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Old 10-06-2007, 02:47 PM
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Loud & Proud
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Getting tired of this. . .

Well, started the new job exactly a month ago and I'm already looking for another one Now I know why independent garages get such bad reps with some of the stuff they pull. (rolling eyes)

Hollering at me for doing my job(the owner didn't see me performing my responsibilities and ASSumed, since he missed it, that I just stand around because I've got nothing better to do) or having to go back out to the SnapOn truck to talk to the dealer about getting my impact gun fixed(got in trouble for that one too), telling me to superglue p/brake shoes back on an '03 Mountaineer and then, even after I told her not too, the service writer/secretary/receptionist went to the owner and asked if she could charge the shoes out as new ones and he said that would be fine(unbelievable).

What is this world coming to? Every where I turn ppl in the auto industry are ripping consumers off and it pisses me off to no end when I see it happening. Bogus services for vehicles, upselling the bogus services and not even doing them, upselling brakes and tires when not needed, lying to customers, putting wrong bulbs in vehicles( I was told as long as it works when it leaves here, that's all that matters) the list is un-ending. Sheeezzzz!! Nobody has respect for the trade, the ppl, the vehicles, nothing. As long as the green pads their pocket they don't care.

I'm sick, tired, and disgusted of working for ppl and companies like this. I don't know about the rest of you guys and what it's like at your jobs, but I've just about had it with my career. I'm only 25 to boot, too. LOL Oh well, I'll figger something out. Sorry for the long post, thanks for the venting space though.