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Old 09-18-2010, 11:35 AM
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I drove a 2011 SD with the 6.2 and wasn't impressed. The 6.7 Diesel was much more impressive but I don't tow or pull enough to warrant that set up. The 6.2 seemed to lag big time. The power was OK once it got going but it sounds like it's going allot faster than it is.

Noisy engine for sure.
It reminds me of the very underpowered 5.4 in some ways. I was considering the 6.2 but now I'm not interested at all until Ford builds a better 6.2 or equivalent.
You'd think Ford would build a decent gas engine but why get it right now.
The combination of Power and decent MPG's have evaded Ford once again.
A DOHC and 4 V would be a start. Why a **** poor 2V?
Sorry but I'm not impressed. I bet the mileage isn't very good either.
The Salesman said 15 all around. That probably means 12-13.

If I was to buy a new 2011 it would be the 6.7.