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havi 12-20-2010 06:47 PM

IMO, in a couple weeks after this all passes over, you just might see the questions getting answered again, like they were 2 and a half years ago.

Again, that's no knock on Dan/Julie. Just that when his answers became better than everyone else's, nobody really even bothered answering them anymore. I can think of a few who haven't answered on here in quite awhile. Furgie, Martin, Ewilliams, Jagred54, rhopper, 3Mike6, CIAF, truxx56, Imlowr2, etc.... My apologies to those I didn't include.

In a nutshell, let's just say there were a lot of trucks built on this site since 1997, and that was before Dan/Julie came on.

tjc transport 12-20-2010 06:58 PM

Originally Posted by ibuzzard (Post 9712627) that with 4k (and counting) "hits", perhaps the owners of FTE will be able to sell more advertising,and we can all get a couple more spam emails in our P.M. boxes. Sign me up!

those "spam emails in the PM box" have nothing to do with post counts.
they are sent by FTE strictly for FTE site sponsors.
so google and other post counter bots make no difference as to their being sent.

BlueOvalRage 12-20-2010 07:03 PM

Originally Posted by bobbytnm (Post 9711960)
I tried to warn
Way back in post #15 of this very thread I advised her to be careful how she took on the admin of the site.

Quite the charade....Ol' Dan could be quite helpful (in either persona) its a shame he couldn't keep his temper in check. There were way too many times when he took things to heart and went on the personal attack against anyone whose ideas differed from his. (I know, he blasted me several times). Still, I think he would still fit in and be welcomed without too much flack from anyone.

Interesting times

I think Bobby hit the nail on the head - or at least he did as far as my own feelings on the matter are concerned. If he wanted to use an alter ego to post with it didn't bother me a bit. His attitude was the problem. Dan had/has a serious problem with being disagreed with and he has a tendency to lash out personally at those that have different opinions. I remember the exact post where he turned on me for differing with him. He attacked my professional knowledge and to me that is unforgiveable. I've worked hard to get where I'm at and I will not tolerate being told that I'm an idiot and must perform my job poorly because I don't see the things the same way he does. That's simply inexcusable.

I've been around this forum off and on for almost a decade now. There have always been diasagreements and different philosophies from time to time and there always will be. The inmates of this place bring a wide variety of experience, knowledge, and personalities to the table and these occasional differences of opinion are inevitable. Even with the infrequent little squabbles, I don't ever remember there being enemies or personal attacks. It's always been a fun, good-natured place to hang out and learn. Dan/Julie changed that dynamic when he showed up. He expected us to fall in line and agree with him without question lest we suffer the terrible wrath of "Julie". This community doesn't need that kind of poisonous personality trying to run the show - regardless of how much help they provide. No one is irreplaceable and others will step in to pick up the slack - others that are willing to consider a different point of view without blowing a gasket.

With that said, I'm over it now and won't mention he/she/it again. I don't know exactly what happened behind the scenes and I really don't care. If he's gone, then he bought and paid for it and that's that. I just want the dark cloud that has hung over my favorite internet destination for the last couple years to go away and for the '48-'60 forum to be back the way it was. We are all valuable here in our own way and no one should ever fear posting or contributing for fear of getting flamed. HAMB has cornered the market on that. That's one trait of their organization that they can keep.

dennisb56 12-20-2010 07:11 PM

AMEN to that!

havi 12-20-2010 07:30 PM

Originally Posted by dennisb56 (Post 9712784)
AMEN to that!

DITTO! Thank you BOR.
I may not know a lot, but I do know everyone has their right to an opinion, and that should be accepted.

I've spoken my piece, and I am done.

Carlene 12-20-2010 07:39 PM

In all sincerity, I must say, you guys are the classiest bunch on FTE. I don't know of any other forum on here where everyone can agree and/or disagree and not get slammed. Don't believe me, check out the Offroad Forum sometime.

Thank you. :)

ibuzzard 12-20-2010 07:44 PM

Originally Posted by Carlene (Post 9712916)
In all sincerity, I must say, you guys are the classiest bunch on FTE.

Aw,shucks,go on now.......

Lakotas53 12-20-2010 08:06 PM

WOW! I have just sat here and read 13 pages of posts! I being a new guy on here have always kept my mouth shut and just soaked up all the knowledge I could and as I got a little braver I started to offer a little advice here and there but to be honest I hesitated to do so. Because I have read many posts that Julie would have had a come apart due to what she thought was incorrect or misinformation. I just alway chalked it up to harmonal imbalance. Don't get me wrong I don't mind being corrected if I post something incorrect, its just how you do it. I even took offense to several post that people seemed to be down right nasty to her also. Again I just kept my mouth shut because I didn't know the whole story. Well I'm glad I did. But I will say this, Julie (and she will always be Julie to me since Dan was before my time) has helped me tremendously with all the information she has collected and passed on to us new guys.

arrowheadfred 12-20-2010 08:12 PM

Thats what i call southern charm !!! LOL

Harrier 12-20-2010 08:21 PM

You guys and gals never cease to entertain.
Differing opinions are important here. It helps us all learn. I posted a question on my rear end (the one on my truck) and I got answers from all sides. My decision on how to proceed is mine, but all ideas are greatly appreciated. You can't make a well informed decision without looking at many good options.

Man you all have been busy posting this evening. Off to give another massage (gotta pay for the truck work somehow. :) )

Carlene 12-20-2010 08:29 PM

Originally Posted by Harrier (Post 9713143)
Man you all have been busy posting this evening. Off to give another massage (gotta pay for the truck work somehow. :) )

Ooooooo, Me Next. Oo. :-fire

Scratch that, I don't pay for massages, well, not with cash anyway. :-roll

spurredon 12-20-2010 08:29 PM

This thread has gone on so long that it must be time for more SPAM in the PM!! :-X04

Not that my opininion of "Dulie", really matters, but many of the post I read from him where stating the obvious. Some people really are searching for affirmation. I always have gotten the most meaningful help from the others that are still here in the wings. I have hung out in a couple of other areas as I have a '66, 88' and 86' besides the 60' that I just finished. However, I always come to the 48-60 for entertainment!

jim collins 12-20-2010 09:14 PM

Darn, :-bangheadeverytime i leave here and go over to the H.A.M.B. to see the guys there cussing each other and other name calling, i start thinking about this thread . Everytime i leave ,it's a cliff hanger and i just have to get back on. The name ,julie,dan,henry ford,ect. ,makes know difference to me. So until i see the proof from julie/dan or something other than hearsay,it's julie.Heck i even may be using a fake name :-innocent. She/he did give out a lot of information and wanted the credit , but she/he is not alone there. Think about it, there are a few more and most of them know what they are talking about and they want the credit. I never new this Dan ,so i guess thats the reason i can separate it . I do believe the f-1 with both names by it are the same truck. ........ JIM,or somebody.:-wink

bobj49f2 12-20-2010 09:41 PM

I've been monitoring this thread since the beginning. Well, actually I just read the first day or two and then got busy at work and life and forgot about it until it was suggested I check in on it. It sure was one of the more colorful threads.

As for the Dan/Julie issue right after one of the last blow ups he/she PM'd me to ask my opinion. My suggestion was to start a new post and state the truth no matter what it is. I felt the members of this board would accept whatever that truth may be and we'd all go on without a problem. The situation as it was, was just plain strange. Even if it wasn't important there was still a bit of suspicion which can and will affect the way someone is viewed.

jim collins 12-20-2010 09:52 PM

Originally Posted by bobj49f2 (Post 9713569)
I've been monitoring this thread since the beginning. Well, actually I just read the first day or two and then got busy at work and life and forgot about it until it was suggested I check in on it. It sure was one of the more colorful threads.

As for the Dan/Julie issue right after one of the last blow ups he/she PM'd me to ask my opinion. My suggestion was to start a new post and state the truth no matter what it is. I felt the members of this board would accept whatever that truth may be and we'd all go on without a problem. The situation as it was, was just plain strange. Even if it wasn't important there was still a bit of suspicion which can and will affect the way someone is viewed.

I think you gave good advice, like i said i never new dan so it's easy for me to think "julie" . It is better to be up front though . My name is jim because thats what my mom called me and she never did fib to me .:-missingt

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