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fire240 08-08-2014 08:53 PM

No plans for the weekend right now. Might try to relax some. Listening to some good bag pipe music right now on the work computer. Nothing like bagpipes playing through a set of decent JBL speakers. How about you?

archtaan 08-08-2014 08:55 PM

That sounds pretty neat. Not much. Gonna try and get caught up around the house. We are going camping at the craters of the moon next weekend. should be fun.

fire240 08-08-2014 09:01 PM

That sounds like fun Tim. I havent been able to get a camping trip in yet this year.

archtaan 08-08-2014 09:06 PM

Be my first one this year. Sleeping bags and tents. Should be fun. Lots of caves to explore.

fire240 08-08-2014 09:13 PM

Sounds like fun Tim.

archtaan 08-08-2014 09:15 PM

I hope so. Need a break for sure. Might have a water tower breakdown pretty soon.

fire240 08-08-2014 09:16 PM

Water tower breakdowns are never fun. I know you need a good break. One of these days I will make it out to Idaho for some camping. Just load the truck and drive.

archtaan 08-08-2014 09:24 PM

Pretty much. I wish it were that easy though.

fire240 08-08-2014 09:28 PM

I know what you mean Tim. Gotta dig everything out. Then check it. Then load it in the right order for when you get to the campground. getting my equipment out means I have to unload part of my one shed to get into the loft of it to get stuff out.

archtaan 08-08-2014 09:32 PM

Yeah, pretty much. We try to go minimalist so its not too bad and we mostly keep everything in labeled totes so its easy to find.

fire240 08-08-2014 09:36 PM

I dont have alot of stuff I take. Mainly one of my 2 tents. My tripod for my dutch oven, also my dutch oven, and cast iron skillet. Also have 1 propane stove a griddle that fits on it and a small pot for heating water, a few 5 gallon water jugs, a small axe, a camp shovel, my fire gloves ( I use structual firefighting gloves for tending the fire) and then my dry goods and a cooler or two for food. Most everything I have is split between 3 totes minus the tent stuff. I also bring a small folding table, 2 camp chairs, and my cot and sleeping bag. summer bag is a cheap walmart bag winter bag is a nice 15 degree rated bag. And 2 lanterns. 1 propane for outside the tent and one led for in the tent. and a lantern stand for the propane lantern.

archtaan 08-08-2014 09:44 PM

Biggest thing for us is bringing enough food and water. A lot of the places out here dont have water hookups.

fire240 08-08-2014 09:47 PM

I know what you mean Tim. I always research what I might need to bring with me. If I need to bring water I have 3 5 gallon collapsible water jugs I always take. Coolers I pack from home unless it is a long road trip then I by closer to my campground. Dutch oven and its tripod is a must pack for me. I can cook alot with it. From using its lid as a griddle to dessert it is a versatile thing.

archtaan 08-08-2014 10:11 PM

Never took a Dutch. Usually just charcoal and a propane grill.

fire240 08-08-2014 10:15 PM

I love using my dutch oven when camping. Makes some great stuff. And I always get complimented when I cook from the other people camping. They dont think that I could be cooking alot of the stuff I cook in the dutch oven over a fire. Here is a few pics of my tripod and dutch oven in use Tim. These are from 2012.
The tripod.

And the dutch oven making some really good beef stew that night.
And my cast iron skillet the next morning making some bacon for breakfast.

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