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Jigger2020 09-11-2015 05:27 AM

OMG the health system is messed up down there, hang in the Dakman

good morning gents, its Friday already

CarlT100 09-11-2015 05:28 AM

Congrats on he trailer, Andre.

Originally Posted by GIGGER (Post 15634139)
We wish you the best of luck with the diagnoses issue Dak

+2. Dak, I hope they get to the bottom of this and can help you.

EO2SeaBee 09-11-2015 06:15 AM

Howdy gang!

Gonna be starting up our large perfume unit today and the rest of the weekend, so I will be a little busy. Always fun doing this in thunderstorms!

Have a good one. I'll check in again later to see what you clowns are up to.

SavageNFS 09-11-2015 06:52 AM

Good morning all!

Doug good luck getting the unit fired up making perfume. Wear a poncho. That'll work.

Dak $2k a month is serious cash. Hopefully she finds something soon :)

EO2SeaBee 09-11-2015 06:54 AM

Thanks Andre! I'm less worried about the rain, and more worried about the lightning going nuts everywhere right now. It is banging pretty fierce! For now, this is a pretty violent storm.

SavageNFS 09-11-2015 06:59 AM

Why do they insist on starting up a unit in dangerous conditions? Why not wait until the storm passes? Never mind, I know the answer, but some things are more important than profits.

EO2SeaBee 09-11-2015 07:25 AM

When there is lightning, we don't let anyone off of the ground level - unless something is on fire - and even then, we use precautions. Other than that, when it is raining, the refinery continues operation and you do what you have to to ensure it does so safely, so slicker up and get out there! If we didn't do anything when it is raining, we would have a tough time getting anything done.

Desert Don 09-11-2015 07:30 AM

Originally Posted by EO2SeaBee (Post 15634955)
Thanks Andre! I'm less worried about the rain, and more worried about the lightning going nuts everywhere right now. It is banging pretty fierce! For now, this is a pretty violent storm.

I fully understand your concern here; but brings to mind a situation I was in about 20 years ago. The other side of the spectrum. The company I was working for had gotten a military contract to deliver JP to various air bases in the Northern plains. Well, I pulled into Ellsworth AFB at Rapid City, SD about 1AM with a load, and found out that if the flyboys could see lightning, they would not unload us....well, out in the plains, one can see lightning from a long way away at night!! So, I had to sit there until they could no longer see the lightning (daylight)! Even though the lightning was probably actually 50 miles closer by then, they went ahead and unloaded me!!!!! Government in action!!!

EO2SeaBee 09-11-2015 07:37 AM

Howdy Don! We have a lightning detection and proximity meter. When we have lightning detected within 5 miles and visual confirmation, we sound a lightning alert, and stop all elevated activities, and cease any loading or unloading ships, barges and trucks.

Desert Don 09-11-2015 07:47 AM

Originally Posted by EO2SeaBee (Post 15635013)
Howdy Don! We have a lightning detection and proximity meter. When we have lightning detected within 5 miles and visual confirmation, we sound a lightning alert, and stop all elevated activities, and cease any loading or unloading ships, barges and trucks.

At least your place of employment has a common sense approach to the issue!!!!! The flyboys sure did NOT!!!

SavageNFS 09-11-2015 07:52 AM

The lightening was my main concern. I'm an ex iron working and we set iron in the rain, but no lightning. Rain wasn't as much of a concern as frost on iron, lol. That crap was dangerous.

EO2SeaBee 09-11-2015 09:42 AM

Thanks for the sentiment fellas. The lightning has now stopped (at least for a bit) and the rain has slowed down to a drizzle. It was pretty rough for a while though.

Time for a Friday joke - specifically for the old timers here:

Cowboy: “Give me 3 packets of condoms, please.”
Cashier: “Do you need a paper bag with that, sir?”
Cowboy: “Nah... She's purty good lookin'.....”
When you are over sixty-five who gives a crap............
This a-hole looked at my beer belly last night and
sarcastically said, “Is that Corona or Bud?”
I said, “There's a tap underneath; taste it and find out.”
When you are over sixty-five who gives a crap?
I was talking to a girl in the bar last night. She said,
“If you lost a few pounds, had a shave and got your
hair cut, you'd look all right.”
I said, “If I did that, I'd be talking to your friends over there instead of you.”
When you are over sixty-five who gives a crap?
I was telling a girl in the pub about my ability to guess what day a woman was born just by feeling her boobs.
“Really” she said, “Go on then...try.”
After about thirty seconds of fondling she began to lose patience and said, “Come on, what day was I born?”
I said, “Yesterday.”
When you are over sixty-five who gives a crap?
I got caught taking a pee in the swimming pool today.
The lifeguard shouted at me so loud, I nearly fell in.
When you are over sixty-five who gives a crap?
I went to the pub last night and saw a fat chick dancing on a table. I said, “Nice legs.”
The girl giggled and said, “Do you really think so.”
I said, “Definitely! Most tables would have collapsed by now.
When you are over sixty-five who gives a crap?

Have a nice day!

SavageNFS 09-11-2015 11:57 AM

EO2SeaBee 09-11-2015 12:10 PM

Thanks for the reminder Andre. We had a moment of silence in our meeting at 8:00 this morning.

Desert Don 09-11-2015 03:13 PM


Originally Posted by SavageNFS (Post 15635757)

And as long as the so called "moderate muslims" do not openly and adamantly condemn the "radicals"......I view them all as radicals.......because history shows that islam is a radical religion. Everywhere they have expanded has been by the sword!!!!!!!!!!

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