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cyclopsblown34 08-26-2014 08:47 AM

Originally Posted by 97 Mountain Man (Post 14614015)
So did you get the Storm Trooper or the Darth Vader version? I had the Storm Trooper version a couple of years ago.

Darth Vader version, it actually allows me to walk and not be in pain, it's really quite nice.

77&79F250 08-26-2014 08:59 AM

I need 2 of them for my feet and legs and Alan needs a whole I won't say anything funny in a raspy voice like "Luke I am your father".

whiskey runner 08-26-2014 10:52 AM

i know that i dont have room to talk because i dont do what i should.. but this may be a good time to go work with the VA alan.. of nothing else they may help with your meds

earthquake68 08-26-2014 12:25 PM

Afternoon Everyone!

I got the Mustang assembled and back to the car lot. I also got the other Jeep Liberty apart and painted. I'll get that together this evening.

I had to go back to the lot to fix a disaster the kids jacked up. :mad: I would think if you replaced a strut in a car, it was common sense to put ALL the pieces you took out, BACK in the car! It is NEVER ok to leave stuff out! :mad: :mad: :mad:

77&79F250 08-26-2014 01:02 PM

What...I thought that when you put stuff back together you were suppose to have left over parts and that meant you did a good job??

Nothing like being an overachiever, huh? lol

Hang in there Alan....

Yes RC better ck in with the VA and show them you are a modern miracle of man kind to medicine. lol

whiskey runner 08-27-2014 07:08 AM

wake up missouri... it feels like a cooler day out there... wish it would stay like this..:)

77&79F250 08-27-2014 09:18 AM

That's funny RC it 6:18 PM here....I have been up all day, while you were sleeping. lol

Whats on the schedule today?

whiskey runner 08-27-2014 09:59 AM

rich, so far i have not made any plans.. i guess i should head to the shop and make sure it is still there..:)... i started on rebuilding the hyd. system in the ole 9N, so i need to get it done and moved. then i can pull all the project cars out and clean and organize the shop. i have about 5 engines i need to get rebuilt and ready to install. but i dont see much getting done till the temps get below the 3 digit mark....

77&79F250 08-27-2014 10:03 AM

Well its either going to be to hot or too cold and then what? To hot, big shop fan, to cold, start a fire in the stove or plug in the kerosene bullet heater....

Don't mess with cleaning the shop, just move stuff around so you feel better, its going to get messed up again anyway.

And who knows what you will find while "re-organizing", oh dang there is that screwdriver I was looking for.

whiskey runner 08-27-2014 05:24 PM

well i went to the shop.. played with a few things then thought WHY AM I HERE!!!!.. it was sweltering hot in there and i cant imagine what i could do today that couldnt be done better and faster when it got cool again..:) so i came home..:)

earthquake68 08-27-2014 06:23 PM

Evening All!

My days are numbered at the car lot. That guy just keeps taking advantage of me and he made absolutely crystal clear today that he doesn't appreciate what I've been doing for him. he can try and find someone else to do it.

cyclopsblown34 08-27-2014 07:33 PM

Good for you Alan, that jagoff has no clue how valuable you are.

whiskey runner 08-27-2014 08:09 PM

some employers are like that... you work hard and do a good job.. and all they see is a guy who they can keep getting more and more out of.. he seems to think its you who need's him, not the other way around.. there is only one way you can show him your value and you know what that is

earthquake68 08-27-2014 08:34 PM

The first guy that thought I needed him and I'd be back was in Pennsylvania. That was 21 years ago and that shop isn't in business anymore.

The second guy was in Springfield. He just knew I'd be back. I needed that job. That was in Springfield 5 years ago. That shop is no longer in business, either.

Turns out they needed good employees more than I needed a bad employer.

Did I put the shops out of business by leaving? Heck no! ...but when I see the hull of the ship I'm on taking on water, I don't wait around to see if the leak will heal itself, either.

earthquake68 08-27-2014 08:40 PM

I did manage to get the intake and valve train in the 360 for the '73.

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