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Jim242002 05-22-2003 10:25 PM

4.6L V8 Engine Diagram
Hey ya'll need alittle help, friend of mine just go him a 4.6L V8 and he is new to ford trucks it's A 97 and he was looking for a picture of the engine with information where the main things were locate i am guessing like Air filter,duh lol,oil,engine oil,and hell i dunno what else,most the caps are marked with what they are anyway but if ya'll could give me a diagram i could print out for him i would appreicate it..
i don't know really what he wants to be shown but i guess he wants to know the specifics ....

It's the 4.6L V8 1997....

Jim242002 05-23-2003 06:40 AM

4.6L V8 Engine Diagram
OOO Forgot I know those things ain't allways related to the engine like right on it, but you get the ideal..

spuzzly 05-23-2003 06:26 PM

4.6L V8 Engine Diagram

I have a 97 150 4X4 4.6L with 133 K miles on the odo. I would suggest that your friend go to Autozone and pick up a Hayes Maintence Manual cost $15 bucks. This will give him diagrams, pictures, instructions for both the V8 and V6 models for his year. Better quality than anything you can print off the internet. I have one and love it. Hope this helps.


Oo. :D

Jim242002 05-23-2003 07:22 PM

4.6L V8 Engine Diagram
Hey Dave thanks for the tip I never thought of that..That should be a better referance for him so he can get more material...Heck I might even pick me one up for 15 bucks

spuzzly 05-27-2003 09:27 PM

4.6L V8 Engine Diagram

No problem! That manual has helped me out of quite a few jams I got myself into. For the price and info provided in it, $15 bucks is a steal!:-D

jbabbler 05-29-2003 02:06 PM

4.6L V8 Engine Diagram
I bought a factory (copy) CD service manual for my truck off of EBay for $5.00

It has all of the codes, pinpoint tests, part numbers, diagrams, wiring diagrams etc... for the truck. It has saved me hundreds if not thousands of dollars over the years. The 1998 one covers ALL Ford Trucks for that year.

If you wanna download a copy I can post it on Kazaa for you, let me know and I'll do it tonight.

Jim242002 05-29-2003 04:20 PM

4.6L V8 Engine Diagram

Hey my friend bought that Hayes Maintence Manual ...But I would like to download a copy from you, i got Kazaa and if you don't mind I like to download it from ya tonight..around 8 or 9 i will be here....just tell me a good time for you...
I appericate the offer...

jbabbler 05-29-2003 05:45 PM

4.6L V8 Engine Diagram
ok, I burned an Image of the CD and saved it in my Kazaa shared files directory as 98trk21

You may also be able to search for 1998 Ford or 1998 Ford Service.

My user name is bwaaahaaahaaahaaa@Kazaa

It must be burned to a disk on Nero in order to use. Nero is a free download or can be downloaded on Kazaa as well.

If you can't find it, Yahoo me at jbabbler and I will see if I can help you.

I am connected to Kazaa now and will stay on all night.

good luck!!!!

Jim242002 05-30-2003 10:38 AM

4.6L V8 Engine Diagram
Hey jbabbler are ya on your yahoo right now???
I can download it right now i ain't going to work yet

dher490 06-12-2003 02:11 PM

4.6L V8 Engine Diagram
Hey jbabbler,

Could I get a copy of that too? Email me with a time where you'll be online or if you can, ship it via email (cable connection here) to my email address in my profile. Thanks in advance.

jbabbler 06-16-2003 11:17 PM

4.6L V8 Engine Diagram
OK the CD is available again. Its at an FTP site. Put this address in Internet explorer, when the error message comes up, close it and click on the File button at the top left of your screen. Choose "log in as" from the drop down and type the username and password below. You can get the 95 or 98 version.

The 98 should be good through 2002. user=TRS password=TRS1

dher490 06-17-2003 08:51 AM

4.6L V8 Engine Diagram

Thanks, I got it.


yyz87 07-06-2003 03:16 PM

4.6L V8 Engine Diagram
I tried to follow the link, and entered the username and password, but it didn't work. I have a 98 F150 4.6 that I need info on. Let me know if you can help.

jbabbler 07-07-2003 07:44 AM

4.6L V8 Engine Diagram
I just tried it and the password works. Did you go to "log in as" in the file drop down from Exploer?

dher490 07-07-2003 08:17 AM

4.6L V8 Engine Diagram
It worked for me too. However, the program has some problems opening on it's own after unzipping so I'm working on that. I had it on "Bear Share" for folks to dload for awhile.

jbabbler 07-07-2003 08:24 AM

4.6L V8 Engine Diagram
It's not supposed to work on itys own after it unzips. Its a CD image and needs to be burned with NERO as a CD ROM to work.

Unless of course you happen to know how to fix that so that it can run off of the HD. If so, let me know. I'd love to run it off of my HD. :-X22

dher490 07-07-2003 09:02 AM

4.6L V8 Engine Diagram
That explains a lot JB... thanks. I'm going to burn it today when I get back from work.


yyz87 07-07-2003 09:34 AM

4.6L V8 Engine Diagram
Yes, I did that. I'll try again today and let you know. maybe the password is case-sensitive?

yyz87 07-07-2003 09:41 AM

4.6L V8 Engine Diagram
OK, I am able to login now. I see the 2 files, click on the 98. Now what do I do? I tried copying it to my HD, but it won't let me. I do have Nero; but how do I get it from there to Nero? Any help would appreciated.

dher490 07-07-2003 06:59 PM

4.6L V8 Engine Diagram

You should be able to dload it directly to your hard drive. I did. from there I unzipped it and copied it directly to a cd (after JB squared me away). If you can't dload it to your hard drive then I don't know what to tell you. Do you have enough storage?

yyz87 07-07-2003 09:28 PM

4.6L V8 Engine Diagram
I am able to download it now, but the time remaining show as almost 3 hours. I have comcast cable internet, should it take that long to download? seems like an awful long time...

yyz87 07-07-2003 09:36 PM

4.6L V8 Engine Diagram
as far as I can tell the folder is not zipped. almost 15 minutes into the download and it still says 2hrs 49mins left... Help??

yyz87 07-07-2003 10:26 PM

4.6L V8 Engine Diagram
OK, it's been an hour on a cable modem and the time remianing is still 2 hrs 49 minutes... the pages keep moving across like it's working, but it's obviously not. Anyone?

jbabbler 07-07-2003 10:27 PM

4.6L V8 Engine Diagram
Should take 3-4 hrs
Its a BIG BIG BIG file. 300Meg I think

yyz87 07-07-2003 11:23 PM

4.6L V8 Engine Diagram
ohhh. I thought i was back in PC hell. My old PC and Internet connection were really bad. Thanks- I'll DL it now and go to bed. thanks again!

dher490 07-08-2003 08:55 AM

4.6L V8 Engine Diagram
It's 335 mb. I can't get Nero to open it so I can view it. I wrote it to disk but it won't open.

jbabbler 07-08-2003 11:27 AM

4.6L V8 Engine Diagram
Dher490, did you unzip it first?

I promise it works. We've had about 75 people download it and have had no problems.

yyz87 07-08-2003 03:42 PM

4.6L V8 Engine Diagram
I'm not very familiar with zip files, but shouldn't it end in .zip?

1BADHD 07-08-2003 04:57 PM

4.6L V8 Engine Diagram
I see the file. But I cant open it or copy it. My buddy could use this.

jbabbler 07-08-2003 07:11 PM

4.6L V8 Engine Diagram
I'm sorry, You are correct
The 1995 one is zipped. The 98 is not.
However, you cannot just copy it onto a CD and go. You need to use NERO and burn the Image to a cd rom.

jbabbler 07-08-2003 07:12 PM

4.6L V8 Engine Diagram
Also, to get it you must right click and hit the "copy to folder command" Hope this helps

dher490 07-08-2003 07:59 PM

4.6L V8 Engine Diagram
I'll give that a try jb... thanks for the help. In it's current state every time I try to burn it with Nero I get a program error message. I've tried ISO, multi, etc. to no avail. the file is an "*.nrg" file (Nero image file).

When I try to view it Nero jumps on and wants to write it to disk again... this is getting a bit frustrating. I saw where ebay has the disk for $14.99. If this night's worth of trying doesn't work that's more than likely going to be my fix. I don't want to give up just yet... it's become a matter of principle you know.


yyz87 07-08-2003 08:02 PM

4.6L V8 Engine Diagram
I copied it to my HD, then used Nero to burn it to a CD, but I get an error message when I double-click on it when I put the disc in the drive that says "Information in F:98TRK21.NRG has not been entered into the Registry. The operation has failed." There is 336 MB of data on the CD, but I can't access it. Any suggestions?

yyz87 07-08-2003 08:03 PM

4.6L V8 Engine Diagram
the F:98TRK21 showed up with a smiley in it... sorry.

dher490 07-08-2003 08:20 PM

4.6L V8 Engine Diagram

I suggest you do what I'm going to do... wipe all of the copies off of your hard drive, go grab a bite to eat, pour a glass of your favorite beverage and order the puppy from ebay at $14.99. The last time I tried to open the file I got a "you do not have permission" message which leads me to believe it hasn't been hacked yet.


Thanks for the information. I tried to get it to work but I couldn't. I'm throwing in the towel. Let's just hope the head replacement goes better than this did.



yyz87 07-08-2003 08:36 PM

4.6L V8 Engine Diagram
When I burned the CD, I didn't listen to what you said in your post. I tried to burn it using the Nero wizard, but it didnt' work. When I re-read your post I realized that I didn't do what you said- Burn Image (from the File menu). Once I did and it burned a new CD it worked! Once I did that, I was able to click on the file, it showed me the contents- including the ***** file. I clicked on that and it installed and now I'm able to use it. I just looked at the vacuum hose diagrams and the Emissions systems information- it really is great.

My problem was I didn't listen when jbabbler said to Burn Image. I tried to just burn it like a regular data CD! Thanks jbabbler! This is soooo cool.

sorry for all the silly posts-I'm not a computer guy and depend on others way too much when it comes to this stuff.


yyz87 07-08-2003 08:42 PM

4.6L V8 Engine Diagram
dher490... don't do it! jbabbler was right- it works. You probably tried to burn it using the Nero Wizard like i did the first time. Forget that. In Nero, click on File, then Burn Image. Then find the file on the right side and drag it to the left and hit the Burn button on the toolbar (8th from the left, i think). Once the disc finishes burning, double-click on the ***** file and it will install itself and then you can use it. It's awesome. save yourself $15. You're most of the way there already (download was long) don't give up now!

yyz87 07-08-2003 08:44 PM

4.6L V8 Engine Diagram
When the nero Wizard pops up, hit 'cancel' and then follow my instructions above.

jbabbler 07-09-2003 09:18 AM

4.6L V8 Engine Diagram
Good deal! I'm glad you guys got it to work. I tried it again for my own benefit and it worked great. You had me scared for a minute! Enjoy!

yyz87 07-09-2003 12:13 PM

4.6L V8 Engine Diagram
not sure if Dennis got it to work. Sounded like he had enough...! Mine works great, though. Good info! It already helped me ID a few parts I was unsure of.

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