn something from him and his actions. god bless bush.

RBrendel 03-19-2003 12:44 AM

USA - The Arrogant Empire?
well said :-tap

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