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Old 12-17-2014, 01:35 PM
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Originally Posted by JEFFFAFA
Note. On 6.0L it is important to use Genuine Ford Motorcraft oil filters. They have patented Dimensions that MUST position the plungers below it to the correct depth. Anything else will create injector,high pressure oil pump,and oil cooler problems. Aftermarket oil filters ARE NOT the same. I don't care what they tell ya. MUST have correct Diesel oil. Must have correct, good, and not old anti-freeze or will get EGR cooler problems. Also must have GOOD batteries. Excessive cranking with low voltage will hurt the FICM. AND NOW BACK TO YOUR REGULARLY SCHEDULED TRO PROGRAM.........
Fuel filters too. We found out the hard way on our 7.3. A WIX fuel filter failed and screwed the injectors. Now we are using strictly motorcraft filters on that truck.
Old 12-17-2014, 02:01 PM
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Old 12-17-2014, 02:12 PM
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Originally Posted by 351Cleveland C4
Fuel filters too. We found out the hard way on our 7.3. A WIX fuel filter failed and screwed the injectors. Now we are using strictly motorcraft filters on that truck.
Yep. True story 351. On the 6.o both the "canister" style frame fuel filter and the engine mounted one come together in one box and are patented. Ford's frame one has a check valve built in that let's trapped air during replcement to escape. Aftermarket ones can not so the trapped air stays there and so only 2/3 to 3/4 of the filter gets used.
Old 12-17-2014, 06:05 PM
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Originally Posted by JEFFFAFA
Note. On 6.0L it is important to use Genuine Ford Motorcraft oil filters. They have patented Dimensions that MUST position the plungers below it to the correct depth. Anything else will create injector,high pressure oil pump,and oil cooler problems. Aftermarket oil filters ARE NOT the same. I don't care what they tell ya. MUST have correct Diesel oil. Must have correct, good, and not old anti-freeze or will get EGR cooler problems. Also must have GOOD batteries. Excessive cranking with low voltage will hurt the FICM.

Thanks guys, I always run Motorcraft Fuel, Oil and Trans filters. My local dealer stocks them for a fair price, so I never saw a need to risk running anything else. I usually keep a spare set of fuel filters behind the seat incase I have to change one away from home. Despite vigilant EOT/ECT monitoring, a coolant filter and a full coolant flush at 80K miles I still started to loose a head gasket at a 100K miles. I took it to a reputable powerstroke shop here in SoCal and had it bulletproofed before anymore damage was done so I could keep enjoying it for years to come (I don't plan on selling it). I really love the truck and have been happy with the 6.0 most of the time, I came to terms with the fact I was going to have to do head gaskets at some point so I had some money set aside when it was time. I run dual yellow tops too, I'm a big fan of them. As soon as the Motorcraft's struggled to start Truckasaurus once they got replaced, been down that road too many times.

trozei, have you done any body work yet or just engine stuff?
Old 12-17-2014, 06:32 PM
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Originally Posted by w00ht
trozei, have you done any body work yet or just engine stuff?
Just engine. No space to do two things at once.
Old 12-19-2014, 01:56 PM
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After reading all the brooo ha ha, about the 6.0 and mucho problemos, I am sure glad that I am still nursing an old '93, non turbo, 7.3 diesel, and my old 300 IL six... Keep it simple stupid... (KISS) philosophy... more features = more bugs. When they are that complicated, and exact parts demanding, then do not take them far (more than a block or two), from the dealer. Better yet, no further than you want to walk back... Troz, stay with the old school trucks, you obviously can work on them. And you do not have to remove the cab, to change the spark plugs...

Feliz Navidad amigos

Old 12-19-2014, 02:02 PM
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SORRY FOR THE 6.0 SIDESTEP FROM YOUR THREAD TRO. I just wanted to help out FTE'rs that have them. Save time,headache, and MONEY. They are good as long as taken care of properly.
Old 12-19-2014, 02:09 PM
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Originally Posted by trozei
Good news and bad news. I have lights in the garage now and oh my god is it ever amazing.

The bad news is that I took my truck in to have the spark plugs swapped and now the cylinder heads have to come off...
Why do the heads have to come off? If the spark plug Tips are stuck in there they can be removed with the tool I posted. Snap-on,Mac,etc may have a version also. So any shop should be able to get it and save you the money r&ring the heads.
Old 12-19-2014, 10:05 PM
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Originally Posted by JEFFFAFA
Why do the heads have to come off? If the spark plug Tips are stuck in there they can be removed with the tool I posted. Snap-on,Mac,etc may have a version also. So any shop should be able to get it and save you the money r&ring the heads.
Okay, so, I was told they had to come off through two third parties so it was a bit like a game of telephone. I think what they meant was that they might have to come off, i.e. worst case scenario. I went to the shop to go pick it up and drove it home with a miss (that was rough) because there was a broken plug, and I realized, "Hey, it's just a broken plug. It's still in there moderately intact." If I picked up the RPM and the engine wasn't under major load, the spark plug would start working again and the miss would go away. I knew that the tool would probably be able to take it out just fine. So I phoned down yesterday to a Ford dealer an hour South in Washington and told them my situation. They agreed with me that the tool should be able to do it and that they could take it in right away to start wrenching. I took it down there this morning for them to work on it. I got a call a few hours ago from them saying that there are two plugs that simply will not come out and that they were at the point where most shops would pull the heads, but they didn't want to waste my money so they asked if they could keep it over the weekend to drench the plugs in penetrating fluid and really let it soak in for them to try again on Monday. They figure if they do this it should work fine. So that's where I'm at right now. I'm pretty sure they're as motivated as I am to not have to pull the heads because it probably sucks for them to have to do and I sure as hell don't want to pay for it. They said they've only had to pull the heads on a 3v 5.4L once due to spark plugs before and that they're not wanting to do it again. I think I found the world's only honest dealership.
Old 12-20-2014, 08:10 PM
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OK, this may be an urban legend, but this what the dealership told my friend with the FX2.
The threaded portion of the spark plug protrudes well into the combustion chamber.
If you wait too long, (Ford recommends changing plugs at 100 000km?) excessive carbon will build up on the spark plug threads protruding into the combustion chamber.
Then, when you try to remove the plugs, the carbon build up will jam up in the threads, and you will break the spark plug before you remove it.
Then, in order to remove the broken spark plug, you have to remove the cylinder head.
There is not enough room to lift the head off the engine, with out either removing the engine, or lifting the cab off the truck.
It is easier/quicker to undo the rad support/ cab mounts and lift the body, than it is to remove the engine.
Like I said this may be just an urban legend?
Old 12-20-2014, 08:56 PM
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You're right in a worst case scenario situation, but all attempts are made to not have to do that. I'm glad it's at an American dealership in case that happens.
Old 12-22-2014, 11:48 AM
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I don't know 68murc. I answer wholesale parts phones. I don't work on the shop counter so I have not heard about carbon on the threads. Seems like Ford would suggest running (burning) some of our carb and combustion chamber cleaner through the engine 1st to clean the chambers and those threads then. Not just using it as a thread penetrant. But I guess they would have to worry about people getting too crazy with it and hydro locking the engine. Man,after the older 5.4 2Vs spitting out plugs I would have thought Ford would be real picky about plug and thread placement. But Tro's truck was built and designed back when Ford owned Aston Martin,Jaguar,Land Rover,and part of Mazda. Ford had everybody involved in spots to each others vehicles. One of them might have designed the heads and spark plugs. They are nasty lookin' plugs.
Old 12-22-2014, 12:07 PM
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Yea also read about carbon build-up on the inner exposed threads..

Another one of Ford screw-ups. Gees ford & many other makers had head shift troubles with iron & alum. heads in the 90's then trannys. I don't think any vehicle ever be trouble free under 75-100,k it's always one thing or another with every vehicle.

Just more costly the newer they are.. Not like back in the days of "KISS".
Old 12-22-2014, 01:51 PM
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Originally Posted by JEFFFAFA
I don't know 68murc. I answer wholesale parts phones. I don't work on the shop counter so I have not heard about carbon on the threads. Seems like Ford would suggest running (burning) some of our carb and combustion chamber cleaner through the engine 1st to clean the chambers and those threads then. Not just using it as a thread penetrant. But I guess they would have to worry about people getting too crazy with it and hydro locking the engine. Man,after the older 5.4 2Vs spitting out plugs I would have thought Ford would be real picky about plug and thread placement. But Tro's truck was built and designed back when Ford owned Aston Martin,Jaguar,Land Rover,and part of Mazda. Ford had everybody involved in spots to each others vehicles. One of them might have designed the heads and spark plugs. They are nasty lookin' plugs.

I'm not saying I'm correct. Like I said, maybe just an urban legend started my one of the other manufacturers. Scary though...
Old 12-22-2014, 02:03 PM
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They really are funny looking plugs. I always show fellow car guys whenever I get a chance and each time the reaction is, "Oh, wow!" They're so unique, and obviously Ford fixed what ain't broke when they designed them.

Still waiting on a call from the dealer to find out whether or not the heads have to come off. Fingers crossed. I asked if they could save me a plug because my dad wanted to see one, and the guy said, "Yeah, we'll make sure to save you the remnants of what's left of them."

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