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ubereal2 06-17-2014 07:21 AM

G'Mornin everybody:)
Quiet around here since Tim has been at a friends house the last couple of day's helping with a car. He should be home today sometime this afternoon late.
Still not able to replace his wrecked ZX2, too much money going to different places right now to hand out a couple of grand. He wants us to help finish his "Project car". He has a 97 Eclipse in the garage that was a basket case (Literally) when he got it. Now it does look like a car, but it's pretty botched up.
Myself I just don't see it ever being a safe car to be out and about in. He think's it only need $400 and I'm saying $2000 minimum. I actually hop it never runs under it's own power. It's a Turbo Eclipse, and I just see that car being the one that really get's him hurt, or worse. Maybe when he's 40 and a dad I'll help with that one.

Hope y'all have a great day.:-wink

CLINT-THE-GREAT 06-19-2014 12:44 PM

Afternoon Bob, Tony, Larry, Canes and James

-The Great

CLINT-THE-GREAT 06-19-2014 12:44 PM

It's officially monsoon season here in Illinois.... rain, rain, sunshine, rain, rain.... makes it nice and humid... :(

-The Great

ubereal2 06-20-2014 07:42 AM

Oh what to do this weekend!
A friend of my wife's gave me two tickets to "Peak City Pig Fest" this weekend, and I think, there is a gun show around here someplace.
Y'all have any plans this weekend?


ncheavymetal 06-20-2014 02:09 PM

Softball tournament starts tonight and runs all day Saturday or until we lose twice. Have to attend a funeral on Sunday. Back to the grind on Monday. Two swim meets next week. Then we're headed down east next weekend for my wife's grandmothers 90th birthday party.

Hope everyone has a nice weekend.

77mud 06-20-2014 06:13 PM

Work schedule was switched around this week, instead of 0600-1630 it was 1400-0030. Pretty much kicked my ass because I was up at 0600 working on trucks to make a race this weekend... glad I was off today but I was slammed loading trailers trucks changing tires and fueling the diesel up to leave for SC in the morning

77mud 06-20-2014 06:24 PM

It started on the 38.5s

Now she's on 35's..

And there all loaded up behind my diesel...

ubereal2 06-22-2014 10:36 AM

Nice toy's:)
Another quiet day around here, lighting the grill for dinner later, just some burgers, nothing fancy.

77mud 06-23-2014 02:55 PM


I'm in need of a nap haha

ncheavymetal 06-26-2014 08:44 AM

Hope everyone is well. I have been slammed busy the last few weeks. Not much let up until the end of July.

Going to try and squeeze a dinner with yall in there somewhere and hope to go shooting July 26th.

Yall take care.

ubereal2 06-27-2014 07:28 AM

G'Mornen everybody.
Nothing going on around here, we're doing some extra chores around the house this weekend and leave in 9 day's for our vacation in Tn. Shari's super excited about it, and still has no idea that I'm flying in our daughter on Tuesday. I'm actually her evil step dad }> but I've raised her since she turned 1 year old, and is now 21. And I too am ready to do some shooting the 26th of July.
By the way I THINK there is a gun show in Raleigh this weekend. If so is anybody going? I'd like to get some .22LR rounds, and some more 9mm, and 45auto's but don't want to pay $20-30 to get my son and I in, plus pay for ammo.

Y'all behave:-X06

77mud 06-27-2014 02:02 PM

Kinda late posting this, and its a bad video but you can kinda see the wild ride I took this weekend.

PS ignore my ******* friend who went crazy at the end LOL

ubereal2 06-27-2014 07:21 PM

Looks like fun Larry:)
Another day down in the books. Debating on going to the gun show this weekend in Raleigh. I really just want some ammo deals, and I doubt there are any good "Deals" on .22's right now anyway.
But an friend of mine from back home showed me a picture of his "Ducktown" .45/410 derringer style that really looks like it would be fun to play with, and not expensive. It's a "No Thrills" weapon, would be a great little snake gun.

Hope y'all had a good day.


77mud 06-28-2014 01:51 PM

Oh it is!

Attempted cutting grass but it's so wet that I only got were I park the mud truck and trailer done before giving up but I changed oil in the wife's ranger. In case anyone uses it walmart had a killer deal on Mobil 5000 conventional oil yesterday $12.87 for a 5 quart jug, same price as walmart supertech brand...

ubereal2 06-30-2014 10:53 AM

Working around the house, picking daughter up tomorrow afternoon, and get things ready to leave for Gatlinburg Tn this Sunday morning:-X03

Y'all behave:-wink

77mud 06-30-2014 04:17 PM

Behave? For what?

ncheavymetal 07-01-2014 09:16 AM

Larry why were you running in the small pit? Just for fun? Testing out the new parts? That's some pretty big air you got. Glad nothing broke on the landing.

Hope everyone has a fun and safe 4th weekend. I'm probably working Friday and taking Monday off. Taking the canoe and plan to do some fishing out of it. We'll also take out the motorboat and go tubing and fishing and such. But honestly I'm looking forward to getting up early and taking the canoe out and drifting the banks trying to snag some flounder and trout. I've got enough fireworks to start a small skirmish between counties. I hope to have all my fingers and hearing intact after the weekend.

77mud 07-01-2014 02:41 PM

That was in SC they have a bog and a hill and hole. I took the 35's and 38.5s to run both classes in the hill and hole. I'm not a bog pit kinda guy anymore l, unfortunately a wiring issue kept me from running the big tire class

77mud 07-03-2014 12:17 PM

Welp looks like we are gonna have this hurricane tonight. Don't know where to believe it's gonna hit.

ubereal2 07-03-2014 03:47 PM

Everybody's Booked
Finally able to get an appointment to get the tires balanced on the truck. Everybody is booked solid and was able to get in to a Firestone location that will see if they can work me in this Saturday morning.
I can feel a tire in the back of the truck shaking at highway speeds, and I don't want to feel that or cause abnormal wear to a tire. We're leaving this Sunday morning for Gatlinburg:)

Hope everyone has a good 4th of July holiday tomorrow. We had some friends that were coming over and eat some BBQ'd chicken I'm doing, and they have cancelled on us. So it's just gonna be us.

Y'all behave:-wink

77mud 07-03-2014 06:26 PM

I'm laid back watching the wind blow drinking a mixed drink. Most everyone else is far enough west to miss this thing aren't y'all?

ubereal2 07-04-2014 06:40 AM

2 Attachment(s)
So Larry, hope you and the family fared well during Hurricane Arthur?
I've been tempted to head that way during one of these storms:-huh.
Yup I'm kind of a weather nut. I was the neighbor (Back Home) that was outside with a camera when the Tornado Sirens were sounding. I have some pretty good pictures of Tornado's forming, and on the ground, as well as the aftermath.
I was a volunteer for several different organizations that came in and helped with the clean up of any disaster. As well as a Volunteer Fire Fighter.

Hope y'all have a safe July 4th:-X03

Here's a couple of pictures that I took from our front yard, literally looking straight up.:-X22

fuzzy1626 07-04-2014 06:56 AM

Originally Posted by 77mud (Post 14480854)
Most everyone else is far enough west to miss this thing aren't y'all?

Way west. Spent the day at Kerr Scott Lake in Wilkesboro.

ubereal2 07-04-2014 07:08 AM

Originally Posted by 77mud (Post 14480854)
Most everyone else is far enough west to miss this thing aren't y'all?

Yup.... Durham

77mud 07-04-2014 10:32 AM

Faired fine few small branches down. Took the top out of a gum tree on my wood line. Lots of rain, ponds up about 5-6" but could stand another 6".

ubereal2 07-05-2014 12:01 PM

We're making headway around here finally.
Rocky is at boarding, truck tires are balanced, 3 were out of balanced, and outside is cleaned. Still need to vacuum and RainEx, dress the rubber (WHEW) so we can leave for Gatlinburg in the am.

77mud 07-05-2014 03:51 PM

Sounds like a plan, hop you have safe travels and a great time!

ubereal2 07-06-2014 05:27 AM

Thanks Larry...
Shari and I have been together just over 20 years and have never, taken a full week vacation. And this may be the last one with our kids:-X03.
Hope y'all have a good day. :-wink

IB Tim 07-06-2014 01:52 PM

Hello North Carolina...please continue to enjoy your weekend!

77mud 07-06-2014 07:25 PM

Weekend was good didn't do much besides rotating tires in my truck. But cooked ribs on the grill Friday, then some burgers and corn on the grill yesterday. Today my wife's parents came down and we grabbed some pizza at michealanglos. Tomorrow I'm gonna change the oil in the race truck and probably pull the starter since I finally broke down and ordered a mini starter for it, hope that fixes my having to replace starters every 6 months.

ncheavymetal 07-06-2014 10:03 PM

Hope yall have a nice vacation Bob. Safe travels. See you when you get back.

Glad yall didn't get worked over by the storm Larry. For a class 2 Hurricane it was pretty much a non event down east where we were. Lots of wind and rain but no flooding or trees down or any of the bad stuff usually associated with storms that size.

I came back with all my fingers and toes. We had a heck of a show for the neighbors. My buddy and I lit everything off from the pier while all the folks watched from the shore. I heard it was great but we were too busy trying to not blow ourselves up to notice the show.

Hope everyone had a nice holiday weekend.

Yall have a good week.

77mud 07-08-2014 07:06 PM

Yea lots of rain, but we needed it!

CLINT-THE-GREAT 07-11-2014 12:52 AM

Evening James, Canes, Bob, Tony and Larry

-The Great

fuzzy1626 07-11-2014 04:32 AM

Morning Clint and all the NC FTE members..:-X25

77mud 07-11-2014 11:59 AM

Afternoon everyone

ubereal2 07-13-2014 07:44 PM

We made it back this afternoon, then back across town to get my boy (Dog) Rocky, so now we're all home.:)
We had a great time, played around in Gatlinburg, Pigeon Forge, Dollywood etc. Truck is dirty, bank is tapped, but a great time.
I'll see about getting some pictures up.

77mud 07-13-2014 07:47 PM

Sounds like a good time! My wife keeps hinting around about another trip to TN. Them I keep hinting about a motorcycle lol

ncheavymetal 07-14-2014 01:08 PM

Glad you had a fun time and everyone came back safely. Photos would be cool.

Hope everyone else is doing well.

lilmatt119 07-15-2014 08:47 AM

Im just trying to make it through wearing a security uniform until Saturday, when I switch into my company uniform and head to wilmington for the Police exec's Conference to try and drum up some business. Should be a good 5 days with my peoples. I have a feeling there will be quite a few shenanigans as well, just not sure I'll be able to remember them lol

77mud 07-15-2014 07:04 PM

And the parts search is on.....

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