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67 Olfthfl 04-01-2012 11:23 AM

Nevada April BS Thread
Goodmorning Nevada & FTE friends :-wink

It's April Fool's Day, so watch out for those people that are playing jokes on you! :-X04

I hope everyone isn't too wind blown after yesterday. My house in Moundhouse survived, but I've got alot of work ahead of me to fix it. :( I hope everyone faired out ok? I hope today is better!
Have a good one...

Bdox 04-01-2012 11:33 AM

The snow has melted down this morning. About half of what fell is still there so it will be a sloppy mess trying to move it to clear the driveways.

Happy April first everyone.

New day, new month and I can't believe it is April already! Three months have passed this year.
I am looking forward to some spring time weather.

Have a great day.

Jigger2020 04-01-2012 01:50 PM

Good day NV & welcome to a new month, well done Donna, howdy bruce

Bdox 04-01-2012 04:32 PM

At two thirty pm, sunny clear sky and snow is mostly gone! [that's from a foot of snow yesterday eve]

If variety is the spice of life, we have some spicy weather going on here!

racerchick21 04-01-2012 09:06 PM

We sure do! It was snowing here this morning to, but it didn't stick. Found a computer in A-1 condition in WA, $596 later, still need it flashed to my truck and probably an upgrade on the super chip wouldn't hurt either.

oldmongo 04-01-2012 09:07 PM

Donna, Bruce, Gerry, and all the other FTE'rs , it's spring time and Bruce you job is to control that weather }> even if we could use the rain/snow.
Donna, hope the damage was minimal at the other house, I'll bet you have plenty to do. :-hair
Gerry, isn't it time to park the plows and shovels yet ... stay warm up there !!!
First time I did the roll call, I hope I did it right !!!:-huh
Take care and be safe ... Dave:-wink

Bdox 04-02-2012 01:18 AM

I have been trying Dave but I really have not done well with the weather this winter.

oldmongo 04-02-2012 02:16 AM

Bruce is innocent !!!
I really shouldn't saddle you with any responsibility for the weather this year, it has been is all screwed up. :-huh When my bro in Chicago had 80*'s and Pahrump was in the low 50*'s... that's just wrong !!! We never seem to get a lot of rain here, and for a town called Pahrump (indian for water rock) you would think we would have more than 0.42" of rain this year so far. Last month we had a roof ripping wind storm that produced "mudrain" EVERYTHING}> in town needed a bath.
So I guess I will drop you as the "person" in charge of the Nevada weather :-X06 some day it would be nice to have a G2G to join faces with typing errr names. I would do a Pahrump G2G, but I already know me, so that's out. Gotta hit the sack got a DR apt. @ 8:30 am ... take care and be safe.... Dave:-X06 :-X22

67gt351 04-02-2012 04:29 AM

Good morning Nevada! Have a wonderful day All :)

R1_Demon 04-02-2012 05:36 AM

At least you found one, Michelle. That's the important part. :)

I can't believe I'm still up at 3:35am. I must be mental! LOL

I hope everyone has a good Monday!

67gt351 04-02-2012 05:41 AM

Good morning Mat, I just realized how early I'm been posting, I forgot
Anyway great day:-X22

Jigger2020 04-02-2012 05:57 AM

Good Monday Morning FTE NV, make the best of it .....:)

Howdy Donna & Bruce & ALL

X_Hemi_Guy 04-02-2012 08:50 AM

Morning Nevada and welcome to April!

Well I went out fishing all day yesterday...and we did more than fish...we CAUGHT!!! ... :-drink

Here's some pictures to prove it!

I've been enjoying a vacation down at Marco Island Florida...and we did an 8 hour charter...grouper season opened yesterday...

We went out about 25 to 28 miles...had a GREAT you can see we caught lots of fish!

I'll be cooking up the fish tonight...going to make indiviual "pouches" of fish, onions, peppers, spices and a little butter...seal up the foil and cook them on the grill...YUM...I'll also make a big pouch of potatoes and onions as well...

I'll be enjoying another relaxing day on the beach today with the family and I think Wednesday we'll be taking the girls (my 2 and the other family we're with's 3) out on an air boat tour of the Everglades...that should be fun!

Hope everyone is having a great April so far...I know we are!

Take care,

67 Olfthfl 04-02-2012 09:09 AM

Goodmorning guys & gals,

Hi Gerry! :-wink
Hi Joe! :-wink
Hi 67GT! :-wink
I hope everyone had an awesome April Fool's Day & not too many pranks were pulled on you. We forgot about pulling pranks & joking around. It was just another day around here.
I have to take the kids to the dentist this morning, so I have to let the school know their going to be late. Now if I could only find their number?! :-huh :-X04
Have a great day & be safe out there!

Bdox 04-02-2012 01:00 PM

We are into the second quarter of the year already![???}

Good morning everyone. I'm still looking out the window at snow. Most of it melted off yesterday but there is still quite a bit.

Looks like Joe is having a great vacation, go for it!

Nice work on the truck computer Michelle! I knew there had to be a solution...

Dave, I hope the trip to the Dr is routine.
I keep thinking about how we could inspire a GTG, maybe Tonopah, cause it's halfway between north and south. I know there is not too much there, but maybe we could have .22 cal shooting contests in the hills or something like that.

I'm glad to see our visitors dropping in. Is it still morning?

Gotta get busy now, Cheers!

oldmongo 04-02-2012 04:56 PM

Good Idea !!!
Hi there Bruce, yep it was just a routine follow up with my Cardiologist. I had a 3 way by-pass in 2/11 and I wanted a second opinion on if I lived thru it ... LOL
I've been back up to full speed since last fall and haven't even looked back, kinda like "Damn the torpedo's ... and double cheese's and all that stuff and full speed ahead" :-X22

A GTG and a shootin match is right up my alley sounds like fun (chevy owners could hold the targets) just kiddin !!! Do the GTG's usually happen on the weekend or ??? Could we have a "parts swap meet" at the same time ??? Never been to a GTG like that !!! got stuff to do ... talk later ... Dave

Bdox 04-02-2012 06:00 PM

I dunno Dave........ I have worked hard trying to get GTFs going, but other than an engine pulling party which attracted three California FTE peeps and three from Nevada the most have been me meeting one or two others. The engine party was fun, got the mechanic part done in about 30 minutes then spent a couple of hours over lunch at a local casino in Carson City.

So what's the usual GTF? Coffee or beer I guess. I'm up for most things. It's always good to meet the FTE gang.

Cheers, Mr. Two Stents

Jigger2020 04-02-2012 09:05 PM

Whats going on in NV tonight gang

Bdox 04-02-2012 09:21 PM

Hiya Gigs, welcome aboard.

Jigger2020 04-03-2012 06:54 AM

Good Tuesday Morning NV, lets have a good day.....:)

Howdy Bruce & Donna & all

Fuha 04-03-2012 07:10 AM

Good morning!!! Happy Tuesday to each and everyone one of ya! Oo.

67 Olfthfl 04-03-2012 08:59 AM

Morning NV & FTE friends :-wink

Here's hoping that today rocks!:-jammin Have a terrific Tuesday!

I guess it's supposed to be super windy & cold again today. I'm not looking forward to that at all. I have to unpck a few more boxes this morning & take them to a friend that's moving. I've brought her like 20 boxes already, but she's got a fairly big house. Atleast I'm getting rid of all the boxes we used to move! :-X22
Well, I better shake a leg...TTYL

Jigger2020 04-03-2012 09:07 AM

Same to you Donna, are you all settled in to the new ranch there

Bdox 04-03-2012 10:54 AM

Hey Thomas, good to see you here! Morning Gigs. Donna, always busy have a good day.

I don't think the wind out at your new place is worse than Moundhouse, It was just windy as hell all over the place. I was just sure we would lose power that day cause there were so many branches down. Luckily it didn't go out but pine cones were flying like missles!

Happy Tuesday.

I'm off to the Brewery Arts Center today.

Oh yes, I think we are going to adopt a little dog named Marlie on Thursday. She will be a companion for Romeo if they take to each other well. Her owner is a dog trainer who lives in the valley. It's a mature dog but she is allergic to the flora around where she lives. Should be better for her up on the mountain.


R1_Demon 04-03-2012 11:45 AM

Mornin' all! :-wink

I hope everyone has a great one! :-jammin

67gt351 04-03-2012 02:52 PM

Good afternoon Nevada ! Have a good one :)

Jigger2020 04-04-2012 06:41 AM

Good Wednesday Morning NV,happy hump day, enjoy your day......:)

Howdy Donna & Bruce & all

67 Olfthfl 04-04-2012 07:53 AM

Goodmorning all :-wink

Hi Gerry!

Happy Hump Day! }>

Another major windy day here. It's been blowing really hard since about 2 am. I imagine I'll be getting a call from Cammy & Nathan that my house is probably blowing apart AGAIN! :-arrgh Atleast I thought ahead & sent Jimmy to work this morning with his tools & needed supplies to possibly fix the siding should rip off again. I think I'm going to be stuck here all day. Probably not a bad thing, because I have ALOT more boxes to go through & unpack/repack. :-X18:-X04
Have a great day! :)

Jigger2020 04-04-2012 08:42 AM

Howdy Donna, good to hear you're settling in there

R1_Demon 04-04-2012 11:35 AM

Donna - Sorry to hear about the house again. Get some 100mph tape and put it on there and you'll be good to go (military people will know what I'm talkin' about. :-X04 )

Howdy all! :-wink

Everyone having a good day so far? I hope so! :-X22 Looks like it's a nice day outside. I'm probably going to ride my bike up to put in a couple of applications at a couple of security guard places. I figure why not. It's getting to the point that I need to take a job anywhere and I shouldn't have any problem qualifying for that, but who knows. That's what I thought about other jobs so far. :-X04

I also told the wife that I would clean the house (especially the bathrooms...what the hell was I thinkin'?!), so I best get to it!

Bdox 04-04-2012 12:22 PM

Hi gang, have a good day!

Donna, we had a big blow up here last night as well.

Also woke up to a layer of icy snow. Not much though.

oldmongo 04-04-2012 03:33 PM

NO Mat !!!
" I also told the wife that I would clean the house (especially the bathrooms...what the hell was I thinkin'?!), so I best get to it!"

Helpful hint on bathrooms
*** pressure washer and shop vac*** LOL !!! :-X09 :eek:
Dave :D

Bdox 04-04-2012 03:36 PM

Yep, but use goggles and boots too.

67gt351 04-04-2012 03:52 PM

Good afternoon Nevada :)

Bdox 04-04-2012 04:08 PM

Yo Dennis, you are fast! I heard you were out toward the east coast just moments ago! Did you turboboost the ecoBoost?

And I haven't done a bloody thing all day........

R1_Demon 04-04-2012 09:03 PM

Originally Posted by oldmongo (Post 11666954)
" I also told the wife that I would clean the house (especially the bathrooms...what the hell was I thinkin'?!), so I best get to it!"

Helpful hint on bathrooms
*** pressure washer and shop vac*** LOL !!! :-X09 :eek:
Dave :D

Thanks Dave! It worked like a charm! :-jammin :-X04

X_Hemi_Guy 04-05-2012 07:20 AM

Morning Nevada!

Well we're on the last morning of our vacation down here on Marco Island Florida...

We've had an incredible week!...this morning is the FIRST morning since last Wednesday that the sun is not shining while I'm on the balcony...good day to leave I guess!...LOL...

We'll be heading to the airport in a few hours...gotta roust the kiddo's to pack up our stuff.

Hope everyone has a great Holy Thursday...mine will be spent traveling!

Talk to you guys tomorrow on Good Friday...


Jigger2020 04-05-2012 07:57 AM

Good Thursday Morning NV, hope the sun is shining on you like it is here...:)

Howdy Donna & Bruce thx for the reps

R1_Demon 04-05-2012 09:28 AM

Joe - Have a safe travel back home

Gerry - Mornin' to ya. :-wink

I hope everyone is having a wonderful Thursday! Well, I went and put in my two apps at the security guard places and both said they should call me for interviews by early next week. :-X22 At least it might be something. :D

Anyone else have anything good going on? The wife and I are attending Viva Las Vegas 15 this weekend. Just the car show, but she loves old style pinup photography and that's basically what the models look like at this thing, along with old 30's-50's cars too. It's pretty cool. I hope it doesn't get super hot though, like it did last year.

Jigger2020 04-05-2012 11:15 AM

Howdy Mat, you have a good one too, thx

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